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The LICCLIEN sample examines how a client application uses licensed components provided by a COM server. LICCLIEN works with the COM servers of two previous samples, LICSERVE and DLLSERVE. It manipulates a set of components similar to those presented in DLLCLIEN: COCar, COUtilityCar, COLicCruiseCar, and COUtilityCruiseCar. In this lesson, the COCar and COUtilityCar components are obtained, as they were in DLLCLIEN, from the DLLSERVE server. This sample, however, uses a new licensed version of the COCruiseCar component that was presented in DLLSERVE and DLLCLIEN. This licensed component, COLicCruiseCar, is housed in a different server, LICSERVE.
Like DLLCLIEN, LICCLIEN.EXE creates its own COUtilityCruiseCar COM object, which is constructed by reusing the licensed COLicCruiseCar COM object by aggregation and augmenting it with a native IUtility interface. Because the COLicCruiseCar COM object class is a licensed aggregatable component, LICCLIEN illustrates nested aggregation involving a licensed component.
For functional descriptions and a tutorial code tour of LICCLIEN, see the Code Tour section in LICCLIEN.HTM. For details on the external user operation of LICCLIEN, see both the Usage and Operation sections in LICCLIEN.HTM. To read LICCLIEN.HTM, run TUTORIAL.EXE in the main tutorial directory and click the LICCLIEN lesson in the table of lessons. You can also achieve the same thing by clicking the LICCLIEN.HTM file after locating the main tutorial directory in the Windows Explorer. See also LICSERVE.HTM in the main tutorial directory for more details on how LICSERVE works and exposes its services to LICCLIEN. You must build the LICSERVE DLL before building LICCLIEN. The makefile for LICSERVE automatically registers that server in the system registry, so you must build LICSERVE before attempting to run LICCLIEN.
For details on setting up your system to build and test the code samples in this COM Tutorial series, see TUTORIAL.HTM. The supplied MAKEFILE is Microsoft NMAKE-compatible. To create a debug build, issue the NMAKE command in the Command Prompt window.
LICCLIEN.EXE is an application that you can execute directly from Windows in the normal manner or from the Command Prompt window. No command line parameters are recognized by LICCLIEN.
The client sample and other related samples must be compiled before you can run the client. For more details on building the samples, see Building the Code Samples.
If you have already built the appropriate samples, LICCLIEN.EXE is the client executable to run for this sample. Click here to run LICCLIEN.EXE.
Depending on the security level of your browser you may see a dialog allowing you to either open the .EXE file or save it to disk. Click the "Open it" choice and then click the OK button.
The LICCLIEN.EXE application provides the user interface for this lesson. It exercises the components in the associated, but independent, LICSERVE.DLL and DLLSERVE.DLL servers. Here is a summary of operation from the standpoint of LICCLIEN.EXE as a COM client of the licensed component COLicCruiseCar in the LICSERVE.DLL COM server.
The COM objects that are used in the LICCLIEN and LICSERVE code samples represent sport utility vehicles. We invent some basic feature sets for modeling such car objects. These feature sets are implemented as interfaces to COM objects. The ICar interface provides some basic car behavior: Shift, Clutch, Speed, and Steer. The IUtility interface provides off-road utility systems: Offroad and Winch. The ICruise interface provides automatic cruise control facilities: Engage and Adjust.
The COCar and COUtilityCar components are constructed and housed in servers in the manner presented in the DLLCLIEN and DLLSERVE lessons. A COLicCruiseCar component is constructed using aggregation and is implemented as a licensed component in LICSERVE.DLL. COUtilityCruiseCar is constructed using aggregation and is implemented in LICCLIEN.EXE, which is built in this lesson. COUtilityCruiseCar reuses LicCruiseCar by aggregation to illustrate nested aggregation of a licensed component.
The menu system of LICCLIEN provides functionality similar to that of DLLCLIEN. The Car and UtilityCar menu operations are the same as those presented in DLLCLIEN and will not be detailed here. We will tour the internal operation of the LicCruiseCar and the UtilityCruiseCar menus. To simulate behavior when a component is unlicensed, we will also examine some changes made to the Log menu.
LICCLIEN.EXE provides menus for creating, releasing, and invoking methods for four components: COCar, COUtilityCar, COLicCruiseCar, and COUtilityCruiseCar. These objects have combinations of the ICar, IUtility, and ICruise interfaces. COCar objects expose the ICar interface. COUtilityCar objects expose the ICar and IUtility interfaces. COLicCruiseCar objects expose the ICar and ICruise interfaces. COUtilityCruiseCar objects expose the ICar, ICruise, and IUtility interfaces. As a result, COCar objects have only the basic car behavior (ICar). COUtilityCar objects have basic car behavior (ICar) with sport utility systems (IUtility). COLicCruiseCar objects have basic car behavior (ICar) with an automatic cruise control system (ICruise). COUtilityCruiseCar objects have basic car behavior (ICar), a cruise control system (ICruise), and a sport utility system (IUtility).
LICCLIEN.EXE presents a menu for each of these four main components. Each menu has commands that call the methods of the various available interfaces. The code samples (both LICCLIEN and LICSERVE) have trace message log statements throughout. When you exercise the objects from LICCLIEN.EXE, the main LICCLIEN window will display a log of internal activity in these components and their servers.
Menu Selection: File/Exit
Menu Selection: Car/Create
Creates a COCar COM object. A checkmark beside the menu item indicates that
there is already an instance of the object.
Menu Selection: Car/Release
Releases the COCar COM object.
Menu Selection: Car/ICar::Shift
Calls the ICar::Shift method on the COCar object.
