Microsoft Office 2000 Resource Kit Home
 The Office 2000 Environment - What You Need to Know
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 Upgrading to Office 2000
 Office 2000 and the Web
 Using Office 2000 in a Multinational Organization
 Overview of Tools and Utilities


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%USERNAME% environment variable

creating Outlook profiles using

using in system policies

%Username% environment variable (Windows Terminal Server), support

%USERPROFILE% environment variable, setting for Windows NT and Windows 95/98

/? command-line option, Profile Wizard

/a command-line option

Office Setup program  1, 2, 3

Removal Wizard

/d command-line option, Profile Wizard

/e command-line option, Profile Wizard

/i command-line option, Profile Wizard

/jm command-line option, Office Setup program  1, 2

/l command-line option

Removal Wizard


/n command-line option, Office Setup program

/p command-line option, Profile Wizard

/pwd command-line option, Access

/q command-line option

Office Setup program  1, 2

Profile Wizard

Removal Wizard

/qb command-line option, Office Setup program

/qn command-line option, Office Setup program

/r command-line option

Profile Wizard

Removal Wizard

/s command-line option

Profile Wizard

Removal Wizard

/settings command-line option, Setup

/user command-line option, Access

/wrkgrp command-line option, Access

/x command-line option, Setup

[Display] section, Setup.ini

[ExcludeFiles] Proflwiz.ini file section

[ExcludeIndividualRegistryKeys] Proflwiz.ini file section

[ExcludeIndividualRegistryValues] Proflwiz.ini file section

[ExcludeRegistryTrees] Proflwiz.ini file section

[FolderTreesToRemoveToResetToDefaults] Proflwiz.ini file section

[IncludeFolderTrees] Proflwiz.ini file section

[IncludeIndividualFiles] Proflwiz.ini file section

[IncludeIndividualFolders] Proflwiz.ini file section

[IncludeIndividualRegistryKeys] Proflwiz.ini file section

[IncludeRegistryTrees] Proflwiz.ini file section

[IndividualFilesToRemoveToResetToDefaults] Proflwiz.ini file section

[IndividualRegistryValuesToRemoveToResetToDefaults] Profilwiz.ini file section

[MSI] section, Setup.ini

[MST] section, Setup.ini

[Options] section, Setup.ini

[RegistryTreesToRemoveToRestToDefaults] Proflwiz.ini file section

[SubstituteEnvironmentVariables] Proflwiz.ini file section

16-bit graphics filters options (list)

32-bit graphics filters options (list)

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Access 2000

Access project (ADP file), defined

ActiveX controls that work with SQL Server (list)

application-specific Web features

copying multilingual text

customizing executable mode

data access pages, defined

data pages, sending HTML-based e-mail messages  1, 2

default settings for Terminal Server installations

DoMenuItem vs. RunCommand

enabling Name AutoCorrect feature

features that work with SQL Server

file formats in Office 2000

Jet database engine ­ See: Jet database engine

macros ­ See: macros

MSDE ­ See: MSDE (Microsoft Data Engine)

opening Microsoft Script Editor

permissions ­ See: permissions, Access 2000 databases

preparing for year 2000

retrieving data from other database servers

security ­ See: security, Access 2000 databases

SQL Server

advanced features (list)

Chart Component (Office Web Components)

Data Access Control Office Web Component

PivotTable Component (Office Web Components)

supporting VBA

system policies ­ See: system policies, Access 2000

upgrading reference

Access 2000 Unicode support vs. Access 97

converting Access 2.0 report with different margins

converting Access 2000 databases to Access 97

converting previous-version databases

design change notification (list)

enabling previous-version databases

errors ­ See: errors, Access


linking or importing tables

macros ­ See: macros, Access 2000

problems converting Date/Time fields from earlier versions

saving design changes to shared databases

sharing multiple versions of databases


upgrading strategies for different user needs

using front-end/back-end applications with multiple versions

using one-file databases with multiple versions

VB keywords not usable as identifiers (list)

User-Level Security Wizard ­ See: User-Level Security Wizard (Access)

year 2000 issues  1, 2

Access 97 object libraries

Access data, manipulating

Access databases

controlling access from data access pages

controlling level of access

converting previous-version databases

General sort order ­ See: General sort order

limitations to using ADO (list)



access from malicious users

unauthorized access

removing conflicting data to solve indexing problems


front-end/back-end applications

without log ons

security ­ See: security, Access 2000 databases

sort order ­ See: sort order

upgrading reference ­ See: Access 2000, upgrading reference

using Data Source component for interactive database control

Access documents

adding discussion items to

intranets, limitations of transferring between HTML and Office documents

Access project (ADP file)

defined  1, 2

working with Access 2000 and SQL Server

Access9.adm template

ACL (access-control lists)

adding groups with OSE Configuration Wizard

central role in Web security

enforcing permissions with NTFS ACLs

FAT does not support permissions

locking policies subkey in Windows registry

managing NTFS manually

permissions settings

provide security from FrontPage Server Extensions

security for OSE using Windows NT

Acme Setup



command-line options


STF and INF text files, Windows installer replaces

Windows installer replaces

Active Desktop

changing user interface languages

client system requirements

Active Directory Services Interface (ADSI)

active documents, integrating Office documents with Web browsers

Active Server Pages (ASP) ­ See: ASP (Active Server Pages)

ActiveX controls

converting previous versions to Access 2000

sharing databases using Web technologies

vs. Outlook Today ActiveX controls

Web features available in Office 2000

working with SQL Server (list)

ActiveX Data Objects (ADOX)

Access 2000


vs. Access 97

accessing VBA code

batch updating

data connectivity technologies

features (list)

Office 2000 support

Office Server Extensions (OSE), using custom Automation objects

vs. DAO and RDO

ActiveX documents



editing Convpack.ini files

HTML Language add-in option

Lotus 1-2-3 version 4.0 add-in

Quattro Pro 1.0-5.0 for Windows add-in

Quattro Pro 7.0-8.0 for Windows add-in

RegisterHTMLAddIn option

Excel 2000

displaying messages when loading


opening HTML files in Excel 95 and Excel 5.0 created by Excel 2000

unable to load in workbooks

new COM add-ins

Office Converter Pack



PowerPoint 2000  1, 2

Presentation Broadcast, installing

Word 2000  1, 2

ADDLOCAL Setup property

address books

Global Address Books, storing digital certificates

using offline

AddressOf keyword, not usable as identifier in Access 2000

ADDSOURCE Setup property

ADE files

modifying database forms, reports, and modules

saving databases as

saving files that reference other databases

vs. ADP files

adm files ­ See: system policy templates

Admin user accounts, user-level security


administering permission, defined


activating remotely

FrontPage tools for simplifying Web site

multilingual installation

user options ­ See: user options, Office 2000

Web options for intranets with system policies (list)

administration tools

Fpsrvadm utility ­ See: Fpsrvadm utility

Fpsrvrem utility ­ See: Fpsrvrem utility

FrontPage MMC snap-in ­ See: FrontPage MMC snap-in administration tools

FrontPage Server Extensions ­ See: FrontPage Server Extensions administration tools

