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Office Resource Kit / Worldwide Deployment / Deploying Office Internationally
Topics in this chapter
  Deploying Office with the Multilingual User Interface Pack  
  Sample Customizations for Office with the Multilingual User Interface Pack  
  Installing Proofing Tools  
  Customizing Language Features  

Sample Customizations for Office with the Multilingual User Interface Pack

You can customize your deployment of Microsoft Office XP with the Multilingual User Interface Pack for separate language-speaking areas, or for different groups of users with combinations of language resource requirements. In addition, you can use chaining to deploy MUI Pack files together with Office, or you can install language files separately later, after you have deployed Office. Sample deployment procedures for these scenarios are included in this section.

Customize the MUI Pack installation for one language-speaking area

You might require just one MUI Pack for the users in your organization. Customizing and deploying Office XP with the Multilingual User Interface Pack for one language-speaking area is straightforward: you create an Office transform and customize Setup.ini for your users. In the Office transform, you specify the customized language settings for your users. In the Setup.ini file, you chain the MUI Pack to the Office installation.

In this example, suppose you want to install Office with the Microsoft Office XP Japanese Language Pack from a single administrative installation point.

Note   For more information about creating an administrative installation point for Office, see Creating an Administrative Installation Point.

After you have created your administrative installation point for Office, add the MUI Pack file that you plan to deploy.

To add a MUI Pack to an administrative installation point

  1. Insert the CD that contains the MUI Pack that you want to install.

    In this example, insert the CD with the Japanese Language Pack.

  2. On the Start menu, click Run, and then click Browse to locate the MUI Pack CD.

  3. On the MUI Pack CD, select Lpksetup.exe and click Open.

  4. On the command line, following Lpksetup.exe, type /a and click OK.

  5. When prompted by Lpksetup.exe, enter the organization name you want to define for all users who install the MUI Pack files from this administrative installation point and click Next.

  6. Enter the server and the share for your Office administrative installation point and click Next.

    Or, if you have decided to store your MUI Pack administrative images in a different location, enter that location here.

    The share must be large enough to store the resources for the language that you need in addition to the Office XP files. MUI Pack disk-space requirements are approximately 150 MB to 350 MB per MUI Pack.

  7. On the Available Languages page, choose a language (in this example, Japanese).

Note   Languages that are not available on the current CD will appear dimmed on this page. You can add languages from other CDs to the same administrative installation point by running Lpksetup.exe /a with additional MUI Pack CDs and specifying the same network server location.

You can include language feature customizations for the MUI Pack in your Office transform. For example, in this scenario, you might set the Installation Language to Japanese.

To create an Office transform with language settings for Japanese

  1. Start the Custom Installation Wizard.

  2. On the Open MSI File page, enter (or browse to) the MSI file name for your Office installation (for example, Proplus.msi) from the administrative installation point for Office:


  3. On the Select the MST File to Save page, enter the name of the MST file you are creating; for example:


  4. On the Set Feature Installation States page, under Microsoft Office, Office Share Features, International Support, choose to install the Japanese fonts (only if the computer you are installing Office on is not running the Japanese version of Windows).

  5. On the Change Office User Settings page, click Microsoft Office (User).

  6. Navigate the tree under Language Settings to Enabled Languages.

  7. Double-click Installed version of Microsoft Office to open the Properties page for this setting.

  8. Click Apply changes, then select Japanese from the Installed version of Microsoft Office drop-down menu.

  9. Click OK.

Now you chain the Japanese Language Pack to your Office installation. To chain packages, you customize the Office Setup.ini file by using the Setup INI Customization Wizard (Iniwiz.exe). Although you can modify Setup.ini manually in Notepad, the wizard provides a convenient interface for adding and customizing chained packages.

Toolbox   The Setup INI Customization Wizard allows you to easily customize a Setup.ini file for your Office deployment. The Setup INI Customization Wizard is installed by default when you run the Office Resource Kit Setup program. For more information, see Setup INI Customization Wizard.

