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Office Resource Kit / Messaging / Upgrading to Outlook 2002
Topics in this chapter
  Planning an Upgrade  
  Upgrading from Previous Versions  
  Upgrading from Older Versions of Messaging Clients  
  Upgrading from Schedule+  
  Sharing Information with Other Versions or Applications  
  Upgrading to Outlook 2002 Security  
  Reverting to a Previous Installation  

Upgrading from Previous Versions

When you upgrade to Microsoft Outlook 2002 from an earlier version of Outlook, you must make choices about configuring Outlook user profiles, and you must be aware of fax and forms changes.

Choosing e-mail support in Outlook 2002

You can configure a variety of Outlook 2002 e-mail services by using the Custom Installation Wizard to define user profiles, then save your customizations in a transform (MST file). For example, you can define Microsoft Exchange Server connections, add POP3 accounts, or specify other e-mail support.

When you create a transform for Outlook, you also have several choices for keeping, creating, or modifying user profiles. For example, you can choose to create new default profiles for new Outlook users and keep existing profiles for current Outlook users.

Choosing fax support in Outlook 2002

Integrated fax support is no longer provided in Microsoft Outlook. However, you can use third-party MAPI fax providers or Microsoft Windows® fax support.

WinFax is uninstalled by Outlook 2002. However, the viewer is left so users can still view faxes already received.

Supporting forms in Outlook 2002

Previous versions of Microsoft Exchange Client and Outlook (earlier than Outlook 2000) install runtime files for Electronic Forms Designer, which allows users to design 16-bit custom forms that run without error.

Outlook 2002 does not install Electronic Forms Designer runtime files. If your organization requires Electronic Forms Designer support, you must install Electronic Forms Designer manually.

Note   You do not need to install Electronic Forms Designer runtime support on all your computers. However, users with computers that have never had Outlook or Exchange Client installed must install Electronic Forms Designer runtime support if you deploy EFP-based forms on those computers, and users want to use the forms.

See also

The Office Customization Installation Wizard provides a straightforward way to configure and install Outlook 2002. For more information about Outlook configuration choices, see Customizing an Outlook Installation.


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