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Office Resource Kit / Deployment / Overview of Setup
Topics in this chapter
  Setup Components  
  Tasks Handled by Setup  
  Installations That Require Elevated Privileges  

Setup Components

You use the Microsoft Office XP Setup program (Setup.exe) to do the following:

  • Create an administrative installation point for users to install Office over the network.

  • Install Office and related packages on users' computers.

  • Make changes to the installation in maintenance mode after Office XP is installed.

Like Microsoft Office 2000 Setup, Office XP Setup calls Windows Installer to install Office features; however, Office XP Setup manages more of the installation process.

For example, on computers running Microsoft Windows NT® 4.0 and Microsoft Windows® 98, Setup automatically checks for the required versions of shared and system files on the user's computer and updates the files from the System Files Update before installing Office. Setup can also coordinate installations of multiple chained packages through the Setup settings file (Setup.ini).

Setup program

Office XP Setup manages and coordinates the installation process from beginning to end. Setup spans required restarts and does not terminate until the last chained package is installed. Tasks performed by Setup include the following:

  • Detecting and installing required system files, including restarting and resuming if necessary.

  • Installing the core Office XP product.

  • Installing chained packages specified in the Setup settings file.

  • Detecting an HTTP source and installing Office from a Web server.

Setup.exe makes successive calls to Windows Installer (Msiexec.exe) to perform the installation of each package listed in the Setup.ini file. All command-line options documented in the Microsoft Office XP Resource Kit are defined for Setup.exe, which passes appropriate options to Msiexec.exe.

Setup settings file

Setup.exe reads the Setup settings file (Setup.ini) and writes tasks to the registry based on the information contained in the settings file. You can customize Setup.ini, or create your own custom INI files, to control many aspects of the installation process. Setup.ini is located in the Files\Setup folder on the administrative installation point. When you use the Setup INI Customization Wizard to specify your modifications, the wizard automatically writes the information in the appropriate sections of the INI file.

Toolbox   The Setup INI Customization Wizard is installed by default when you run the Office XP Resource Kit Setup program. Use the wizard to modify the Setup settings file, customize the installation process, and automatically generate the correct command line. For more information on the Setup INI Customization Wizard, see Setup INI Customization Wizard in the Toolbox.

For Office XP, the Setup settings file contains more information than previous versions and includes several new sections:

  • [Product] section

    Contains the product code, product name, and version number. Setup uses this information to determine whether Office XP is installed.

  • [MSI], [MST], and [Options] sections

    Contain information about the core Office package (MSI file) and any transform (MST file) to apply, as well as property settings for the core Office installation. For example, you can specify a value for the COMPANYNAME property in the [Options] section.

  • [Display] section

    Contains settings for the user interface displayed during Setup. These settings override default values and apply to the entire installation process, including the System Files Update.

  • [Logging] section

    Contains the logging mode to use for each portion of the installation process, as well as the location and naming scheme for log files.

  • [Installer] section

    Contains Windows Installer information, including minimum version and path to Instmsi.exe or Instmsiw.exe (the program that installs or upgrades Windows Installer).

  • [SystemPack] section

    Contains information about the System Files Update package, as well as some property settings to apply. For example, you can enter DISPLAY=Basic to display only simple progress indicators during the System Files Update installation, even if you set the core Office installation to run with a full user interface.

  • [SystemPackOptions] section

    Contains custom settings and properties to pass to the System Files Update installation. For example, you can enter TRANSFORMS=Custom.mst to apply a transform to the System Files Update package.

  • [SystemPack_DetectionFileList] section

    Lists all the shared and system files and version numbers that Setup checks during the detection process.

  • [ChainedInstall_n] sections

    Contain information about chained packages and any transforms to apply. You can chain as many additional packages as you want and apply a transform to each one. These sections of Setup.ini are useful when you want to include multiple Office XP Multilingual User Interface Packs (MUI Packs) in an Office installation.

Windows Installer

Windows Installer (which includes Msiexec.exe) installs Office XP by using a dynamic-link library file (Msi.dll) to read the Windows Installer package (MSI file), apply a Windows Installer transform (MST file), incorporate command-line options supplied by Setup.exe, and install programs and files on users' computers.

When a user selects a feature to install during Office Setup, Windows Installer identifies a corresponding set of components to copy to the computer. Each component consists of a unique set of files, programs, dynamic-link libraries, and registry entries that work together as a unit.

Windows Installer uses two types of files to install Office XP and related products: packages (MSI files) and transforms (MST files). A Windows Installer package is a relational database that contains all the information necessary to install a product. The MSI file associates components with features. It also contains information about the installation process itself, such as installation sequence, destination folder paths, system dependencies, installation options, and properties that control the installation process.

Like a Windows Installer package, a Windows Installer transform is a relational database that contains information about components, features, and Setup properties. A transform is based on a particular package and contains the modifications to apply to that package during installation. When you use the Custom Installation Wizard to create a transform, the wizard compares the original MSI file and the MSI file with all your customizations incorporated. The differences are recorded in an MST file; the original package is never altered.

Office XP requires Windows Installer 1.1. The new version contains a number of improvements over Windows Installer 1.0, including better support for upgrading to a new version of a previously installed package.

If Windows Installer 1.0 is present on the computer, Setup automatically updates the program. If Windows Installer is not present on the computer, Setup calls Instmsi.exe (Windows 98) or Instmsiw.exe (Windows NT 4.0) to install it. Both the Microsoft Windows 2000 and Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me) operating systems include Windows Installer 1.1. If you are installing Office XP on one of these operating systems, no Windows Installer update is required.