To chain the Japanese Language Pack with your Office deployment

  1. Start the Setup INI Customization Wizard and enter the path to your Office XP administrative installation point.

  2. On the Select MSI and EXE files to include in your INI file page, select the check boxes next to the packages that you want to include in your custom INI file, or click Browse to add packages from another location, and then click Next. In this example, you might select:


  3. On the Specify options for each package in your INI file page, select the chained package you want to customize and specify the options you want for that package.

    If you will not be installing the Office XP package before MUI Pack, select Advanced Properties and enter the property CHECKINSTALLORDER , setting it to False, and then click Next.

Users can now install Office with the Japanese Language Pack by using the following command line:

\\server1\share\Office\setup.exe /q TRANSFORMS=\\server1\share\office\OfficeWithJapanese.mst

Use chaining to deploy multiple MUI Packs with Office

What if you need to deploy two languages with Office? With the Office XP Setup program and the chaining capabilities provided by Setup.ini, you can easily include multiple languages with your Office XP installation.

For example, suppose you want to install French and Polish language features on the user's computer at the same time that you deploy Office. French language features are installed from one CD disk, and Polish language features from another CD.

The sequence of tasks in this situation is as follows:

  1. Create an administrative installation point for the core Office product (English).

  2. Use Lpksetup.exe to copy MUI Pack files for French and Polish to the same administrative installation point.

  3. Use the Custom Installation Wizard with the Office package (MSI file) and customize language settings for French and Polish, then save the transform with a name (for example, OfficeFrPo.mst).

  4. Use the Setup INI Customization Wizard to add sections to chain installations of the Microsoft Office XP French and Polish Language Packs.

After you have created your administrative installation point for Office, add the MUI Pack files that you plan to deploy.

Note   For more information about creating an administrative installation point for Office, see Creating an Administrative Installation Point.

To add MUI Packs to an administrative installation point

  1. Insert the CD that contains the French Language Pack.

  2. On the Start menu, click Run, and then click Browse to locate the MUI Pack CD.

  3. On the MUI Pack CD, select Lpksetup.exe and click Open.

  4. On the command line, following Lpksetup.exe, type /a and click OK.

  5. Enter the server and the share for your Office administrative installation point and click Next.

    The share must be large enough to store the resources for the languages that you need, in addition to the Office XP files. MUI Pack disk-space requirements are approximately 150 MB to 350 MB per MUI Pack.

  6. On the Available Languages page, choose French and click Install.

    Note that languages that are not available on the current CD will appear dimmed on this page.

  7. Insert the CD that contains the Microsoft Office XP Polish Language Pack.

  8. Run Lpksetup.exe with the /a option again.

  9. On the Available Languages page, choose Polish and click Install.

Now customize your Office transform to include language settings for French and Polish.

To create an Office transform with language settings for French and Polish

  1. Start the Custom Installation Wizard.

  2. On the Open MSI File page, enter (or browse to) the MSI file name for your Office installation (for example, Proplus.msi) from the administrative installation point for Office:


  3. On the Select the MST File to Save page, enter the name of the MST file you are creating; for example:


  4. On the Change Office User Settings page, click Microsoft Office (User).

  5. Navigate the tree under Language Settings, and set the language features you want for this deployment.

    For example, you might choose to enable editing for both languages. Open Enabled Languages, and click Show controls and enable editing for. In the languages shown in the right-hand pane, open French, click Apply changes, then click Check to turn setting on. Click OK. Follow the same steps for enabling Polish.

Now you chain the French and Polish Language Packs to your Office installation. To chain packages, you customize the Office Setup.ini file by using the Setup INI Customization Wizard (Iniwiz.exe). Although you can modify Setup.ini manually in Notepad, the wizard provides a convenient interface for adding and customizing chained packages.

Toolbox   The Setup INI Customization Wizard allows you to easily customize a Setup.ini file for your Office deployment. The Setup INI Customization Wizard is installed by default when you run the Office Resource Kit Setup program. For more information, see Setup INI Customization Wizard.

