To install and run Visual Modeler 2.0 successfully on Windows, you need:
When working with large model files, Visual Modeler runs faster with a permanent swap file. You can set this from the Windows Control Panel. If Visual Modeler reports "low memory" during normal operation, increase the size of permanent virtual memory.
Visual Modeler was tested with a number of video cards and drivers. The Diamond Viper Pro Video card required the driver be updated to driver 3.5 v1.2 on Windows NT. If you experience display problems with other video card and driver combinations, check with the video card vendor to see if an updated driver is available that may correct the problem.
Visual Modeler uses the current font size, among other factors, to determine the optimal size of a class icon when autosizing it. If your video driver supports large and small fonts, you may notice that a class that was autosized and saved with small fonts does not appear autosized correctly when read in using large fonts, and vice-versa. You can correct this by either:
If you experience printing problems with other printer and driver combinations, check with the printer vendor to see if an updated driver is available that may correct the problem.
The EM_EXEC.exe
mouse driver file on some
Windows 95 PCs-especially laptops-that interferes with
Visual Modeler. (The typical symptom is a crash while you are
entering a class name directly on a class diagram, but Visual Modeler
may also crash at other times with varying frequency.)
This mouse driver file must be deleted or renamed for Visual Modeler to function properly:
. This should not
impact any Windows 95 performance.
To install a newer version of the driver, which does not interfere with Visual Modeler:
The name of the file is mw7aol.exe
May 3, 1996 101k.
which should work together with Visual Modeler.
Another mouse product that may interfere with Visual Modeler is
the Microsoft IntelliMouse, which comes with a mouse driver called
To solve this problem, bring up the task list in Windows and end
the task called "point32".