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Office Resource Kit / Messaging / Planning for Outlook
Topics in this chapter
  Planning an Outlook Deployment  
  Choosing Among E-mail Servers  
  Determining When to Install Outlook  

Choosing Among E-mail Servers

Microsoft Outlook 2002 can be used with a wide variety of e-mail servers and services. The primary e-mail servers and services supported by Outlook include:

  • The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

  • The Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3)

  • The Internet Mail Access Protocol version 4 (IMAP4)

  • The Messaging Application Program Interface (MAPI), which includes servers such as Microsoft Exchange Server, Lotus Domino/Notes Server, and Lotus cc:Mail server

Outlook can also be used with a number of other messaging and information sources, including Hewlett-Packard OpenMail and Banyan Intelligent Messaging. Use of these additional service providers is made possible by the way that Outlook uses the MAPI extensibility interface. If users want to use the Contacts, Tasks, and Calendar features in a stand-alone configuration, they can also use Outlook without an e-mail server.

See also

You can configure Microsoft Exchange Server settings for Outlook profiles as part of your Outlook 2002 deployment. For more information about using the Custom Installation Wizard to customize Outlook profiles, see Customizing an Outlook Installation.


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