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Advanced Administration of Office Server Extensions

How to Use Fpsrvadm.exe

The Fpsrvadm utility is a command-line application for Microsoft Windows NT and UNIX. This utility installs Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions on Web sites and performs all administrative operations on FrontPage-extended webs. The Fpsrvadm utility administrative operations include:

  • Updating FrontPage-extended webs
  • Uninstalling FrontPage Server Extensions
  • Verifying correct FrontPage Server Extensions configuration

You must run Fpsrvadm on the server computer that contains FrontPage Server Extensions. To administer FrontPage Server Extensions remotely, use the Fpremadm utility, or the HTML Administration Forms.

When you run Fpsrvadm, you supply an operation in the form-operation CommandName, and a set of command-line arguments in the form-argument value. For example, the following command upgrades FrontPage Server Extensions on port 80 of the Web site called

fpsrvadm.exe -operation upgrade -port 80 -multihost

Each argument also has a short form. The short form of this command is the following:

fpsrvadm.exe -o upgrade -p 80 -m

For example, here’s how you would use Fpsrvadm to install FrontPage Server Extensions on the new Web site named

fpsrvadm.exe -o install -p 80 -m -u AdminName
    -t msiis

The commands and arguments are defined as follows:

  • -o install installs the FrontPage Server Extensions on the specified port of a Web site.
  • -p 80 gives the port number.
  • -m is the domain name of the new Web site.
  • -u AdminName is the name of the FrontPage-extended web administrator. By using the FrontPage client, this administrator can add authors and other administrators, and can create or delete FrontPage-extended subwebs.
  • -t msiis is the server type. With Microsoft Office Server Extensions (OSE), this argument is always msiis for Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS).

Toolbox   The command-line arguments and commands that you can use with Fpsrvadm are listed in the OSEAMain.xls workbook. For more information about installing this workbook, see Office Information.

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  Friday, March 5, 1999
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