SharePoint Team Services from Microsoft  Readme File
March 2001© 1983 - 2001, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

This document provides late-breaking or other information that supplements the SharePoint Team Services documentation, and is current as of the date above. After that date, you may find more current information and resources on the SharePoint Team Services Web site, available from the Help menu by clicking More Help on the Web. Additional information, including network and administration issues, can also be found by clicking More Help on the Web.

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About SharePoint Team Services
What is SharePoint Team Services? 
Installing SharePoint Team Services 
Installing Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions 2002

Known Issues
SQL 2000 must use SQL Authentication
An error message during setup that you can ignore
Installation path too long
Discuss button in Internet Explorer may not work
Upgrading from Office Server Extensions loses subscription data 
Upgrading from pre-release versions of SharePoint Team Services
Do not use named pipes to connect to remote SQL database

About SharePoint Team Services

What is SharePoint Team Services?

SharePoint Team Services from Microsoft offers a new way of working together. SharePoint Team Services provides both Web publishing and collaboration features to make communicating ideas and sharing information easier. SharePoint Team Services is a superset of the Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions 2002, and includes all of the features available with the FrontPage Server Extensions. In addition, SharePoint Team Services contains new workgroup features that create a rich environment for Web publishing and team communication. By using SharePoint Team Services, administrators can create, author, and administer Web sites that help a team organize and advance on a project.

System Requirements

For a complete description of SharePoint Team Services supported platforms and system requirements, see the SharePoint Team Services Administrator's Guide.

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Installing SharePoint Team Services

For basic SharePoint Team Services installation, run setupse.exe in the /SharePt folder of your product CD. For a full description of installation options, see the SharePoint Team Services Administrator's Guide.

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Installing Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions 2002

The latest version of Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions is available for downloading at:

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Known Issues

SQL 2000 must use SQL Authentication

If you install SharePoint Team Services on a Web server that is running SQL 2000, you must configure SQL 2000 to use SQL Authentication. If SQL 2000 is using Windows NT Authentication, you will see the following error message when extending Web sites with SharePoint Team Services: "Login failed for user <username>. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. (Error code: 18452)"

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An error message during setup that you can ignore

If you install SharePoint Team Services on a Web server configured to require strong passwords, you will see the following message: "The password does not meet the policy requirements. Check the minimum password length, complexity, and history." You can ignore this message. Click OK, and setup will continue.

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Installation path too long

If you are installing on a Web server that does not have Microsoft SQL Server, you may see the following message: "Command line length exceeded - place the files referenced by the -f1 and -f2 command line arguments in a shorter path."

This indicates that the SharePoint Team Services setup program, setupse.exe, is being run from a folder path that is too long, such as \\server\folder1\folder2\folder3\folder4\folder5\sharept\setupse.exe. To fix the problem, move the \sharept folder up to a higher level in the folder structure.

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Discuss button in Internet Explorer may not work

After installing Microsoft Office XP, clicking Discuss from Internet Explorer may do nothing. To reactivate the Discuss feature, restart the machine on which you installed Office XP.

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Upgrading from Office Server Extensions loses subscription data

If you upgrade from Microsoft Office Server Extensions to SharePoint Team Services, all subscriptions to documents in Microsoft Office Server Extensions will be lost.

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Upgrading from pre-release versions of SharePoint Team Services

Upgrading from a pre-release version of SharePoint Team Services to the released product requires assistance from Microsoft technical support to preserve SharePoint team Web site data. If you want to install and preserve data, open a support incident at:

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Do not use named pipes to connect to remote SQL database

If you are using a remote SQL 7.0 or SQL 2000 database, you must configure the Web server to connect to SQL using TCP/IP instead of Named Pipes. In many configurations, if you do not do this, SharePoint Team Services will not be able to connect to the remote SQL server. To configure the Web server to connect to SQL using TCP/IP, make the following change to the registry:

1. On the Web server machine, start regedit.
2. Locate the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Client\ConnectTo
3. Change the value of DSQUERY to DBMSSOCN.
4. Stop and restart the IIS Services.

If the registry keys do not exist on the Web server, create them manually:

1. On the Web server machine, start regedit.
2. Locate the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft
3. Click on the Microsoft key, and on the menu bar click Edit, New, Key. Type the new key name MSSQLServer.
4. Click on the MSSQLServer key, and on the menu bar click Edit, New, Key. Type the new key name Client.
5. Click on the Client key, and on the menu bar click Edit, New, Key. Type the new key name ConnectTo.
6. Click on the new key ConnectTo, and on the menu bar click Edit, New, String Value. Type the value name for the string DSQUERY.
7. Double click on the new string value DSQUERY, and type the value data DBMSSOCN.

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