Menu Selection: Car/ICar::Clutch
Calls the ICar::Clutch method on the COCar object.
Menu Selection: Car/ICar::Speed
Calls the ICar::Speed method on the COCar object.
Menu Selection: Car/ICar::Steer
Calls the ICar::Steer method on the COCar object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCar/Create
Creates the COUtilityCar COM object. A checkmark beside the menu item
indicates that there is already an instance of the object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCar/Release
Releases the COUtilityCar COM object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCar/ICar::Shift
Calls the ICar::Shift method on the COUtilityCar object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCar/ICar::Clutch
Calls the ICar::Clutch method on the COUtilityCar object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCar/ICar::Speed
Calls the ICar::Speed method on the COUtilityCar object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCar/ICar::Steer
Calls the ICar::Steer method on the COUtilityCar object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCar/IUtility::Offroad
Calls the IUtility::Offroad method on the COUtilityCar object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCar/IUtility::Winch
Calls the IUtility::Winch method on the COUtilityCar object.
Menu Selection: LicCruiseCar/Create
Creates the COLicCruiseCar COM object. A checkmark beside the menu item
indicates that there is already an instance of the object.
Menu Selection: LicCruiseCar/Release
Releases the COLicCruiseCar COM object.
Menu Selection: LicCruiseCar/ICar::Shift
Calls the ICar::Shift method on the COLicCruiseCar object.
Menu Selection: LicCruiseCar/ICar::Clutch
Calls the ICar::Clutch method on the COLicCruiseCar object.
Menu Selection: LicCruiseCar/ICar::Speed
Calls the ICar::Speed method on the COLicCruiseCar object.
Menu Selection: LicCruiseCar/ICar::Steer
Calls the ICar::Steer method on the COLicCruiseCar object.
Menu Selection: LicCruiseCar/ICruise::Engage
Calls the ICruise::Engage method on the COLicCruiseCar object.
Menu Selection: LicCruiseCar/ICruise::Adjust
Calls the ICruise::Adjust method on the COLicCruiseCar object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCruiseCar/Get License Key
Calls the IClassFactory2::RequestLicKey method to obtain the internal
license key string for the COLicCruiseCar component and stores the key
obtained as a run-time license key for later use by the client. A checkmark
beside the menu item indicates that the key has already been obtained.
Menu Selection: UtilityCruiseCar/Clear License Key
Clears the run-time license key string obtained for the COLicCruiseCar
Menu Selection: UtilityCruiseCar/Create with Key
Creates the COUtilityCruiseCar COM object using the run-time license key
obtained previously for the aggregated LicCruiseCar COM object. A checkmark
beside the menu item indicates that there is already an instance of the
Menu Selection: UtilityCruiseCar/Release
Releases the COUtilityCruiseCar COM object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCruiseCar/ICar::Shift
Calls the ICar::Shift method on the COUtilityCruiseCar object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCruiseCar/ICar::Clutch
Calls the ICar::Clutch method on the COUtilityCruiseCar object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCruiseCar/ICar::Speed
Calls the ICar::Speed method on the COUtilityCruiseCar object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCruiseCar/ICar::Steer
Calls the ICar::Steer method on the COUtilityCruiseCar object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCruiseCar/ICruise::Engage
Calls the ICruise::Engage method on the COUtilityCruiseCar object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCruiseCar/ICruise::Adjust
Calls the ICruise::Adjust method on the COUtilityCruiseCar object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCruiseCar/IUtility::Offroad
Calls the IUtility::Offroad method on the COUtilityCruiseCar object.
Menu Selection: UtilityCruiseCar/IUtility::Winch
Calls the IUtility::Winch method on the COUtilityCruiseCar object.
Menu Selection: Log/Clear
Clears the trace message log display.
Menu Selection: Log/Lic Server
Engages or disengages trace logging from the LICSERVE server. A checkmark
beside the menu item indicates that logging from the LICSERVE server is
engaged. If logging is active, the server is loaded, because the
COLicCarSample component must be created to support logging.
Menu Selection: Loc/Dll Server
Engages or disengages trace logging from the DLLSERVE server. A checkmark
beside the menu item indicates that logging from the DLLSERVE server is
engaged. If logging is active, the server is loaded, because the
DllCarSample component must be created to support logging.
Menu Selection: Log/Logging
Toggles the trace message logging facility on or off. A checkmark beside
the menu item indicates that logging is on. Logging can be engaged but
simply turned on or off. Unchecking this command turns the trace message
logging facility off but does not disengage the logging mechanisms.
Menu Selection: Log/Copy
Copies the current contents of the trace message log to the Windows
Menu Selection: Help/LICCLIEN Tutorial
Opens the LICCLIEN.HTM tutorial file in the Web browser.
Menu Selection: Help/LICSERVE Tutorial
Opens the LICSERVE.HTM tutorial file in the Web browser.
Menu Selection: Help/DLLSERVE Tutorial
Opens the DLLSERVE.HTM tutorial file in the Web browser.
Menu Selection: Help/Read Source File
Displays the Open common dialog box so you can open a source file from this
lesson or another one in the Windows Notepad.
Menu Selection: Help/About LICCLIEN
Displays the About dialog box for this application, a standard part of
this series of code samples. The code illustrates how to program the use
of the CAboutBox class provided by APPUTIL.LIB.
Menu Selection: Help/About LICSERVE
Displays the About dialog box for LICSERVE.DLL, which is used by this
application. In this series of code samples, partner DLLs like LICSERVE
are given their own About dialog box in the native resources of the DLL.
