' ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' ' MAPI32.TXT -- MAPI32 API Declarations for Visual Basic ' ' Copyright (C) 1994-98 Microsoft Corporation ' ' ' This file contains only the Const, Type, ' and Declare statements for MAPI32 APIs. ' ' You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce and distribute ' this file (and/or any modified version) in any way you find useful, ' provided that you agree that Microsoft has no warranty, obligation or ' liability for its contents. ' ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------ '*************************************************** ' MAPI Message holds information about a message '*************************************************** Type MAPIMessage Reserved As Long Subject As String NoteText As String MessageType As String DateReceived As String ConversationID As String Flags As Long RecipCount As Long FileCount As Long End Type '************************************************ ' MAPIRecip holds information about a message ' originator or recipient '************************************************ Type MapiRecip Reserved As Long RecipClass As Long Name As String Address As String EIDSize As Long EntryID As String End Type '****************************************************** ' MapiFile holds information about file attachments '****************************************************** Type MapiFile Reserved As Long Flags As Long Position As Long PathName As String FileName As String FileType As String End Type '*************************** ' FUNCTION Declarations '*************************** Declare Function MAPILogon Lib "MAPI32.DLL" (ByVal UIParam&, ByVal User$, ByVal Password$, ByVal Flags&, ByVal Reserved&, Session&) As Long Declare Function MAPILogoff Lib "MAPI32.DLL" (ByVal Session&, ByVal UIParam&, ByVal Flags&, ByVal Reserved&) As Long Declare Function BMAPIReadMail Lib "MAPI32.DLL" (lMsg&, nRecipients&, nFiles&, ByVal Session&, ByVal UIParam&, MessageID$, ByVal Flag&, ByVal Reserved&) As Long Declare Function BMAPIGetReadMail Lib "MAPI32.DLL" (ByVal lMsg&, Message As MAPIMessage, Recip() As MapiRecip, File() As MapiFile, Originator As MapiRecip) As Long Declare Function MAPIFindNext Lib "MAPI32.DLL" Alias "BMAPIFindNext" (ByVal Session&, ByVal UIParam&, MsgType$, SeedMsgID$, ByVal Flag&, ByVal Reserved&, MsgID$) As Long Declare Function MAPISendDocuments Lib "MAPI32.DLL" (ByVal UIParam&, ByVal DelimStr$, ByVal FilePaths$, ByVal FileNames$, ByVal Reserved&) As Long Declare Function MAPIDeleteMail Lib "MAPI32.DLL" (ByVal Session&, ByVal UIParam&, ByVal MsgID$, ByVal Flags&, ByVal Reserved&) As Long Declare Function MAPISendMail Lib "MAPI32.DLL" Alias "BMAPISendMail" (ByVal Session&, ByVal UIParam&, Message As MAPIMessage, Recipient() As MapiRecip, File() As MapiFile, ByVal Flags&, ByVal Reserved&) As Long Declare Function MAPISaveMail Lib "MAPI32.DLL" Alias "BMAPISaveMail" (ByVal Session&, ByVal UIParam&, Message As MAPIMessage, Recipient() As MapiRecip, File() As MapiFile, ByVal Flags&, ByVal Reserved&, MsgID$) As Long Declare Function BMAPIAddress Lib "MAPI32.DLL" (lInfo&, ByVal Session&, ByVal UIParam&, Caption$, ByVal nEditFields&, Label$, nRecipients&, Recip() As MapiRecip, ByVal Flags&, ByVal Reserved&) As Long Declare Function BMAPIGetAddress Lib "MAPI32.DLL" (ByVal lInfo&, ByVal nRecipients&, Recipients() As MapiRecip) As Long Declare Function MAPIDetails Lib "MAPI32.DLL" Alias "BMAPIDetails" (ByVal Session&, ByVal UIParam&, Recipient As MapiRecip, ByVal Flags&, ByVal Reserved&) As Long Declare Function MAPIResolveName Lib "MAPI32.DLL" Alias "BMAPIResolveName" (ByVal Session&, ByVal UIParam&, ByVal UserName$, ByVal Flags&, ByVal Reserved&, Recipient As MapiRecip) As Long '************************** ' CONSTANT Declarations '************************** ' Const SUCCESS_SUCCESS = 0 Const MAPI_USER_ABORT = 1 Const MAPI_E_USER_ABORT = MAPI_USER_ABORT Const MAPI_E_FAILURE = 2 Const MAPI_E_LOGIN_FAILURE = 3 Const MAPI_E_LOGON_FAILURE = MAPI_E_LOGIN_FAILURE Const MAPI_E_DISK_FULL = 4 Const MAPI_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY = 5 Const MAPI_E_BLK_TOO_SMALL = 6 Const MAPI_E_TOO_MANY_SESSIONS = 8 Const MAPI_E_TOO_MANY_FILES = 9 Const MAPI_E_TOO_MANY_RECIPIENTS = 10 Const MAPI_E_ATTACHMENT_NOT_FOUND = 11 Const MAPI_E_ATTACHMENT_OPEN_FAILURE = 12 Const MAPI_E_ATTACHMENT_WRITE_FAILURE = 13 Const MAPI_E_UNKNOWN_RECIPIENT = 14 Const MAPI_E_BAD_RECIPTYPE = 15 Const MAPI_E_NO_MESSAGES = 16 Const MAPI_E_INVALID_MESSAGE = 17 Const MAPI_E_TEXT_TOO_LARGE = 18 Const MAPI_E_INVALID_SESSION = 19 Const MAPI_E_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 20 Const MAPI_E_AMBIGUOUS_RECIPIENT = 21 Const MAPI_E_AMBIG_RECIP = MAPI_E_AMBIGUOUS_RECIPIENT Const MAPI_E_MESSAGE_IN_USE = 22 Const MAPI_E_NETWORK_FAILURE = 23 Const MAPI_E_INVALID_EDITFIELDS = 24 Const MAPI_E_INVALID_RECIPS = 25 Const MAPI_E_NOT_SUPPORTED = 26 Const MAPI_ORIG = 0 Const MAPI_TO = 1 Const MAPI_CC = 2 Const MAPI_BCC = 3 '*********************** ' FLAG Declarations '*********************** '* MAPILogon() flags * Const MAPI_LOGON_UI = &H1 Const MAPI_NEW_SESSION = &H2 Const MAPI_FORCE_DOWNLOAD = &H1000 '* MAPILogoff() flags * Const MAPI_LOGOFF_SHARED = &H1 Const MAPI_LOGOFF_UI = &H2 '* MAPISendMail() flags * Const MAPI_DIALOG = &H8 '* MAPIFindNext() flags * Const MAPI_UNREAD_ONLY = &H20 Const MAPI_GUARANTEE_FIFO = &H100 '* MAPIReadMail() flags * Const MAPI_ENVELOPE_ONLY = &H40 Const MAPI_PEEK = &H80 Const MAPI_BODY_AS_FILE = &H200 Const MAPI_SUPPRESS_ATTACH = &H800 '* MAPIDetails() flags * Const MAPI_AB_NOMODIFY = &H400 '* Attachment flags * Const MAPI_OLE = &H1 Const MAPI_OLE_STATIC = &H2 '* MapiMessage flags * Const MAPI_UNREAD = &H1 Const MAPI_RECEIPT_REQUESTED = &H2 Const MAPI_SENT = &H4