HTML Administration Forms ­ See: HTML Administration Forms

administrative installation points


for custom CD-ROM installations

for MultiLanguage Pack

for network server installations

for PhotoDraw  1, 2

using /a command-line option

with Office Setup program

deploying Office throughout large organizations

distributing Setup settings files

including OPS files


MultiLanguage Pack

Office on client computers

MSI files, modifying organization names

MST files, creating shortcuts

storing batch files

administrative modes, MultiLanguage Pack Setup

administrative privileges

Administrative Setup

administrative tasks, OSE-extended webs (table)

administrator permissions


security on databases


FrontPage MMC snap-in administration tools, adding

FrontPage-extended webs, permissions on

Office 2000 Resource Kit ­ See: Office 2000 Resource Kit

Web sites containing information and tools (list)

year 2000, educating and training users

Admins group accounts

revoking Administer permission

User-Level Security Wizard (Access)

user-level security

ADOX (ActiveX Data Objects) ­ See: ActiveX Data Objects (ADOX)

ADP files

saving files that reference other databases


data access pages

with Startup options

vs. ADE files

working with Access 2000 and SQL Server

ADSI (Active Directory Services Interface) ­ See: Active Directory Services Interface (ADSI)

Advanced Streaming Format (ASF) files

encoding live or stored audio and video using NetShow Encoder

saving broadcasts for later viewing

using NetShow Encoder

ADVERTISE Setup property

Aggressive mode, Removal Wizard





alerts ­ See: custom error messages


codec for recording digital video or audio

date ­ See: date algorithms

Allow background saves policy in Word

AllowBypassKey property (Access)

animations, inserting in FrontPage

anonymous access


on OSE-extended webs

removing from MSOffice virtual directory

anonymous account, defined

anonymous authentication

defined  1, 2



using OSE on Windows NT Server or Workstation

ANSI character sets vs. Unicode

ANSI SQL-92 specification, enhancements

Answer Wizard (AW)

adding custom Help content

customizing Help on the Web

displaying online Help in other languages

languages supported (list)

linking to Help on the Web

making custom Help work like Office Help

Answer Wizard (AW) files


custom  1, 2

new in custom Help

making accessible to users


after deploying Office

before deploying Office

using with Custom Installation Wizard

Answer Wizard Builder

Answer Wizard Builder (AWB) project files

creating custom AW files

creating custom Help

indexing HTML Help topics

Answer Wizard feedback forms



APIs (application programming interface), Office Registry API (ORAPI)


reading ORAPI spreadsheets

reading PathTree worksheets

reading RegistryMain worksheets

restoring values in Windows registry

system policies overriding defaults

Application Data folder (Outlook)

applications, custom ­ See: custom applications

application-specific Web features

architecture, Office Server Extensions ­ See: Office Server Extensions (OSE), architecture

ASC (Authorized Support Centers) Web sites

ASF (Advanced Streaming Format) files ­ See: Advanced Streaming Format (ASF) files

Asian fonts, installing

Asian languages

converting workbooks from Excel 2000/Excel 97/Excel 95/Excel 5.0


Excel workbooks in Excel 95/5.0/97

PowerPoint presentations in PowerPoint 95/4.0/97

Word documents in Word 97


Office 2000/Office 97 and older version files

Outlook messages across language versions

using Input Method Editor (IME)

Asian text

editing with Global IMEs in Word/Outlook

typing in non-Asian versions of Word/Outlook/Internet Explorer

ASP (Active Server Pages)

custom error messages

collecting information for


creating or updating ASP pages

creating Web pages

enabling after deploying Office

enabling before deploying Office


forwarding to support staff

modifying sample ASP scripts

reducing calls to support staff

writing custom ASP scripts

writing scripts

integrating with IIS

making Help on the Web more useful

Office Server Extensions (OSE)

sharing databases using Web technologies

ASP generator

ASP scripts  1, 2


assigned authors, tracking Web pages

Assigned to property, defined

At Work Fax, upgrading


encoding live or stored into ASF streams and files

producing streaming content using Windows Media Player

recording digital with codec

Send audio option (PowerPoint Presentation Broadcasting)


anonymous ­ See: anonymous authentication

Basic authentication ­ See: Basic authentication



IIS Web server, mediating through


OSE-extended webs

allowing anonymous access

Basic authentication


different methods for folders and files

enabling anonymous access

enabling Basic authenication

methods allowed

users on

types (list)

Windows NT Challenge/Response, defined

Windows NT Servers, users on



collaborating on intranet

FrontPage MMC snap-in administration tools

enabling or disabling

requiring Secure Sockets Layer

authoring permission, defined

authoring webs

FrontPage Server Extensions administration tools, enabling/disabling

logging activities

using FrontPage MMC snap-in administration tools

using FrontPage Server Extensions administration tools


if can load executable applications

where can upload executable applications

Authorized Support Centers (ASCs) Web site


collaborating with FrontPage

permissions on FrontPage-extended webs

tracking assigned authors for Web pages

Auto_Open macro (Excel)

Automation clients, Office 2000 and VBA

Automation objects

custom OSE features (list)

Event Sink object

Automation servers, Office 2000 and VBA

Automation, defined

AutoNavigation object

AutoNavigation view, customizing

AutoShapes, converting PowerPoint 95 to PowerPoint 2000

AW files ­ See: Answer Wizard (AW) files

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background saves policy in Word

Banyan network servers and clients supported by Office 2000 (list)

Basic authentication



IIS administration tools

mediating through IIS Web server

OSE-extended webs

securing logons

using with Web browsers

batch files

storing in administrative installation point

using for network server installations

batch updating, using ADOX

big font files

displaying characters in multiple scripts

TrueType fonts ­ See: TrueType fonts


binary files, Office documents vs. HTML on intranets

binary format, formatting capabilities

binary-format signed (blob-signed) messages vs. clear-signed

binder documents, unbinding

binders, unbinding with Unbind Binders Utility

blob-signed (binary-format signed) messages vs. clear-signed

BMP 16-bit filters option

BMP 32-bit filters option

booking appointments, sharing between Outlook and Schedule+

bootstrap program, Setup.exe file

Borland dBASE II, III, III+, and IV

bridgehead servers, Lotus Notes/Domino server and Exchange Server

broadcast streaming presentations ­ See: PowerPoint presentations; Presentation Broadcasting

