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Office Resource Kit / Messaging / Upgrading to Outlook 2002
Topics in this chapter
  Planning an Upgrade  
  Upgrading from Previous Versions  
  Upgrading from Older Versions of Messaging Clients  
  Upgrading from Schedule+  
  Sharing Information with Other Versions or Applications  
  Upgrading to Outlook 2002 Security  
  Reverting to a Previous Installation  

Reverting to a Previous Installation

In some circumstances, you may need to go back to a previous installation of Microsoft Outlook after upgrading to Microsoft Outlook 2002. To do this, you first remove Outlook 2002, then re-install your previous version of Outlook. You may need to also recreate your Outlook profile.

To remove Outlook 2002

  1. On the Start menu, point to Settings, and then point to Control Panel.

  2. Click Add/Remove Programs.

  3. Click Microsoft Outlook 2002 in the list of programs, and then click Add/Remove.

  4. When prompted, choose to Remove Outlook.

When you have removed Outlook 2002, reinstall your previous version of Outlook following the process for your organization.

Outlook 2002 creates a backup copy of existing profiles when it first runs. After you reinstall your previous version of Outlook, the backup profile works with Outlook just as you did before you upgraded to Outlook 2002.

However, under some circumstances, you must recreate your Outlook profile. For example, POP3 and IMAP e-mail services cannot be used after reverting to a previous Outlook installation. In this case, create a new profile and add the services.

To recreate your Outlook profile after reinstalling a previous version of Outlook

  1. On the Start menu, point to Run, and then enter Outlook /cleanprofile.

  2. When Outlook starts up, it prompts you for the required information to create a new profile.


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