I'd also like to supply a brief update to a question in my September 1995 column in which Gary Tessler wrote asking how to enumerate the docs in his MFC app. I showed how to write a class, CDocEnumerator that does this. As soon as I wrote my code, wouldn't you know MFC 4.0 has a totally new way of tracking documents. Many of you no doubt discovered this your own. Instead of storing a list of document templates, CWinApp now uses something called a CDocManager. CWinApp::m_pTemplateList no longer exists, so the original CDocEnumerator in my September column doesn't even compile. (Thanks to Reinhold Gerharz of Tracor Applied Sciences, Inc. for calling this to my attention.) The latest version of the ENUMDOC sample on the MSJ bulletin board contains the fix, the short of which is that instead of writing CDocTemplate *pDT; POSITION pos; pos = pApp->m_templateList.GetHeadPosition(); . . pDT = pApp->(CDocTemplate*)m_templateList.GetNext(pos); you should now write pos = pApp->m_pDocManager->GetFirstDocTemplatePosition(); . . pDT = m_pDocManager->GetNextDocTemplate(pos); CDocManager manages a list of document templates; it's essentially what CWinApp::m_templateList used to be, only now it's a special class instead of a raw CPtrList, and consolidates many doc-related operations. -Paul DiLascia