This menu item calls the DLL function that displays this dialog box.
Menu Selection: Help/About DLLSERVE
Displays the About dialog box for DLLSERVE.DLL, which is used by this
application. In this series of code samples, partner DLLs like DLLSERVE are
given their own About dialog box in the native resources of the DLL. This
menu item calls the DLL function that displays this dialog box.
Files Description LICCLIEN.TXT Short sample description. MAKEFILE The generic makefile for building the code sample application of this tutorial lesson. LICCLIEN.H The include file for the LICCLIEN application. Contains class declarations, function prototypes, and resource identifiers. LICCLIEN.CPP The main implementation file for LICCLIEN.EXE. Has WinMain and CMainWindow implementation, as well as the main menu dispatching. LICCLIEN.RC The application resource definition file. LICCLIEN.ICO The application icon resource. UTCRUCAR.H The class declaration for the COUtilityCruiseCar COM object. UTCRUCAR.CPP Implementation file for the COUtilityCruiseCar COM object. Also has the definition of the CreateUtilityCruiseCar function.
This code sample is based on the code in DLLCLIEN, which is based on the code in COMUSER, which is based on the code in DLLUSER, which in turn is based on the code in EXESKEL. See the code tours in those samples for more details on using the application skeleton and the DLLs.
LICCLIEN uses many of the utility classes and services provided by APPUTIL. For more details on APPUTIL, study the APPUTIL library source code in the sibling APPUTIL directory and APPUTIL.HTM in the main tutorial directory.
LICCLIEN illustrates what must be done in the client application to use a licensed component from a COM server. We will use LICCLIEN to demonstrate the use of licensed and unlicensed components, and we will examine trace logs of internal activity in various situations.
We start in LICCLIEN.CPP. The following files are included, one of which is new for this code sample.
#include <windows.h> #include <ole2.h> #include <initguid.h> #include <olectl.h> #include <commdlg.h> #include <apputil.h> #include <icars.h> #include <carguids.h> #include "licclien.h" #include "utcrucar.h"
Because this module is going to implement IClassFactory2, we must make appropriate declarations by including OLECTL.H. This file should be included after OLE2.H and INITGUID.H. OLECTL.H was not part of early releases of the Platform SDK, but instead was part of the Control Development Kit (CDK). In recent releases, OLECTL.H is part of the Platform SDK.
As in the previous DLLCLIEN code sample, we include ICARS.H, located in the sibling \INC directory, to get the car-related interface abstract base class declarations. We include CARGUIDS.H, also located in the sibling \INC directory, for the associated GUID definitions and the CLSIDs for the car-related component types (CLSID_DllCar, CLSID_DllUtilityCar, CLSID_LicCruiseCar, CLSID_LicCarSample, and CLSID_DllCarSample).
The LICCLIEN application's InitInstance method has some interesting points.
BOOL CMainWindow::InitInstance( HINSTANCE hInstance, int nCmdShow) { BOOL bOk = FALSE; HWND hWnd; // Create the Message Box and Message Log objects. m_pMsgBox = new CMsgBox; m_pMsgLog = new CMsgLog; if (NULL != m_pMsgBox && NULL != m_pMsgLog) { // Note, the Create method sets the m_hWnd member so we don't // need to set it explicitly here first. // Here is the create of this window. Size the window reasonably. // Create sets both m_hInst and m_hWnd. hWnd = Create( TEXT(MAIN_WINDOW_CLASS_NAME_STR), TEXT(MAIN_WINDOW_TITLE_STR), WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU | WS_MINIMIZEBOX | WS_MAXIMIZEBOX | WS_THICKFRAME, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN)*3/5, ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN)*3/5, NULL, NULL, hInstance); if (hWnd) { // Ensure the new window is shown on screen and its content is // painted. ::ShowWindow(m_hWnd, nCmdShow); ::UpdateWindow(m_hWnd); // Build a path to where the help file should be (it should be in // the same directory as the .EXE but with the .HLP extension. MakeFamilyPath(hInstance, m_szHelpFile, TEXT(HELP_FILE_EXT)); // Init the Message Box object. if (m_pMsgBox->Init(m_hInst, m_hWnd)) { // Create the Trace Message Log ListBox as a child window that // fits the client area of the Main Window (the TRUE 3rd // argument specifies such an inside child). // If you want the Trace Message Log in a separate (but owned) // window, then pass a FALSE instead for the 3rd argument. if (m_pMsgLog->Create(m_hInst, m_hWnd, TRUE)) { HRESULT hr; // Assign the global MsgLog pointer. g_pMsgLog = m_pMsgLog; // Use macro to log an initial start messsage. LOGID(IDS_START_MESSAGE_LOG); LOG("C: Start LICSERVE Server Trace Logging."); // Now ask COM for the ISample interface to the server's // LicCarSample component. This effectively loads the // LICSERVE DLL. hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_LicCarSample, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ISample, (PPVOID)&m_pLicCarSample); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = m_pLicCarSample->Init(m_hWnd, g_pMsgLog); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { HMENU hMenu = ::GetMenu(m_hWnd); ::CheckMenuItem( hMenu, IDM_LOG_LICSERVER, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_CHECKED); LOG("C: Start DLLSERVE Server Trace Logging."); // Also set up logging from the subordinate DLLSERVE server // to the client as well. hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_DllCarSample, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ISample, (PPVOID)&m_pDllCarSample); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = m_pDllCarSample->Init(m_hWnd, g_pMsgLog); bOk = SUCCEEDED(hr); if (bOk) { ::CheckMenuItem( hMenu, IDM_LOG_DLLSERVER, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_CHECKED); } else { RELEASE_INTERFACE(m_pDllCarSample); // We ask COM to unload any unused COM Servers. CoFreeUnusedLibraries(); } } else m_pMsgBox->ErrorID(IDS_NODLLSERVER); } else { RELEASE_INTERFACE(m_pLicCarSample); // We ask COM to unload any unused COM Servers. CoFreeUnusedLibraries(); } } else m_pMsgBox->ErrorID(IDS_NOLICSERVER); } } } } if (!bOk) { DELETE_POINTER(m_pMsgBox); DELETE_POINTER(m_pMsgLog); } return (bOk); }
After the CMainWindow is created and the MsgBox facility is initialized, trace logging is set up for two servers using their respective CarSample components, LicCarSample and DllCarSample. We store pointers to the ISample interfaces on these components in the corresponding CMainWindow member variables, m_pLicCarSample and m_pDllCarSample. The ISample::Init methods are then called to set up logging from those servers to this client's logging display. The g_pMsgLog value is passed in the calls to Init. By creating these CarSample components as COM object instances, the LICSERVE and DLLSERVE servers are loaded early during execution of the InitInstance method. This is similar to the behavior of DLLCLIEN; however, in this lesson we'll have reason to force these servers to be unloaded. More on this later, when we look at the new selections in the Log menu.