Office XP packages

The Office XP package includes all the core applications and shared features. The core package also includes Input Method Editors (IMEs) for Korean, Japanese, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese. After Office is installed, Windows Installer continues to use the original package to add or remove features or to replace missing or damaged files. When you set Office features to be installed on first use, Windows Installer uses the package to copy the files the first time the user activates a feature.

The following Office XP technologies or features are not included in the core MSI file; these features require a separate installation:

  • Microsoft's SharePoint™ Team Services

  • Office XP Web Components

  • Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE)

  • Microsoft Office XP Resource Kit (Enterprise editions only)

The following table lists MSI files for Office XP and related products.

Product or Technology Package (MSI file)
Office XP Professional with FrontPage Proplus.msi
Office XP Professional Pro.msi
Office XP Standard Standard.msi
Office XP Small Business Smbus.msi
System Files Update Files\Osp\<LCID>\Osp.msi
Multilingual User Interface Pack Wizard Lpkwiz.msi
Office XP Multilingual User Interface Packs <LCID>/Lpk.msi.
SharePoint Team Services Ows.msi
Office XP Web Components Owc10.msi
Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) MSDE2000\Setup\Sqlrun01.msi
Access Runtime Accessrt.msi
Microsoft Office XP Resource Kit (Enterprise editions only) Ork\Ork.msi

For more information about the available editions of Office XP, see Office XP System Requirements.

System Files Update

Office XP requires minimum versions of a set of dynamic-link library (DLL) files and other shared and system files. Before installing Office XP under Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 98, Setup verifies that these key system files are up-to-date and, if they are not, updates them automatically from the System Files Update before proceeding with the rest of the installation.

The release versions of Windows 2000 and Windows Me include an equivalent or better level of the key system files required for Office XP. Under Windows 2000 or Windows Me, you cannot install the System Files Update or run Internet Explorer Setup from the System Files Update. The /spforce command-line option has no effect on these operating systems.

If you are upgrading from Office 2000 Service Release 1 under Windows 98 or Windows NT 4.0 and you have Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 or later, then your system files are also up-to-date. In these cases, you can install Office XP without installing the System Files Update.

Note   During the installation of the Office XP package, Setup copies some files to the Systems folder on the user's computer. Unlike the files in the System Files Update package, these files do not update the operating system. They include dynamic-link library (DLL) files required by legacy applications and other shared files that the operating system looks for in the Systems folder. The workbook Filelist.xls lists these files. Filelist.xls is installed by default when you run the Office Resource Kit Setup program. For more information, see Supplemental Documentation in the Toolbox.

The System Files Update is a separate package (MSI file). If required, it is installed automatically with the Office XP package, but you customize it in a separate transform applied to the Osp.msi package. Key system files and components in the System Files Update include the following:

  • Internet Explorer 5.01

  • HTML Help

  • Microsoft Data Access Components 2.5

  • Microsoft Visual Basic® for Applications Runtime

  • Microsoft Visual C Runtime

  • Microsoft Foundation Class 4.2

Tip   The Setup settings file (Setup.ini) includes a list of the system and shared files that Setup checks before installing Office XP, along with minimum required version numbers. Setup.ini is located in the Files/Setup folder on the administrative installation point; you can find the file list in the [SystemPack_DetectionFileList] section of Setup.ini.

Internet Explorer 5

The minimum version of Internet Explorer required by Office XP is Internet Explorer 4.01 Service Pack 1. By default, the System Files Update includes a typical installation of Internet Explorer version 5.01. Under Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 98, any earlier version of Internet Explorer automatically triggers the System Files Update installation.

The following table lists the versions of Internet Explorer included with recent versions of Windows and Office.

Product Internet Explorer
Windows 98 (release version) Internet Explorer 4.01 Service Pack 1
Windows 98 Second Edition Internet Explorer 5.0
Office 2000 (release version) Internet Explorer 5.0
Office 2000 Service Release 1 Internet Explorer 5.01
Office XP Internet Explorer 5.01
Windows 2000 (release version) Internet Explorer 5.01
Windows Me Internet Explorer 5.5

During an Office XP installation, administrators have several options for determining which version (if any) of Internet Explorer is installed on users' computers. For example, you can do one of the following:

  • Run the System Files Update installation with a full user interface to give users the choice of installing or upgrading to Internet Explorer 5.

  • Run the System Files Update installation silently and set the NOIE property to True to install only a required subset of Internet Explorer– and Microsoft Windows–related components.

Note   Because the System Files Update installation does not run on Windows 2000 or Windows Me, you cannot update Internet Explorer during your Office XP installation on these operating systems. Instead, deploy the desired version of Internet Explorer separately before you install Office XP.

Office XP Multilingual User Interface Packs

Each language in the Office XP Multilingual User Interface Pack is installed as a separate package (Lpk.msi). The packages are stored in parallel folders on the Multilingual User Interface Pack CD: <LCID>\Lpk.msi. If you run Setup without user interaction, you can chain any number of MUI Packs to the core Office XP installation by adding them to the Setup settings file.

Alternatively, if you run Setup with a full user interface, you can include the Multilingual User Interface Pack Wizard (Lpkwiz.msi). Unlike most Windows Installer packages, this wizard cannot be customized or advertised by using the /jm command-line option or the software installation services in Windows 2000. Instead, Setup calls the wizard to display a list of all the languages available on the administrative image, and users select the languages they need. The wizard coordinates the installation of the selected MUI Packs.

See also

For more information about deploying MUI Packs in an international organization, see Deploying Office with the Multilingual User Interface Pack.

For more information about Windows Installer, including online Help and other documentation, see the Platform SDK Components for Windows Installer (MSI) Developers page on the MSDN Web site at


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