**************************************************************** MICROSOFT SQL SERVER WORKSTATION SYSTEM 6.5 OPEN DATA SERVICES SAMPLE PROGRAMS **************************************************************** This file describes the Open Data Services sample programs included with Microsoft(R) SQL Server(TM) Workstation System 6.5. For additional information about SQL Server 6.5, Open Data Services, and ODBC, see the "What's New in SQL Server 6.5," "Programming Open Data Services," and "Programming ODBC for SQL Server" sections of SQL Server Books Online, which contains the most up-to-date information available. **************************************************************** OPEN DATA SERVICES SAMPLE APPLICATIONS The following 32-bit C sample programs are located in the C:\MSSQL\SAMPLES\ODS directory by default: GATEWAY Sample C gateway application that connects to SQL Server as an alternate data source and demonstrates a "pass through" application. Includes the following files: GATECBS.C GATEWAY.C GATEWAY.MAK GATEWAY.MDP ODSODBC Builds an Open Data Services gateway version of the SQL Server ODBC driver that can be customized for the capabilities of a particular Open Data Services gateway application. Documented in Appendix E of "Programming Open Data Services." To build a 16-bit version of the SQL Server ODBC driver, refer to C:\MSSQL\SAMPLES\ODS\ODSODBC\README.TXT. Includes the following files: BUILDW16.BAT LIBMAIN.C LOCAL.RC MAKEFILE.W16 ODBCSS.H ODBCVER.H ODXRC.H ODSSAMP.MAK ODSSAMP.MDP README.TXT SAMP.RC PROCSRV Demonstrates how to implement a procedure server using Open Data Services to handle specific pre-defined requests. Includes the following files: PROCSRV.C PROCSRV.MAK PROCSRV.MDP SALES.DBF SERVICE.C XP Sample extended procedure DLL built with Open Data Services. The functions within the DLL can be invoked by using the extended stored procedures support in SQL Server. To register the functions and allow all users to use them, run the Transact-SQL script INSTXP.SQL. Includes the following files: INSTXP.SQL XP.C XP.DEF XP.MAK XP.MDP XP_DBLIB Sample extended stored procedure using 32-bit Visual C++ and the DB-Library interface to open a new connection to the SQL Server that called the extended stored procedure. Returns a result set and passes the results to the client. Uses a bound session for the loopback connection. XP_DBLIB.C XP_DBLIB.DEF XP_DBLIB.MAK XP_DBLIB.MDP XP_DBLIB.SQL XP_ODBC Sample extended stored procedure using 32-bit Visual C++ and the ODBC interface to open a new connection to the SQL Server that called the extended stored procedure. Returns a result set and passes the results to the client. Uses a bound session for the loopback connection. Note: To connect to the server using integrated security, the local server data source name (registered using ODBC in the Control Panel) must be used. Includes the following files: XP_ODBC.C XP_ODBC.DEF XP_ODBC.MAK XP_ODBC.MDP XP_ODBC.SQL Each project on the Intel(R) platform includes Visual C++ 4.0 workspace files (.MDP). Double-click the workspace file to load the workspace and make file into the Developer Studio environment. Each project also contains cross-platform native Visual C++ 4.0 make files (.MAK). For each 32-bit project the .MAK file contains Intel, Alpha AXP(R), MIPS(R), and PowerPC(TM) build information. When the project is loaded into Developer Studio, pick the appropriate target, for example "Example1 - Win32 (ALPHA) Debug", and build it. You can also build from the command line. BUILDALL.BAT, a file that will build all of the 32-bit PTK samples, is in the samples directory. Use the following syntax: BUILDALL ({intel | alpha | mips | powerpc} {debug | release} {force}) To use these samples with Visual C++ 4.0, you need to ensure that your Library and Include directory settings point to your own directories. To do this using Developer Studio, from the Tools menu, choose Options, then click the Directories tab. From the "Show directories for" box, choose Include files and Library files, and ensure that these directories (as appropriate) are included: Include files: Library files: C:\MSSQL\DBLIB\INCLUDE C:\MSSQL\DBLIB\LIB C:\MSSQL\MSDTC\INCLUDE C:\MSSQL\MSDTC\LIB C:\MSSQL\ODBC\INCLUDE C:\MSSQL\ODS\LIB C:\MSSQL\ODS\INCLUDE C:\MSSQL\SQLOLE\INCLUDE