The CMainWindow::DoMenu method in LICCLIEN.CPP contains the code for the Car and UtilityCar menus. This code is identical to the corresponding menu code in DLLCLIEN and in fact operates identically, because it exercises components in DLLSERVE. The LicCruiseCar menu code takes the same form as the code for the CruiseCar menu in DLLCLIEN, but when CoCreateInstance is called, the class factory for the LicCruiseCar component in the LICSERVE server is invoked.
... ... // Call COM service to create an instance. hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_LicCruiseCar, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IUnknown, (PPVOID)&m_pLicCruiseCar); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ::CheckMenuItem( hMenu, IDM_CCAR_CREATE, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_CHECKED); } else { LOG("C: ???? LicCruiseCar creation failed."); if (CLASS_E_NOTLICENSED == hr) m_pMsgBox->ErrorID(IDS_NOLICENSE); } ... ...
Though this code looks the same in LICCLIEN as it did in DLLCLIEN, the server code that it executes is different. The LicCruiseCar class factory in LICSERVE implements IClassFactory2, not IClassFactory. The CoCreateInstance function will therefore call IClassFactory2::CreateInstance to check for a valid machine license. If the LICSERVE server did not detect a valid machine license on initialization, the CoCreateInstance call in LICCLIEN would fail, returning CLASS_E_NOTLICENSED, and an error message would be displayed to indicate that the requested component is not licensed.
The UtilityCruiseCar menu has several new menu items: Get License Key, Clear License Key, and Create with Key. The license key being used here controls creation of the COLicCruiseCar component and not the COUtilityCruiseCar object itself. The COUtilityCruiseCar COM object is created in this client as an object that aggregates the COLicCruiseCar component provided by the LICSERVE server. We will look at each of these menu items in turn. Here is Get License Key:
case IDM_UCRU_GETLICKEY: LOG("C: === UtilityCruiseCar Menu: Get License Key."); // Get a class factory for LicCruiseCar and issue IClassFactory's // CreateInstance method to manufacture a COLicCruiseCar COM object. hr = CoGetClassObject( CLSID_LicCruiseCar, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, NULL, IID_IClassFactory2, (PPVOID)&pICF2LicCruiseCar); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LOG("C: LicCruiseCar's IClassFactory2 obtained."); hr = pICF2LicCruiseCar->RequestLicKey(0, &m_bstrLicKey); pICF2LicCruiseCar->Release(); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LOG("C: Obtained LicCruiseCar's Runtime License Key."); ::CheckMenuItem( hMenu, IDM_UCRU_GETLICKEY, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_CHECKED); } else LOG("C: Failed to Obtain LicCruiseCar's Runtime License Key."); break;
The CoGetClassObject COM API function obtains the IClassFactory2 interface on the class factory for the COLicCruiseCar component. This class factory resides in the LICSERVE server. Upon obtaining the interface, we call the IClassFactory2::RequestLicKey method to obtain the license key. We cache this license key string for later use by the IClassFactory2::CreateInstanceLic method.
The Clear License Key on the UtilityCruiseCar menu simply frees the string that was obtained above.
case IDM_UCRU_CLEARLICKEY: LOG("C: === UtilityCruiseCar Menu: Clear License Key."); SysFreeString(m_bstrLicKey); m_bstrLicKey = NULL; ::CheckMenuItem( hMenu, IDM_UCRU_GETLICKEY, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_UNCHECKED); break;
The Create with Key menu item passes the license key string to the CreateUtilityCruiseCar function. If creation fails because the string does not match the internal license key string (the function returns CLASS_E_NOTLICENSED), an error message is displayed, indicating that an attempt was made to use a component (in this case the LicCruiseCar component) that does not have a run-time license.
case IDM_UCRU_CREATE: LOG("C: === UtilityCruiseCar Menu: Create with Key."); if (NULL == m_pUtilityCruiseCar) { // Call a create function to create an instance. hr = CreateUtilityCruiseCar( NULL, IID_IUnknown, m_bstrLicKey, (PPVOID)&m_pUtilityCruiseCar); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ::CheckMenuItem( hMenu, IDM_UCRU_CREATE, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_CHECKED); } else { LOG("C: ???? UtilityCruiseCar creation failed."); if (CLASS_E_NOTLICENSED == hr) m_pMsgBox->ErrorID(IDS_NORUNLICENSE); } } else LOG("C: ???? UtilityCruiseCar already exists."); break;
Here is the CreateUtilityCruiseCar function from UTCRUCAR.CPP.