Browse Web Folders option

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batch updating with ADOX


for intranets


supported by Internet Explorer 5


iCalendars ­ See: iCalendars, Outlook 2000

Outlook calendar vs. Schedule+ 7.x

Schedule+ ­ See: Schedule+


viewing with Outlook driver for Schedule +

cascading style sheets

administering Web options on intranets


Excel 2000 formatting correctly

Word 2000 formatting correctly


making custom Help work like Office Help

categories of users, setting permissions

categories, using to link new Web pages on the fly

Category property, defined

CD keys, stored in MSI files

CDR 32-bit filters option

CD-ROMs, custom ­ See: custom CD-ROMs

certificate authorities, limiting users

Certificate dialog box

certificate timestamps


Code-signing, defined

combining with private keys

creating custom

digital ­ See: digital certificates

E-mail, defined

encryption, making default settings

enrolling in security with public certificate authorities

expiration dates

Get a Digital ID

Identity, defined

managing with

Internet Explorer

Windows NT Certificate Services

moving between computers

obtaining other users' certificates

personal, defined

private, defined

public Certification Authority

public, defined

signing, making default settings

trust-based, editing

using timestamps

using to sign macros


CGI (Common Gateway Interface) files, hiding from users

CGI (Common Gateway Interface) scripts, creating custom error messages

CGM 32-bit filters option

Change Security Settings dialog box (Outlook)

change tracking on intranets, using Word and Excel

Channel Definition File

character encoding ­ See: code pages

character entity references (FrontPage)

Chart Component (Office Web Component)  1, 2

chat sessions, Enable chat option (PowerPoint Presentation Broadcasting)

Check-and-Fix administration tool  1, 2

checking in, Web pages

checking out, Web pages

child features, functionality

Chinese Input Method Editors

CHM files

creating in custom Help topics

registering new

viewing the HTML code for custom Help

ChrW() function, using in VBA for Unicode values

CICS (Customer Information Control System)

Cleaner.xla, installing

clear-signed messages vs. blob-signed (binary-format signed)

client components, OSE (list)

client computers

configuring for PowerPoint 2000 Presentation Broadcasting



Web features on

running PhotoDraw Setup on

See also computers

targeting for upgrade with SMS

updating Office 2000 with Systems Management Server

using system policies requirements

client platforms

Office 2000 systems requirements

Office 2000 Developer

Office 2000 Premium

Office 2000 Professional

Office 2000 Small Business

Office 2000 Standard

Office Web Components

deploying over intranets

installing and meeting license requirements

license requirements


redirecting users who cannot run Office Web Components

specifying download location

system requirements


Windows Terminal Server

benefits of

platform requirements

running Office 2000 requirements

system requirements

client requirements, traveling users

Client Setup, installing Office on computers

clip art, PhotoDraw

ClipGal5.adm template  1, 2

clocks, synchronizing with net time command (PowerPoint)


code pages

Access databases, opening forms/reports from previous localized versions

character limit


sort order

to Unicode


displaying online Help, Office 2000

limitations of user interface languages

multilingual single-byte text

setting system locale

special considerations for international travelers

specifying for localized Outlook messages

supporting multilingual dialog boxes

using Unicode fonts

vs. Unicode  1, 2

codecs (compressor/decompressor), defined

codes, non compiling Access

Code-signing certificates, defined


authoring on intranet

discussions ­ See: discussions

on documents stored on remote non-IIS Web servers

on documents stored on Web servers

on intranet (list)

Outlook working with Exchange Server, features (list)

over Internet with Outlook 2000

with other Web authors

Collaboration toolbar

COM (Component Object Model)  1, 2

COM add-ins

COM components  1, 2

command bar items, disabling

command line, running Profile Wizard from

CommandBarButton object, new events

CommandBarComboBox object, new events

CommandBars collection object, new events

command-line options

/? (Profile Wizard)

/a (Removal Wizard)

/a (Setup)  1, 2, 3

/d (Profile Wizard)

/e (Profile Wizard)

/i (Profile Wizard)

/jm (Setup)  1, 2

/l (Removal Wizard)

/l (Setup)

/n (Setup)

/p (Profile Wizard)

/pwd (Access)

/q (Profile Wizard)

/q (Removal Wizard)

/q (Setup)  1, 2

/qb (Setup)

/qn (Setup)

/r (Profile Wizard)

/r (Removal Wizard)

/s (Profile Wizard)

/s (Removal Wizard)

/settings (Setup)

/user (Access)

/wrkgrp (Access)

/x (Setup)

custom OPC files, using with

network server installations

PhotoDraw Acme Setup

Profile Wizard (list)

Removal Wizard, using with




Database Utilities (Access)

converting Access 2000 databases to Access 97

converting localized databases to Access 2000

converting previous versions of databases

converting replica sets to Access 2000

saving databases to MDE or ADE file formats

using front-end/back-end applications with multiple versions

using one-file databases with several versions

Detect and Repair

Encrypt/Decrypt Database (Access)

Folder List (Outlook)  1, 2

Folders Options (Windows Explorer)

Import (Access)  1, 2

Import And Export (Outlook)  1, 2, 3

Link Tables (Access)  1, 2, 3

Mail Recipient (Outlook)  1, 2, 3

net time (PowerPoint Presentation Broadcasting)

New Database Query (Excel)  1, 2, 3

New TeamStatus Report (Outlook)

Object Browser

Office Chart (FrontPage)

Office PivotTable (FrontPage)

Office Spreadsheet (FrontPage)

Permissions (FrontPage)  1, 2

References (Access)  1, 2

Save as Web Page (Office)

Set Database Password (Access)

Share Workbook (Excel)

Unhide (Excel)

Unset Database Password (Access)

User and Group Permissions (Access)

Web Layout (Office)

Web Page Preview (Office)

Common Gateway Interface (CGI) files

COMPANYNAME Setup property  1, 2

compatible file formats

Component Object Model (COM)

compound documents, Excel

saving two file formats  1, 2

working with objects

compressed HTML (CHM) files ­ See: CHM files

compressing files containing Unicode text

compressor/decompressor (codecs), defined

CompuServe, using with Outlook

Computer Associates Unicenter TNG


adding using System Policy Editor

granting permissions to

logging transactions in case of failure

managing settings with IntelliMirror (Windows 2000)

moving certificates and keys between computers

presetting trusted macro sources for organizations

See also client computers

sharing among multiple users

concurrency, record-level locking

Config.pol, system policies file


hard disk image installations

language-specific defaults

MSDE databases, backing up and restoring

Office Server Extensions OSE)

ongoing ­ See: ongoing configuration, Office 2000

OSE databases, verifying and changing

system policy templates ­ See: system policy templates, Office 2000

traveling users

user options ­ See: user options, Office 2000

Web Discussions on OSE-extended webs

Web Subscriptions on OSE-extended webs

Conflict dialog box

conflict resolution on intranets

Conflict Resolution Wizard

connectors, Outlook (list)

content review on intranets

control IDs for menu commands and toolbar buttons  1, 2

Convert Database Into dialog box (Access)  1, 2

Convert Database utility (Access)  1, 2, 3

Convert.exe (Windows NT)