To chain the French and Polish Language Packs with your Office deployment

  1. Start the Setup INI Customization Wizard and enter the path to your Office XP administrative installation point.

  2. On the Select MSI and EXE files to include in your INI file page, select the check boxes next to the packages that you want to include in your custom INI file, or click Browse to add packages from another location, and then click Next.

    1036 is the LCID for French and 1045 is the LCID for Polish. So in this example, you might select:




  3. On the Specify options for each package in your INI file page, select the chained package you want to customize and specify the options you want for that package.

    If you will not be installing the Office XP package before the MUI Pack, select Advanced Properties and enter the property CHECKINSTALLORDER , setting it to False, and then click Next.

Users can now install Office with these MUI Packs by specifying the Office transform in the Setup command line:

\\server1\share\Office\setup.exe /q TRANSFORMS=\\server1\share\Office\OfficeFrPo.mst

From a user's perspective, deployment proceeds in the following uninterrupted sequence:

  1. Office Setup installs Office, as specified in the OfficeFrPo.mst transform.

  2. When Office installation is complete, Office Setup runs MUI Pack Setup to install the French Language Pack, as specified in the Setup.ini file.

  3. When the French Language Pack installation is complete, Office Setup runs MUI Pack Setup to install the Polish Language Pack, as specified in the Setup.ini file.

At the end of the process, the user has English Office installed with French and Polish language features enabled. By running the Microsoft Office Language Settings utility from the Start menu, users can switch the user interface and Help language of Office to English, French, or Polish.

Deploy different language resources for groups of users

In many organizations, you must install different language resources for different groups of users. In this case, you create separate Office transforms, separate MUI Packs transforms, and a customized Setup.ini for each group to perform the following functions:

  • In each Office transform, you specify the customized language settings for a group of users.

  • In each MUI Pack transform, you define customizations, such as setting setup properties.

  • In the Setup.ini file, you chain the languages to the Office installation.

For example, you might have one group of users that speaks French but needs to edit documents in German. You might have a second group of users that speaks Russian but needs to edit in Hungarian. In this scenario, you customize two sets of Office and MUI Pack transforms, along with the corresponding Setup.ini files, one set for each group of users.

First, you create an administrative installation point on the server to deploy Office in each configuration:

  • Core Office (English) plus French Language Pack and German proofing tools from the Microsoft Office XP German Language Pack

  • Core Office (English) plus Microsoft Office XP Russian Language Pack and Hungarian proofing tools from the Microsoft Office XP Hungarian Language Pack

  • You can use the same administrative installation point, or two separate installation points.

Using the same administrative installation point for two Office installations
If you choose to use the same administrative installation point for two Office installations, you must take steps to ensure that the correct Setup INI file is used for each installation. First, you specify two different Setup.ini files to use, one for each deployment. Then you have two options for using the appropriate Setup.ini file for an installation: using the /settings option for Setup.exe or use two copies of Setup.exe with names that correspond to the correct Setup.ini file.
For example, suppose you have two Setup.ini files, SetupFra.ini, and SetupGer.ini. In this situation, choose one of these two methods for installation:
  • Use /settings to specify which Setup.ini file to use on the Setup.exe command line you provide to your users. For example:>

    Setup.exe /settings SetupFra.ini, and

    Setup.exe /settings SetupGer.ini

  • Copy Setup.exe to match the Setup.ini file names, then direct users to run the appropriate Setup program file. For example:

    SetupFra.exe will by default use SetupFra.ini.

    SetupGer.exe will by default use SetupGer.ini.

Next, you customize Office transforms for each group of users. You also customize separate transforms by using the MUI Pack MSI files to include proofing tools that provide additional language editing capabilities.

Finally, you create a customized Setup.ini for each group of users to chain the MUI Pack installation with the Office deployment for that group.

