OF203: Demonstrate Microsoft Access and OLE Automation The OF203 sample applications augment the "Microsoft Access to Microsoft Office: Applied Integration Techniques" technical presentation given by Christine Solomon at the Tech*Ed Conference held March 27-31, 1995, in New Orleans, Louisiana. The PIVOT and BULKMAIL samples use OLE Automation. These applications address programming techniques and practices that can help you develop professional business applications that integrate functionality from more than one shrink-wrapped product. PIVOT calls on the Microsoft(R) Excel pivot table feature to serve as a reporting engine for Microsoft Access(R). BULKMAIL is a Microsoft Excel-based application that makes it easier to manage mailing list data in Microsoft Excel. The application communicates with a Word template when creating the mail merge letter. For more information, please refer to the technical presentation, which is also available in the Microsoft Development Library (Conferences and Seminars, Tech*Ed, March 1995). KEYWORDS: CD12