Convert/Open Database dialog box (Access)

Converter Pack ­ See: Office Converter Pack


editing Convpack.ini files


Office Converter Pack

with Office Converter Pack

opening documents in Word 97-2000 format

uninstalling Office Converter Pack

ConvPack section, determining Setup mode

Convpack.ini files

ConvPack section


editing with Office Converter Pack


Excel97/Excel95/Excel5 sections (list)

Filters16 section for Word/PowerPoint (list)

Filters32 section for Word/PowerPoint (list)

PowerPoint97/PowerPoint95/PowerPoint4 sections (list)

Word97/Word95/Word6 sections (list)

corporate user profiles, distributing

Corporate/Workgroup e-mail

At Work Fax feature

obtaining other users' certificates

Outlook 2000 sharing information with Schedule+

storing digital certificates in Global Address Books


country codes, creating custom error messages  1, 2

cross-domain data access, defined

cryptography, public key defined

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) style sheets ­ See: cascading style sheets

CTEC (Microsoft Certified Technical Education Center) Web site

custom alerts, defined

custom applications

adding to installations

installing with Custom Installation Wizard

removing with OPC files

custom Automation objects ­ See: Automation objects

Custom category, disabling


menu commands and toolbar buttons

shortcut key

custom CD-ROMs

copying and distributing

installing Office 2000 from

custom error messages

collecting information for


or updating ASP pages


Web pages


after deploying Office

all for single application

before deploying Office

or removing


after deploying Office

before deploying Office

expanding with ASP pages


forwarding to support staff

locating error message ID numbers

modifying sample ASP scripts

reducing calls to support staff

using CGI scripts


ASP scripts

custom ASP scripts

custom Help

custom topics, registering files

Office 2000 ­ See: Help, Office 2000

on the Web ­ See: Help on the Web, customizing

Custom Installation Wizard

activating custom error messages

Add Files to the Installation

adding registry entries to MST files


administrative installation installation points

custom CD-ROM installations

custom MSI files

MST files  1, 2

new transforms

Outlook profiles


how Setup installs Office

installation for traveling users

language features

MST files


Custwiz.hlp file, extensive reference information

deploying custom installations throughout organizations

entering property names

hiding features during Setup

including OPS files on administrative installation points


Electronic Forms Designer in Outlook

predefined sets of features

with Office Resource Kit

modifying existing shortcuts

MultiLanguage Pack transform

adding Internet Explorer user interface languages

adding localized electronic forms designer files

adding localized Outlook At Work fax patch

adding object library registry settings

adding Setup program for Chinese Global IME

adding Setup program for Japanese Global IME

adding Setup program for Korean Global IME

including localized Excel add-ins

including Microsoft Jet 4.0 user interface files

MultiLanguage Pack, customizing installations


recording choices in MST files

replacing Network Installation Wizard

resolving conflicting Setup options


installation options for Office features

Office features for installation  1, 2

previous versions of Office to keep


installation locations

installation states

registry entries

setting options in

specifying download location for Office Web Components

transforming standard installations

upgrading Windows 95 and Windows NT Workstation 4.0

usefulness of (list)

using OPS files  1, 2

using with custom Help and AW files

using with MST files

using with Profile Wizard

when to use Setup command-line options

custom menu bars, converting to Access 2000

custom menu commands, disabling System Policy Editor

custom messages

custom removal routines

custom style sheets, installing HTML Help Workshop

custom toolbar buttons, disabling System Policy Editor

custom toolbars, converting to Access 2000

custom views, sharing information between Exchange Client and Outlook 2000

Customer Information Control System (CICS)

customer support ­ See: Help, Office 2000; technical support




customizable alerts

Customize dialog box (Access)


AutoNavigation view

command bars, preventing with

Custom Installation Wizard ­ See: Custom Installation Wizard

deployments for local environments

executable mode for Access and Excel

FrontPage, HTML formatting on Web pages

installation language

language features ­ See: multinational deployments, customizing language features

languages for user interface, online Help, and editing

Office 2000 with add-ins

Office Setup program ­ See: Office Setup program, customizing

Office shortcuts

OSE Start Page

Profile Wizard ­ See: Profile Wizard

year 2000, how interprets dates

Custwiz.hlp, Custom Installation Wizard

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DAO (Data Access Objects)

converting code back to Access 97

Jet database engine features requiring ADO (list)

limitations against Access databases (list)

support for older data access technologies

vs. ADO

DAO 2.5/3.x compatibility library  1, 2

data access

cross-domain defined

two-tier and three-tier

Data Access Control

Data Access Objects (DAO) ­ See: DAO (Data Access Objects)

data access pages

defined  1, 2


using Data Source component for interactive database control

Web features

available in Office 2000

limitations of Internet Explorer 3.0

limitations of Internet Explorer 4.01

working with Access 2000 and SQL Server

data access technologies

Office 2000 and data connectivity technologies

ActiveX Data Objects

Data Access Objects

implementing Universal Data Access



sharing databases using Web technologies

support for older data access technologies

Office 2000 and database engines

Jet database engine

Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE)


Office 2000 and database servers


SQL Server advanced features (list)


data integrity, with Outlook supporting S/MIME

Data Link Properties dialog box (Access)

data protection, with SQL Server databases

data provider COM component

Data Source Component (Office Web Components)

data storage files, upgrading to Outlook 2000

data types, ORAPI spreadsheets

database codes

converting DAO back to Access 97

updating to Access 2000

database encryption


limitations with using

protecting secured databases

database engines


Jet database engine ­ See: Jet database engine

MSDE ­ See: MSDE (Microsoft Data Engine)

database forms

modifying with MDE and ADE files

protecting codes with MDE files

database modules, modifying with MDE and ADE files

Database Name dialog box (Access)

Database Name property (Access)

database replication, defined

database reports

modifying with MDE and ADE files

protecting codes with MDE files

database servers

Office 2000 server tools and technologies

Access 2000 features that work with SQL Server

Excel 2000 features that work with SQL Server

Office Web Components that work with SQL Server


SQL Server 7.0

using Access 2000 and Excel 2000 to retrieve data from other database servers

using Access 2000 with SQL Server

Database Splitter Wizard (Access)

database tables, protecting linked

Database to Convert From dialog box (Access)  1, 2

Database Utilities command (Access)


