The Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI/WBEM) ODBC adapter provides a standard API that allows ODBC-based applications to read the data in the WMI Common Information Management (CIM) repository as if it were a relational database. The WMI ODBC adapter (version 2.10) supports minimum Level 1 read-only SQL grammar.
Installation instructions
Run WBEMODBC.msi from the \VALUEADD\MSFT\MGMT\WBEMODBC directory to install the WMI ODBC driver.  Setup will install the Wbemdr32.dll  file to the ...\system32 directory and the Wbemdr32.chm (WMI ODBC help file) to the Windows online Help directory.  The driver is then registered as an ODBC data source (System DSN) entitled "WBEM Source."
ODBC must already be installed on the computer.