NT213: Demonstrate Windows Sockets Interface The NT213 sample applications augment the "Developing Transport-Independent Applications Using the Windows Sockets Interface" technical presentation given by David Treadwell at the Tech*Ed Conference held March 27-31, 1995, in New Orleans, Louisiana. These samples illustrate a usable open networking standard developed by the networking community. The Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Sockets interface defines an abstraction layer for the transmission internet protocol/internet protocol (TCP/IP), or Internet protocol family. POP3 KEYWORDS: CD12; CloseHandle; CopyMemory; CreateFile; CreateIoCompletionPort; DeleteFile; DeregisterEventSource; FindClose; FindFirstFile; FindNextFile; GetCurrentProcessId; GetCurrentThreadId; GetLastError; GetLocalTime; GetQueuedCompletionStatus; LocalAlloc; LocalFree; MultiByteToWideChar; ReadFile; RegCloseKey; RegOpenKey; RegQueryValueEx; RegisterEventSource; RegisterServiceCtrlHandler; ReportEvent; RevertToSelf; SetServiceStatus; StartServiceCtrlDispatcher; WSAStartup; WriteFile; _stricmp; _strnicmp; _vsnprintf; closesocket; fflush; fopen; fprintf; gets; printf; send; setsockopt; sprintf; sscanf; strcpy; strlen; strtok; va_arg; va_start RNR KEYWORDS: CD12; CloseHandle; CreateThread; DeregisterEventSource; EnterCriticalSection; FD_ISSET; GetLastError; GetTickCount; LeaveCriticalSection; LocalFree; SetLastError; WSAGetLastError; WSAStartup; WaitForMultipleObjects; atoi; closesocket; exit; fprintf; free; listen; malloc; memmove; printf; recv; select; send