Access 2000 databases to Access 97

localized databases to Access 2000

previous versions of databases

replica sets to Access 2000

saving databases to MDE or ADE file formats


front-end/back-end applications

one-file databases


Access 2000 ­ See: Access databases

creating Web collaboration on SQL Server

data protection with SQL Server databases

MSDE, backing up and restoring

online backup with SQL Server

OSE, verifying and changing

replicated, setting user-level security


design change notification (list)

using Web technologies

using Data Source component for interactive database control

date algorithms

Excel 95 and Excel 5.0 vs. Excel 2000

year 2000 issues

Excel 2000 vs. Excel 95/Excel 5.0

Excel functions accepting dates as arguments (list)

date defaults, year 2000 issues

date fields, year 2000 issues

Date Fix Wizard (Excel)


scanning for year 2000 problems

specifying date format

date formats, year 2000 issues

Date Migration Wizard (Excel)


scanning for year 2000 problems

specifying date format

date tools, Excel 2000 ­ See: Excel, file recovery and date tools

Date/Time fields

Datefix.xla, installing

date-related issues

Datescan.xla, installing

Datewtch.xla, installing

DAV (Distributed Authoring and Versioning) Internet protocol

Web features available on servers supporting

Web server support in Office 2000 features (list)


into Word

upgrading from

dBASE files, accessing data

Decimal keyword, not usable as identifier in Access 2000

Default Computer icon, system policy files

default e-mail profile, upgrading

default file formats

converting single files or groups of files

setting with system policies


for saving files

for Word/PowerPoint/Excel

HTML for Word or PowerPoint on intranets

default languages, setting

default office settings, reducing support costs

default paths



Default Save subkey (Excel)

default user accounts, Admin

Default User icon, system policy files

default user profiles

Default User Properties dialog box

default values, restoring

Default Web Site (OSE)

defaults, configuring language-specific

DefDec keyword, not usable as identifier in Access 2000

delegate owners, Outlook 2000 vs. Schedule+ 7.x

delegation applications, defined

department-specific user profiles, distributing during deployment

deployments, Office

custom error messages, disabling and enabling

customizing for local environments

deploying localized versions, advantages of

distributing user profiles



standard Office

unique Office

installation ­ See: installation, Office 2000

internationally ­ See: international deployments

multinational ­ See: multinational deployments

Office 2000 Resource Kit ­ See: Office 2000 Resource Kit

Office Web Components over intranets

registering Answer Wizard  1, 2

staged multinational ­ See: staged deployments

Description property (Access)  1, 2

Design Master, defined

design theme selections

desktop, preventing Internet Explorer icon appearance on

Detect and Repair command

DFS (Distributed File System)

DHTML Effects tool

dialog box items, disabling

dialog boxes


Change Security Settings (Outlook)


Convert Database Into (Access)  1, 2

Convert/Open Database (Access)

Customize (Access)

Data Link Properties (Access)

Database Name (Access)

Database to Convert From (Access)  1, 2

Default User Properties

File Destination Path (Custom Installation Wizard)

Folder Properties (Outlook)

Insert Hyperlink (Office)

Logon (Access)

Object Library Installer (Excel)

Password (Access)

Project Properties (Access)

Properties (FrontPage)

Properties (Outlook)

Publish Web (FrontPage)


Save ADE As (Access)

Save As Web Page (PowerPoint)

Save MDE As (Access)

Security (Excel)  1, 2, 3

Security (PowerPoint)  1, 2

Security (Word)  1, 2, 3

Select Certificate

Select Workgroup Information File (Access)

supporting multilingual

User and Group Accounts (Access)

User and Group Permissions (Access)  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Web Options

Workgroup Administrator (Access)

Workgroup Properties (FrontPage)

Workgroup Properties (Word)

Dictionary object (new VBA)

Digest Access authentication

digital certificates


managing with Microsoft Certificate Server


storing in Global Address Books

storing in LDAP directory service

storing in Windows registry

Digital ID passwords (Outlook)

Digital IDs



obtaining other user's certificates



Digital network servers and clients supported by Office 2000 (list)

Digital Signature Key lengths

digital signatures


Outlook 2000

setting to run only signed macros

Excel 2000

PowerPoint 2000

Word 2000

Web features

limitations of Internet Explorer 3.0

removing when macro tampered with

Digital Signatures feature, Office Tools in Office Setup

digital signing, defined

digitally signed e-mail messages

direct booking, sharing between Outlook 2000 and Schedule+

discussion items

adding to documents

collaborating on Web server


modifying documents with

properties (list)

discussion servers, specifying current


contributing to

in Web browsers

Office documents

participating in

See also Web Discussions

Distributed Authoring and Versioning (DAV) Internet protocol ­ See: DAV (Distributed Authoring and Versioning) Internet protocol

Distributed File System (DFS), installing with Windows 2000

Distributed Relational Database Architecture (DRDA), support for

DLLs (dynamic-link library) files

documentation, supplemental

customizable alerts

Help on the Web

localization information

Office information

Outlook information

Publisher information

Documents folder

domain names, using to restrict access

DoMenuItem action vs. RunCommand action

Domestic Only encryption


Digital Signature Key lengths


Download Office Web Components option

Download Office Web Components policy

DRDA (Distributed Relational Database Architecture)

DriveSpace, limitations with using encrypted databases

DRW 16-bit filters option

DRW 32-bit filters option

dual file formats


files in

in Word 97-2000 and 6.0/95-RTF formats

using in



durable transactions, SQL Server feature

DXF 16-bit filters option

DXF 32-bit filters option

Dynamic RAS (Remote Access Service) Connector

dynamic-link library (DLL) files

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Electronic Forms Designer  1, 2, 3

elevated privileges

Input Method Editors (IMEs)


Internet Explorer 5 with Office 2000 Premium

Office 2000 Premium on Windows NT 4.0

Office 2000 with Office 2000 Premium

related products with/without elevated privileges

Internet Explorer 128-bit upgrade

Internet Explorer user interface languages

localized Excel add-ins and object library files

Microsoft Data Engine

Microsoft Jet 4.0 user interface language files

MultiLanguage Pack

Outlook At Work fax patch

Outlook Domestic Security Patch

Outlook forms

PhotoDraw 2000

Publisher 2000


avoiding duplicate messages

blob-signed (binary-format signed) messages vs. clear-signed

default e-mail profile

digitally signed messages, obtaining other user's certificates

Exchange Client ­ See: Exchange Client

Fixmapi.exe utility (Windows)