HRESULT CreateUtilityCruiseCar( IUnknown* pUnkOuter, REFIID riid, BSTR bstrLicKey, PPVOID ppv) { HRESULT hr; COUtilityCruiseCar* pCob; LOGF1("C: CreateUtilityCruiseCar. pUnkOuter=0x%X.",pUnkOuter); // If the creation call is requesting aggregation (pUnkOuter != NULL), // the COM rules state the IUnknown interface MUST also be concomitantly // requested. If it is not so requested ( riid != IID_IUnknown), then // an error must be returned indicating that no aggregate creation of // the COUtilityCruiseCar COM Object can be performed using anything // other than a controlling IUnknown interface. if (NULL != pUnkOuter && riid != IID_IUnknown) hr = CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION; else { // Instantiate a COUtilityCruiseCar COM Object. pCob = new COUtilityCruiseCar(pUnkOuter); if (NULL != pCob) { // If we have succeeded in instantiating the COUtilityCruiseCar // object, we initialize it to offer its interfaces. hr = pCob->Init(bstrLicKey); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // We QueryInterface this new COM Object not only to deposit the // main interface pointer to the caller's pointer variable, but to // also automatically bump the Reference Count on the new COM // Object after handing out this *ppv reference to it. hr = pCob->QueryInterface(riid, (PPVOID)ppv); } } else hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LOGF1("C: CreateUtilityCruiseCar Succeeded. *ppv=0x%X.",*ppv); } else { LOG("C: CreateUtilityCruiseCar Failed."); } return hr; }
This function accepts the run-time license key string (bstrLicKey) and passes it to the Init method of the newly created COUtilityCruiseCar COM object. The Init method is usually called when inner COM objects are reused to create the COM object. Here is the COUtilityCruiseCar::Init method from UTCRUCAR.CPP:
HRESULT COUtilityCruiseCar::Init( BSTR bstrLicKey) { HRESULT hr; IClassFactory2* pICF2LicCruiseCar; // Set up the right pIUnknown for delegation. If we are being // aggregated, then we pass the pUnkOuter in turn to any COM objects // that we are aggregating. m_pUnkOuter was set in the Constructor. IUnknown* pUnkOuter = (NULL == m_pUnkOuter) ? this : m_pUnkOuter; LOG("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::Init."); // Get a class factory for LicCruiseCar and issue IClassFactory's // CreateInstance method to manufacture a COLicCruiseCar COM object. hr = CoGetClassObject( CLSID_LicCruiseCar, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, NULL, IID_IClassFactory2, (PPVOID)&pICF2LicCruiseCar); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LOG("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::Init IClassFactory2 obtained."); hr = pICF2LicCruiseCar->CreateInstanceLic( pUnkOuter, NULL, IID_IUnknown, bstrLicKey, (PPVOID)&m_pUnkCruiseCar); pICF2LicCruiseCar->Release(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LOG("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::Init Created using License Key."); } else { LOG("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::Init Unable to Create LicCruiseCar."); } } return (hr); }
The COUtilityCruiseCar object is made by creating and aggregating a LicCruiseCar component. Why aggregation? Because the CreateUtilityCruiseCar function that was called in the code for the Create with Key command passed a NULL for the first pUnkOuter argument. That NULL pointer was eventually passed to this Init method, where the logic assigns to pUnkOuter the 'this' pointer of the COUtilityCruiseCar object itself. This pUnkOuter is then passed to the CreateInstanceLic method. The CoGetClassObject COM API function is called to obtain the IClassFactory2 interface of the class factory for CLSID_LicCruiseCar. The CreateInstanceLic method of this interface is then called to create the aggregated COLicCruiseCar COM object. At this point, we don't really need to know that the LICSERVE server provides this COLicCruiseCar object.
We are now ready to tour some trace logs of internal behavior. This lesson demonstrates two kinds of licensing behavior. The first creates a machine-licensed component by calling the IClassFactory::CreateInstance method. We saw in the code above that the class factory for COLicCruiseCar implements IClassFactory2, whose CreateInstance method can create a component only if the server has found a valid machine license.
The second acquires a run-time license and later uses it to create a COUtilityCruiseCar component. We'll look at both licensing scenarios internally in the following trace logs.