Choices for installing proofing tools
You can choose to install proofing tools from Office XP Proofing Tools instead of using the proofing tools included in the Multilingual User Interface Pack. Office XP Proofing Tools can be chained to your Office installation just as individual MUI Packs can. However, your installation is not as scalable if you choose to use Proofing Tools instead of installing proofing tools included in the Multilingual User Interface Pack.
For example, suppose you install proofing tools for a language from Office XP Proofing Tools and then decide to include proofing tools for another language later. Proofing Tools includes all languages in a single MSI file. When you install the proofing tools for the first language, you might choose to disable installation for all the other proofing tools in the MSI file. In this case, to later deploy proofing tools for another language, you must use the Custom Maintenance Wizard to change the feature state for the additional proofing tools.

For example, you create the Office transform for the French-speaking group as described in this procedure.

To create an Office transform with language settings for French and German

  1. Start the Custom Installation Wizard.

  2. On the Open MSI File page, enter (or browse to) the MSI file name for your Office installation (for example, Proplus.msi) from the administrative installation point for Office:


  3. On the Select the MST File to Save page, enter the name of the MST file you are creating; for example:


  4. On the Change Office User Settings page, click Microsoft Office (User).

  5. Navigate the tree under Language Settings to Enabled Languages.

  6. Double-click Installed version of Microsoft Office to open the Properties page for this setting.

  7. Click Apply changes, then select French from the Installed version of Microsoft Office drop-down menu.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Click Show controls and enable editing for.

  10. In the languages shown in the right-hand pane, open French, click Apply changes, then click Check to turn setting on.

  11. Click OK.

  12. Follow steps 9 through 11 again with German.

  13. Next, customize a transform to select the proofing tools from the German Language Pack.

To create a transform for German proofing tools from the German Language Pack

  1. Start the Custom Installation Wizard.

  2. On the Open MSI File page, enter (or browse to) the German Language Pack MSI file:


  3. On the Select the MST File to Save page, enter the name of the MST file you are creating; for example:


  4. On the Select Feature Installation States page, choose Not Available for all features.

    (You can alternately specify Not Available, Hidden, Locked.)

  5. Navigate to Office Shared Features, Proofing Tools, and click German, then choose the install state (for example, Run from My Computer).

After you have created the custom transforms, you modify Setup.ini to install Office and the French Language Pack, as well as the transform to install the German proofing tools. To chain packages, you customize the Office Setup.ini file by using the Setup INI Customization Wizard (Iniwiz.exe). Although you can modify Setup.ini manually in Notepad, the wizard provides a convenient interface for adding and customizing chained packages.

Toolbox   The Setup INI Customization Wizard allows you to easily customize a Setup.ini file for your Office deployment. The Setup INI Customization Wizard is installed by default when you run the Office Resource Kit Setup program. For more information, see Setup INI Customization Wizard.

To customize Setup to chain additional language features to an Office deployment

  1. Start the Setup INI Customization Wizard and enter the path to your Office XP administrative installation point.

  2. On the Select MSI and EXE files to include in your INI file page, select the check boxes next to the packages that you want to include in your custom INI file, or click Browse to add packages from another location, and then click Next.

    1036 is the LCID for French, and 1031 is the LCID for German. So in this example, you might select:




  3. On the Specify options for each package in your INI file page, select the chained package you want to customize and specify the options you want for that package.

    For each package you can specify an MST file and unique display settings, as well as additional property values.

  4. In this example, specify the MST file for the German Language Pack:


    If you will not be installing the Office XP package before MUI Pack, select Advanced Properties and enter the property CHECKINSTALLORDER, setting it to False, and then click Next.

The French-speaking group installs Office by using the following command line:

\\server1\share\Office\setup.exe /q TRANSFORMS=\\server1\share\office\OfficeWithFrench.mst

The French-speaking group ends up with a French user interface and Help system with both French and German editing tools enabled.

The basic procedures for deploying to Russian-speaking users are identical, substituting the appropriate languages. Then the Russian-speaking group installs Office by using the following command line:

\\server1\share\Office\setup.exe /q TRANSFORMS=\\server1\share\office\OfficeWithRussian.mst

This group ends up with a Russian user interface and Help system with both Russian and Hungarian editing tools enabled.


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