HTML-based e-mail messages ­ See: HTML-based e-mail messages

international users

installing fonts supporting multiple languages

key length limitation for encrypted e-mail


Microsoft Mail 3.x for Windows ­ See: Microsoft Mail 3.x for Windows



setting and configuring

Outlook 2000 ­ See: Outlook 2000; security, Outlook 2000

Personal Address Book (PAB), upgrading

sending messages during presentations


E-mail certificates, defined

e-mail form-handling

e-mail message file (MMF), upgrading

e-mail notifications

defining intervals

Office Server Extensions Notification Service

OSE originating from SMTP mail servers

setting update frequency

subscribing on OSE-extended webs

e-mail servers, Office 2000 server tools and technologies

Exchange Server 5.5 and Outlook 2000 features (list)


support for connectivity and interoperability (list)

support for Internet messaging standards (list)

support with other e-mail servers

embedded tags for HTML pages

EMF 16-bit filters option

EMF 32-bit filters option

Enable chat option (PowerPoint Presentation Broadcasting)

enabling languages without MultiLanguage Pack

Encrypt/Decrypt Database command (Access)


Access 2000 databases


User-Level Security Wizard

using PID and SID

Excel workbooks, symmetric encryption routines

Outlook 2000

Domestic Only (table)

International (table)

key length limitation for international users

message encryption defined

specifying minimum key length for e-mail

supporting S/MIME

RC4 vs. XOR  1, 2

Word documents, symmetric encryption routines

encryption algorithms

Domestic Only (table)

International (table)

encryption components, installing with Office 2000 Premium

Internet Explorer 128-bit upgrade

Outlook Domestic Security Patch


EnrollPageURL registry parameters (list)

Enterprise Information Center Web site

Entire feature will be installed on local hard drive Setup option

Enum keyword, not usable in Access 2000

environment guidelines, traveling users

environment variables


%Username% (Windows Terminal Server)


adding to Proflwiz.ini


Outlook profiles using

with Windows NT logon scripts

policies that accept environment variables (tables)

system policies, using in

System Policy Editor

Windows registry entries (tables)

Windows Terminal Server support

environments, customizing

EPF file (security file), upgrading

EPS 16-bit filters option

EPS 32-bit filters option

EPX 32-bit filters option

error messages


ID numbers

for all Office 2000

using in ASP scripts


Outlook 2000 security

ERRORLEVEL values, PhotoDraw Acme Setup


errors, Access

Eudora vs. Outlook 2000

Euro currency symbol

Event keyword, not usable in Access 2000

Event Sink object, OSE custom Automation object


customizing in Office 2000 and VBA


Excel 2.x-Excel 97

Excel 2000

and formatting

application-specific Web features

converting single or groups of files to

copying multilingual text

customizing executable mode

default settings for Terminal Server installations

enhanced system policies

file formats in Office 2000

file recovery and date tools (list)

formula and function features not supported in Excel 5.0/95 (list)


Jet database engine ­ See: Jet database engine

macros ­ See: macros

multidimensional data sources

Office Converter Pack ­ See: Office Converter Pack

OLAP improvements

opening Microsoft Script Editor

retrieving data

from Access

from other database servers with ODBC drivers

saving workbooks in Excel 5.0/95 format

basic use features (list)

Chart Component (Office Web Components) (list)

data access features (list)

formatting features (list)

Internet features (list)

PivotTable Component (Office Web Components) (list)

programming features (list)

sending HTML-based e-mail messages  1, 2

specifying default file formats for saving files

supporting VBA

system policies ­ See: system policies, Excel 2000

upgrading reference

creating new macros with VBA 6.0


features affecting data or formatting in Excel 98/97 (list)

importing files with Text Import Wizard

macros ­ See: macros, Excel 2000

opening HTML files

saving two file formats in one compound document  1, 2

saving workbooks in Excel 5.0/95 format (list)

saving workbooks in Excel 98/97

sharing files with other spreadsheet applications

sharing workbooks with Excel 95/5.0 users

sharing workbooks with Excel 98/97 users

sharing workbooks with previous versions

supporting templates created in other versions

supporting XLM

using dual file formats

using templates created in previous versions

working with objects in compound documents

workgroup features, saving workbooks in Excel 5.0/95 formats

working with SQL Server, features (list)

year 2000 issues

date algorithms in Excel 2000/97 vs. earlier versions (list)

establishing guidelines for date formats

functions accepting dates as arguments (list)

specifying new date formats

updating Excel 95/5 to Excel 97-2000

Excel 2000 workbooks

accessing data with Jet database engine

file protection

levels of security


opening from Excel 2000/97/95/5.0

opening in Excel 97/95/5.0

running macros from previous versions

sharing across language versions

sharing Excel 2000/97/95/5.0

translating commands written in VB

protectable elements (list)


in Excel 5.0/95 format

in Excel 98/97


See also Excel 2000


with Excel 98/97/95/5.0 users

with other spreadsheet applications

with previous versions of Excel

year 2000 issues

Excel add-ins, localized

MultiLanguage Pack extra

Office 2000 Premium installation requirements

Excel Date Fix Wizard ­ See: Date Fix Wizard (Excel)

Excel Date Migration Wizard ­ See: Date Migration Wizard (Excel)

Excel Date Watcher

Excel documents

adding discussion items to

contributing to discussions

into Word

intranets, limitations of transferring between HTML and Office document formats



as Web pages

in dual formats

in earlier formats

scanning for macro viruses

setting security levels

Excel File Recovery Macro

Excel library files

Excel macro language (XLM)

Excel multilingual macros

Excel object libraries

Excel object library files, localized

installing with Office 2000 Premium

software prerequisites

Excel PivotTable reports

Excel Tools, Office 2000 Resource Kit Toolbox

Excel Web Queries, limitations

Excel9.adm template  1, 2

Exchange Advanced Security

obtaining other user's certificates

storing digital certificates in Global Address Books

upgrading security to Outlook 2000

Exchange Client

sharing information with Outlook 2000


custom field types

custom views

Electronic Forms Designer

enhanced standard message forms

Exchange Server HTML forms

exchanging messages

extended message properties

folder views

importing contacts

Inbox Assistant

non-table views

other messaging and collaboration features

preview panes

private items

public folders

Rules Wizard

saved views

table views

task delegation




upgrading to Outlook 2000


making interfaces look alike with Folder List command


upgrading Personal Address Book

upgrading security

Exchange Server 5.5

using Outlook Web Access application

using with Outlook 2000

features (list)

support for connectivity and interoperability (list)

support for Internet messaging standards (list)

Exchange Server Advanced Security  1, 2

Exchange Server HTML forms, Outlook 2000 vs. Exchange Client

Exchange Servers

Corporate/Workgroup e-mail support

migrating from Microsoft Mail 3.x for Windows

Outlook 2000 security

sharing Outlook messages across language versions

exchanging meeting requests, sharing between Outlook 2000 and Schedule+

exclusive modes, saving design changes in shared databases

executable applications, loading

executable mode

expiration dates, certificates

explicit permissions, defined

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FastTrack Server

FAT (file allocation table) file systems

converting to NTFS file system

vs. NTFS file system

FAT32 file systems vs. NTFS file system

Fax support

Feature installed when required, Setup option  1, 2

Feedback button label policy

Feedback dialog text policy

feedback forms

customizing Answer Wizard and Help on the Web

finding Help

Feedback URL policy, setting

FieldSize property (Access)