Here is the trace for the Create command on the LicCruiseCar menu:
C: === LicCruiseCar Menu: Create. P: DllGetClassObject: Requesting CFLicCruiseCar. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory Constructor. Non-Aggregating. P: CFLicCruiseCar Constructor. m_pUnkOuter=0x0. P: CServer::ObjectsUp. New cObjects=2. P: CFLicCruiseCar::QueryInterface. pIClassFactory returned. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory::Addref. Delegating. New cI=1. P: CFLicCruiseCar::AddRef. New cRefs=1. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory::CreateInstance. pUnkOuter=0x0. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CreatLicCruiseCar. pUnkOuter=0x0. P: COLicCruiseCar::CImpICruise Constructor. Non-Aggregating. P: COLicCruiseCar Constructor. m_pUnkOuter=0x0. P: CServer::ObjectsUp. New cObjects=3. P: COLicCruiseCar::Init. S: DllGetClassObject: Requesting CFCar. S: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory Constructor. Non-Aggregating. S: CFCar Constructor. m_pUnkOuter=0x0. S: CServer::ObjectsUp. New cObjects=2. S: CFCar::QueryInterface. pIClassFactory returned. S: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::Addref. Delegating. New cI=1. S: CFCar::AddRef. New cRefs=1. S: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::CreateInstance. pUnkOuter=0x66091C. S: COCar::CImpICar Constructor. Aggregating. S: COCar Constructor. m_pUnkOuter=0x66091C. S: CServer::ObjectsUp. New cObjects=3. S: COCar::QueryInterface. 'this' pIUnknown returned. S: COCar::AddRef. New cRefs=1. S: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::CreateInstance Succeeded. *ppv=0x66096C. S: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::Release. Delegating. New cI=0. S: CFCar::Release. New cRefs=0. S: CServer::ObjectsDown. New cObjects=2. S: CFCar::Destructor. S: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory Destructor. P: COLicCruiseCar::Init (New Aggregation of COCar) Succeeded. P: COLicCruiseCar::QueryInterface. 'this' pIUnknown returned. P: COLicCruiseCar::AddRef. New cRefs=1. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CreateLicCruiseCar Succeeded. *ppv=0x66091C. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory::CreateInstance Success. *ppv=0x66091C. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory::Release. Delegating. New cI=0. P: CFLicCruiseCar::Release. New cRefs=0. P: CServer::ObjectsDown. New cObjects=2. P: CFLicCruiseCar::Destructor. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory Destructor.
First, notice the new 'P:' indicator. Because we're using nested aggregated components from two different servers, we use a different trace log code for each server: 'S:' for behavior inside DLLSERVE and 'P:' for behavior inside the protected LICSERVE. As in previous trace logs, we retain the 'C:' for behavior in the Client.
We'll break this trace sequence into pieces for easier reading:
C: === LicCruiseCar Menu: Create. P: DllGetClassObject: Requesting CFLicCruiseCar. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory Constructor. Non-Aggregating. P: CFLicCruiseCar Constructor. m_pUnkOuter=0x0. P: CServer::ObjectsUp. New cObjects=2. P: CFLicCruiseCar::QueryInterface. pIClassFactory returned. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory::Addref. Delegating. New cI=1. P: CFLicCruiseCar::AddRef. New cRefs=1.
When the client calls CoGetClassObject, the COM implementation locates the server for the class factory and asks the server (using the server's DllGetClassObject function) for the IClassFactory interface to the class factory. In this case, we see the LICSERVE log event indicating that the CFLicCruiseCar factory is requested. This means that LICSERVE is loaded. The constructors of both the new CFLicCruiseCar COM object and its nested implementation of the IClassFactory interface are executed. The CServe server control object for LICSERVE increments its object count to 2. This counts the LicCarSample object that supports logging and the new CFLicCruiseCar COM object. As the CFLicCruiseCar COM object is created, we see the QueryInterface call on the requested output pointer (pIClassFactory) and the resultant call to AddRef on that pointer.
P: CFLicCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory::CreateInstance. pUnkOuter=0x0. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CreateLicCruiseCar. pUnkOuter=0x0. P: COLicCruiseCar::CImpICruise Constructor. Non-Aggregating. P: COLicCruiseCar Constructor. m_pUnkOuter=0x0. P: CServer::ObjectsUp. New cObjects=3.
Next, COM calls CreateInstance on the IClassFactory interface. This results in an unconditional call to CreateLicCruiseCar. We saw in the LICSERVE lesson that the class factory for COLicCruiseCar took licensing into account, and calls to its CreateInstance method would succeed only if the machine license was verified. In this example, creation is successful, because a valid machine license was found when LICSERVE was initially loaded.
The CreateLicCruiseCar method proceeds, and the constructors for the COLicCruiseCar COM object are executed. The LICSERVE server increments its object count to 3.
P: COLicCruiseCar::Init. S: DllGetClassObject: Requesting CFCar. S: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory Constructor. Non-Aggregating. S: CFCar Constructor. m_pUnkOuter=0x0. S: CServer::ObjectsUp. New cObjects=2. S: CFCar::QueryInterface. pIClassFactory returned. S: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::Addref. Delegating. New cI=1. S: CFCar::AddRef. New cRefs=1.
Because COLicCruiseCar aggregates a COCar object, the COLicCruiseCar::Init method must call CoCreateInstance to create this inner component. The server managing COCar components is DLLSERVE, so 'S:' appears at the beginning of these log entries. DllGetClassObject is called, and the CFCar class factory COM object is created. For this server, the object count is only 2: counting the DllCarSample object and the new class factory object. QueryInterface and AddRef are called on the returned IClassFactory interface.
S: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::CreateInstance. pUnkOuter=0x66091C. S: COCar::CImpICar Constructor. Aggregating. S: COCar Constructor. m_pUnkOuter=0x66091C. S: CServer::ObjectsUp. New cObjects=3. S: COCar::QueryInterface. 'this' pIUnknown returned. S: COCar::AddRef. New cRefs=1. S: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::CreateInstance Succeeded. *ppv=0x66096C. S: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::Release. Delegating. New cI=0. S: CFCar::Release. New cRefs=0. S: CServer::ObjectsDown. New cObjects=2. S: CFCar::Destructor. S: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory Destructor.
COM uses the obtained IClassFactory interface to call the CreateInstance method. The COCar COM object is created in DLLSERVE: the constructors are executed, the server's object count is incremented to 3, and QueryInterface and AddRef are called on the new COM object. When CreateInstance returns, COM releases the IClassFactory interface. The reference count of CFCar is decremented to 0, the server's object count is decremented to 2, and the CFCar object's destructors are executed as the class factory is destroyed. The final DLLSERVE object count is 2, one for the new COCar object and one for the DllCarSample utility object.