File Destination Path dialog box (Custom Installation Wizard)

File modify protection

Excel workbooks

Word documents

file names, Unicode not supported in Windows 95/98

File open protection


Excel workbooks

Word documents

file protection, levels of (list)

file recovery tools, Excel ­ See: Excel 2000, file recovery and date tools



FileSystemObject (new VBA)

Filter function (new VBA)

Filter property


protection, disabling built-in user connections

security in Microsoft Proxy Server

using with OSE


Fixmapi.exe utility (Windows)

folder home pages, creating for public folders in Outlook 2000

Folder Home Pages, Outlook ­ See: Outlook Folder Home Pages

Folder List command (Outlook)  1, 2

Folder Properties dialog box (Outlook)

Folders Options command (Windows Explorer)


converting Macintosh to Windows (list)

international ­ See: international fonts

Form object

FormatCurrency function (new VBA)

FormatDateTime function (new VBA)

FormatNumber function (new VBA)

FormatPercent function (new VBA)

forms, inserting in FrontPage

FoxPro 2.6

FoxPro, into Word

Fpremadm utility

activating remote administration



security with

defined  1, 2

selecting right tools for tasks (table)

vs. FrontPage MMC snap-in

Fpsrvadm utility

administering security with

administrative operations

managing permissions

selecting right tools for tasks (table)

vs. FrontPage MMC snap-in

Fpsrvwin utility vs. FrontPage MMC snap-in

FPX/MIX graphics filter, installing the latest

Fpx32.flt (FPX/MIX graphics filter) file


France, RC4 encryption banned  1, 2

free/busy details  1, 2

free/busy information

free/busy status

Freelance option

Friend keyword, not usable as identifier in Access 2000

front-end applications, securing with User-Level Security Wizard

front-end/back-end applications, Access 2000


using with several versions

FrontPage 1.1, removing components

FrontPage 2000

adding interactive elements to Web pages

adjusting Web sites for Web servers

application-specific Web features

applying role-based permissions

authoring DLL file

capabilities for creating and managing Web sites (list)

checking Web pages in and out

collaborating with other Web authors

converting file formats

creating and managing Web sites


HTML formatting for Web pages

HTML scripts for presentation broadcasts

default settings for Terminal Server installations

disabling Web features

inserting hover buttons/animations/forms

limitations of code pages


managing Web sites

opening Microsoft Script Editor

publishing and maintaining Web sites

Reports view for managing Web sites

required levels of source control

security ­ See: security, FrontPage Server Extensions; security, FrontPage-extended webs

site-management capabilities



MultiLanguage Pack




for managing permissions

for simplifying Web site administration

tracking publishing  1, 2

Unicode ­ See: Unicode

updating hyperlinks automatically

upgrading reference

opening webs in previous versions


settings that migrate to FrontPage 2000

unsupported features from previous versions (list)

updating Personal Web Server

upgrading from previous versions

upgrading from previous versions of FrontPage Server Extensions

working with webs created in previous versions

using categories to link new Web pages on the fly

Web pages

working with other Office applications

FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions

resetting custom permissions after upgrading

upgrading from previous versions

using previous-version clients

FrontPage 97, removing components

FrontPage 98, removing components

FrontPage client, web authoring and administration

FrontPage Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in administration tools ­ See: FrontPage MMC snap-in administration tools

FrontPage MMC snap-in administration tools

adding administrators

checking and fixing extensions


folders to subwebs

subwebs to folders

creating subwebs

customizing performance settings

deleting subwebs

enabling or disabling authoring

extending Web sites

logging authoring activities

modifying content of extended webs or subwebs


recalculating hyperlinks

requiring Secure Sockets Layer for authoring

selecting right tools for tasks (table)


and configuring e-mail options

permissions manually


default scripting languages

where authors can upload executable applications

uninstalling extensions

upgrading extensions

vs. Fpsrvwin.exe/Fpsrvadm.exe/Fpremadm.exe utilities

FrontPage MMC snap-in, defined

FrontPage Server Extensions

administering on OSE-extended webs

DLLs provided by

enhancing Web site performance

HTML Administration Forms, administering security with

OSE advanced features (list)

pivotal role in security

providing security on UNIX

security ­ See: security, FrontPage Server Extensions


sophisticated Web site functionality

Web servers (table)

utilities for administering security

FrontPage Server Extensions administration tools




Web server remotely

checking and fixing extensions

creating subwebs

deleting subwebs


permissions settings

web authoring and administration

enabling web authoring and administration

Fpsrvadm utility ­ See: Fpsrvadm utility

Fpsrvrem utility ­ See: Fpsrvrem utility

FrontPage MMC snap-in ­ See: FrontPage MMC snap-in administration tools

FrontPage Server Extensions ­ See: FrontPage Server Extensions

fully uninstalling extensions

HTML Administration Forms ­ See: HTML Administration Forms

importing files

installing or upgrading extensions

logging authoring activity

merging subwebs into parent webs

optimizing performance

recalculating hyperlinks  1, 2

renaming subwebs

requiring Secure Sockets Layer


e-mail options

right tools for tasks (table)

setting default languages


if authors can load executable applications

scripting languages

uninstalling extensions

FrontPage Server Extensions Resource Kit, installing

FrontPage-extended webs

ACL (access-control lists)

administering security ­ See: security, FrontPage Server Extensions

assigning workgroup properties

authenticating users  1, 2

customizing performance settings

mediating authentication through IIS Web Server

optimizing performance

OSE features (list)

permission types (list)

recalculating hyperlinks

role-based permissions in FrontPage

security ­ See: security, FrontPage-extended webs

uploading executable applications

vs. OSE-extended webs

FrontPage-extended webs administration tools

Fpsrvadm utility ­ See: Fpsrvadm utility

Fpsrvrem utility ­ See: Fpsrvrem utility

FrontPage MMC snap-in ­ See: FrontPage MMC snap-in administration tools

FrontPage Server Extensions ­ See: FrontPage Server Extensions administration tools

HTML Administration Forms ­ See: HTML Administration Forms

FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

FrontPage support

opening and saving documents

Outlook 2000, publishing Calendar information in HTML

full-text searches, supported in Front Page Server Extensions

functions, new VBA











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General sort order

removing conflicting data


localized on Windows 95/98

original language sort order

Get a Digital ID certificate

GIF 16-bit filters option

GIF 32-bit filters option

Global Address Books, storing digital certificates

Global IMEs




editing Asian text in Word/Outlook

typing Asian text in non-Asian versions of Word/Outlook/Internet Explorer

globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) ­ See: GUIDs (globally unique identifiers)


creating with PhotoDraw

PowerPoint 2000, features saved in PowerPoint 95 formats (list)

resizing to display properly in Web browsers

Words 2000, disappearing in converted documents

graphics filters

editing Convpack.ini files

16-bit options (list)