P: COLicCruiseCar::Init (New Aggregation of COCar) Succeeded. P: COLicCruiseCar::QueryInterface. 'this' pIUnknown returned. P: COLicCruiseCar::AddRef. New cRefs=1. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CreateLicCruiseCar Succeeded. *ppv=0x66091C. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory::CreateInstance Success. *ppv=0x66091C. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory::Release. Delegating. New cI=0. P: CFLicCruiseCar::Release. New cRefs=0. P: CServer::ObjectsDown. New cObjects=2. P: CFLicCruiseCar::Destructor. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory Destructor.
Execution returns to the COLicCruiseCar::Init method, and the new COCar object is successfully aggregated. Creation of the COLicCruiseCar object continues with calls to QueryInterface and AddRef on the object's IUnknown. The COLicCruiseCar has been successfully created. The IClassFactory interface on CFLicCruiseCar is released, decrementing its reference count to 0. As a result, the CFLicCruiseCar class factory is destroyed, and the object count of the LICSERVE server is decremented to 2: one for the new COLicCruiseCar object and one for the COLicCarSample utility object.
At this point, the LICCLIEN client has successfully requested that a COLicCruiseCar object be created, and it has obtained a pointer to that object's IUnknown interface.
The matching release of this IUnknown interface is straightforward. Here's the log after the user chooses the Release command from LICCLIEN's LicCruiseCar menu:
C: === LicCruiseCar Menu: Release. P: COLicCruiseCar::Release. New cRefs=0. P: CServer::ObjectsDown. New cObjects=1. P: COLicCruiseCar::Destructor. S: COCar::Release. New cRefs=0. S: CServer::ObjectsDown. New cObjects=1. S: COCar::Destructor. S: COCar::CImpICar Destructor. P: COLicCruiseCar::CImpICruise Destructor. S: DllCanUnloadNow. cObjects=1, cLocks=0. P: DllCanUnloadNow. cObjects=1, cLocks=0.
In LICSERVE, the COLicCruiseCar object's IUnknown reference is decremented to 0, causing the object to be deleted. The server decrements its object count to 1. The destructor of COLicCruiseCar is executed, and the IUnknown of the COCar object is released, decrementing its reference count to 0. The object count of the DLLSERVE server is now decremented to 1, and the destructors for the COCar COM object are executed. Control returns to the LICSERVE server, and the destructor of the COLicCruiseCar object is called. After all this, CoFreeUnusedLibraries is called, and this function calls each server's DllCanUnloadNow function. The servers won't be unloaded, because each has an object count of 1: for the CarSample utility component. The next topic of internal study is run-time licensing. To simulate run-time licensing, menu items in both the UtilityCruiseCar menu and the Log menu of LICCLIEN will be used. The simulation sequence is as follows:
Here is the trace log for step 2, the Get License Key command:
C: === UtilityCruiseCar Menu: Get License Key. P: DllGetClassObject: Requesting CFLicCruiseCar. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory Constructor. Non-Aggregating. P: CFLicCruiseCar Constructor. m_pUnkOuter=0x0. P: CServer::ObjectsUp. New cObjects=2. P: CFLicCruiseCar::QueryInterface. pIClassFactory2 returned. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory::Addref. Delegating. New cI=1. P: CFLicCruiseCar::AddRef. New cRefs=1. C: LicCruiseCar's IClassFactory2 obtained. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory::RequestLicKey. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory::Release. Delegating. New cI=0. P: CFLicCruiseCar::Release. New cRefs=0. P: CServer::ObjectsDown. New cObjects=1. P: CFLicCruiseCar::Destructor. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory Destructor. C: Obtained LicCruiseCar's Runtime License Key.
The client calls the CoGetClassObject COM API function to obtain an IClassFactory2 interface on the class factory for LicCruiseCar components. The factory is created, and the IClassFactory2::RequestLicKey method is called. The license key is obtained, the interface is released, and the CFLicCruiseCar class factory is destroyed normally.
We now perform step 3 and hide the machine license file, LICSERVE.LIC. We then restart the LICSERVE server using the Lic Server command. Here is the log of that sequence (step 4 above):
C: Stop LICSERVE Server Trace Logging. P: COLicCarSample::CImpISample::Release. Delegating. New cI=0. P: COLicCarSample::Release. New cRefs=0. P: CServer::ObjectsDown. New cObjects=0. P: COLicCarSample::Destructor. P: COLicCarSample::CImpISample Destructor. P: DllCanUnloadNow. cObjects=0, cLocks=0. S: DllCanUnloadNow. cObjects=1, cLocks=0. C: Start LICSERVE Server Trace Logging. P: --- LICSERVE.DLL now logging to Client ---
The ISample interface on the COLicCarSample object is released. Its reference count goes to 0, and the object is destroyed. The server decrements its object count to 0. When CoFreeUnusedLibraries is called after this release, COM calls the server to see if it should be unloaded. As the log shows, DllCanUnloadNow is called for each server. For the LICSERVE server, the object count is 0, so COM unloads the server DLL. We select this menu item again to re-engage LICSERVE server logging, which reloads the server. At this point, LICSERVE detects that the license file is missing.
We can confirm this by attempting to create a COLicCruiseCar component using the Create command on the LicCruiseCar menu. Here's what the log looks like with this attempt (step 5 above):
C: === LicCruiseCar Menu: Create. P: DllGetClassObject: Requesting CFLicCruiseCar. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory Constructor. Non-Aggregating. P: CFLicCruiseCar Constructor. m_pUnkOuter=0x0. P: CServer::ObjectsUp. New cObjects=2. P: CFLicCruiseCar::QueryInterface. pIClassFactory returned. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory::Addref. Delegating. New cI=1. P: CFLicCruiseCar::AddRef. New cRefs=1. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory::CreateInstance. pUnkOuter=0x0. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory::CreateInstance. No Machine License. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory::CreateInstance Failed. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory::Release. Delegating. New cI=0. P: CFLicCruiseCar::Release. New cRefs=0. P: CServer::ObjectsDown. New cObjects=1. P: CFLicCruiseCar::Destructor. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory Destructor. C: ???? LicCruiseCar creation failed.
Compare this with the trace log studied earlier for this same menu selection. The call to CoCreateInstance causes COM to obtain an IClassFactory interface on an appropriate class factory (CFLicCruiseCar) in the LICSERVE server. The CreateInstance method is attempted as before. But now we see the cascade of failure as the absence of a machine license is discovered. When the call stack unwinds back to the client, an error message is displayed.
For the final confirmation of run-time licensing, we perform step 6 and choose the Create with Key command from the UtilityCruiseCar menu. Here is the trace log, with some blank lines indicating sections for comment:
C: === UtilityCruiseCar Menu: Create with Key. C: CreateUtilityCruiseCar. pUnkOuter=0x0. C: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpIUtility Constructor. Non-Aggregating. C: COUtilityCruiseCar Constructor. m_pUnkOuter=0x0. C: COUtilityCruiseCar::Init. P: DllGetClassObject: Requesting CFLicCruiseCar. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory Constructor. Non-Aggregating. P: CFLicCruiseCar Constructor. m_pUnkOuter=0x0. P: CServer::ObjectsUp. New cObjects=2. P: CFLicCruiseCar::QueryInterface. pIClassFactory2 returned. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory::Addref. Delegating. New cI=1. P: CFLicCruiseCar::AddRef. New cRefs=1. C: COUtilityCruiseCar::Init IClassFactory2 obtained. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory::CreateInstanceLic. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CreateLicCruiseCar. pUnkOuter=0x7706EC. P: COLicCruiseCar::CImpICruise Constructor. Aggregating. P: COLicCruiseCar Constructor. m_pUnkOuter=0x7706EC. P: CServer::ObjectsUp. New cObjects=3. P: COLicCruiseCar::Init. S: DllGetClassObject: Requesting CFCar. S: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory Constructor. Non-Aggregating. S: CFCar Constructor. m_pUnkOuter=0x0. S: CServer::ObjectsUp. New cObjects=2. S: CFCar::QueryInterface. pIClassFactory returned. S: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::Addref. Delegating. New cI=1. S: CFCar::AddRef. New cRefs=1. S: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::CreateInstance. pUnkOuter=0x7706EC. S: COCar::CImpICar Constructor. Aggregating. S: COCar Constructor. m_pUnkOuter=0x7706EC. S: CServer::ObjectsUp. New cObjects=3. S: COCar::QueryInterface. 'this' pIUnknown returned. S: COCar::AddRef. New cRefs=1. S: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::CreateInstance Succeeded. *ppv=0x661230. S: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory::Release. Delegating. New cI=0. S: CFCar::Release. New cRefs=0. S: CServer::ObjectsDown. New cObjects=2. S: CFCar::Destructor. S: CFCar::CImpIClassFactory Destructor. P: COLicCruiseCar::Init (New Aggregation of COCar) Succeeded. P: COLicCruiseCar::QueryInterface. 'this' pIUnknown returned. P: COLicCruiseCar::AddRef. New cRefs=1. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CreateLicCruiseCar Succeeded. *ppv=0x6611E0. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory::Release. Delegating. New cI=0. P: CFLicCruiseCar::Release. New cRefs=0. P: CServer::ObjectsDown. New cObjects=2. P: CFLicCruiseCar::Destructor. P: CFLicCruiseCar::CImpIClassFactory Destructor. C: COUtilityCruiseCar::Init Created LicCruiseCar using License Key. C: COUtilityCruiseCar::Init Succeeded. C: COUtilityCruiseCar::QueryInterface. 'this' pIUnknown returned. C: COUtilityCruiseCar::AddRef. New cRefs=1. C: CreateUtilityCruiseCar Succeeded. *ppv=0x7706EC.
LICCLIEN calls the CreateUtilityCruiseCar function. This function creates a new COUtilityCruiseCar COM object and calls the object's Init method to create any inner objects. In this case, the important one is the licensed COLicCruiseCar object that will be aggregated as part of the COUtilityCruiseCar object. As before, the class factory is obtained. In this case, however, the IClassFactory2 interface is explicitly requested, because to create an instance of COLicCruiseCar with a run-time license, the IClassFactory2::CreateInstanceLic method must be called.
This method is called by the client, and the saved license key string is passed as an argument. The resultant creation of a new COLicCruiseCar succeeds because the license key string is a match. If it was not, we would see a cascade of failure, and the object would not be created.
As part of this COLicCruiseCar object, an inner COCar object must be created and aggregated. The COLicCruiseCar::Init method gets the class factory (CFCar in server DLLSERVE) and creates a COCar COM object. This sequence is the same as in other creations of COLicCruiseCar components.
The COLicCruiseCar is created, and the class factory is released. LICSERVE ends up with an object count of 2, one for the new COLicCruiseCar object and one for the LicCarSample utility component. Control returns to the client, where the trace log shows the final success of the CreateUtilityCruiseCar function.