32-bit options (list)

installing latest FPX/MIX

Office Converter Pack

installing/uninstalling  1, 2, 3, 4

vs. Office 2000 Setup

PowerPoint 2000 (list)

Word 2000

installing with Office 2000 Setup (list)

native formats (list)

opening and saving files

opening and saving images

graphics formats  1, 2, 3

group accounts, creating in Access  1, 2

group policies  1, 2

group scheduling

Outlook working with Exchange Server  1, 2

upgrading from Schedule+ to Outlook 2000

group system policies settings


adding using System Policy Editor

installing MultiLanguage Pack

managing options with system policies

setting system policies

Windows NT permissions (list)

Guest account, limiting user options

GUIDs (globally unique identifiers)

application shortcuts

creating custom error messages  1, 2

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hard disk images, installing Office 2000

hardware requirements ­ See: system requirements

Harvard Graphics  1, 2

Harvard Graphics 3.0 and 2.3 for DOS converters

Harvard option

HasModule property (Access)

Help on the Web

adding to Web sites


Answer Wizard feedback forms

changing default URLs

customizing Answer Wizard links

customizing Help pane

customizing text in Office Assistant





Help topics, creating custom

Help, Office 2000

Answer Wizard feedback form


custom error messages

collecting information for


creating or updating ASP pages

creating Web pages

disabling after deploying Office

disabling all for single application

disabling before deploying Office

disabling or removing

enabling after deploying Office

enabling before deploying Office

expanding with ASP pages


forwarding to support staff

modifying sample ASP scripts

reducing calls to support staff

writing ASP scripts

writing custom ASP scripts

custom Help files, collecting user comments

Custom Installation Wizard ­ See: Custom Installation Wizard

custom topics

adding user questions

creating custom Answer Wizard files

creating Help content

creating HTML Help files

disabling links to Web

indexing HTML Help with Answer Wizard Builder

making accessible to users

making work like Office Help


registering Answer Wizard after deploying Office

registering Answer Wizard before deploying Office

registering new CHM files

using Answer Wizard (AW)

using HTML Help

international features

Microsoft Product Support Services (list)

Microsoft support staff

MultiLanguage Pack


support costs, reducing

web sites (list)

Help, online ­ See: online Help

Hewlett-Packard OpenMail

hiding features during Setup

hiding web files from users

High security in Office applications

hit counters supported in FrontPage Server Extensions

hover buttons, inserting in FrontPage

HP OpenView Desktop Administrator

HPGL 16-bit filters option

HTML add-ins

editing Convpack.ini files

opening files in Excel 95/5.0 created by Excel 2000

HTML Administration Forms

activating remote administration

administering remotely



selecting right tools for tasks (table)

HTML converters

editing Convpack.ini files

included in Office Converter Pack

installing for PowerPoint 95 users

HTML documents


data with ADOX

SQL Server with ActiveX controls

adding discussion items to

application-specific Web features

assigning workgroup properties

displaying on Web with Microsoft Script Editor

Netscape Navigator, cannot run documents containing Office Web Components

sharing databases using Web technologies

HTML files

adding interactive Web controls to Office documents (list)

copying, moving, and deleting with Windows 2000


keeping track of supporting HTML files

preserving code in Office applications

preserving VBA macros in Office files

multilingual text


in Excel and other spreadsheet applications

PowerPoint 2000 files in PowerPoint 95

using Windows 2000 mirroring to detect supporting files folders

HTML folders, copying/moving/deleting with Windows 2000

HTML formats


limitations of transferring between HTML and Office document formats

specifying as default for Word or PowerPoint

transferring files

vs. Office document formats


character encoding

configuring e-mail within organizations

Word 2000

saving Word 95 documents in

Word 95 users opening documents saved in HTML and Word 2000 formats

HTML formatting, customizing Web pages

HTML forms, Outlook 2000 vs. Exchange Client

HTML Help files  1, 2

HTML Help Workshop


making custom work like Office Help

HTML Help, custom topics


indexing with Answer Wizard Builder

HTML Intrinsic controls, Web features

HTML Language add-in

HTML option  1, 2

HTML scripts, customizing

HTML tables, accessing data

HTML-based e-mail messages

e-mail clients supporting sending and receiving Office documents (list)

Outlook 2000

disabling Mail Recipient command


using Mail Recipient command in Office applications (table)

using Mail Recipient command in Office applications

vs. Microsoft Mail 3.x for Windows

vs. Outlook 97 and Outlook 98

HTTP protocols, publishing Calendar information in HTML

HTTP requests, processing with IIS

HTTP servers, securing data access pages

HTTP Web service, using OSE

hyperlink map recalculations, using OSE

Hyperlink value, saving workbooks in Excel 5.0/95 formats (list)


FrontPage MMC snap-in administration tools, recalculating

FrontPage Server Extensions administration tools, recalculating in files

FrontPage, updating automatically

FrontPage-extended webs, recalculating


created in Outlook 2000

inserting in Office documents

integrating Office documents with Web browsers

using on LANs and WANs

Office on the Web, disabling

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IBM Information Management System (IMS)

IBM network servers and clients supported by Office 2000 (list)

iCalendar Internet standards

Outlook 2000 support for

Outlook working with Exchange Server

iCalendars, Outlook 2000

sending meeting requests

setting free/busy options

identification, digitally signed e-mail messages

identifiers, VB keywords not usable in Access 2000 (list)

Identify certificates, defined



IEAK (Internet Explorer Administration Kit) nbsp;1, 2

IIS (Internet Information Server)



Basic authentication

HTTP requests


restricting access

types (list)

using with delegation applications

Windows NT Challenge/Response

configuring new Web sites

OSE elements (list)

IIS (Internet Information Server) administration

IIS SMTP mail service, Web Subscriptions

IIS Web Server, mediating authentication

IMAP4 (Internet Mail Access Protocol 4)

Corporate/Workgroup e-mail vs. Internet Only e-mail

Exchange Server 5.5 support

Internet e-mail servers must support

Outlook 2000

e-mail options

Internet standards (list)

support with other e-mail servers


IMEs (Input Method Editors) ­ See: Input Method Editors (IMEs)

impersonation, user

Implements keyword, not usable as identifier in Access 2000

implicit permissions, defined

Import And Export command (Outlook)  1, 2

Import command (Access)  1, 2, 3, 4

Import/Export command (Outlook)

importing registry entries into MST files

IMS (IBM Information Management System)

Inbox Assistant, Exchange Client vs. Outlook 2000

indexes of supporting HTML files, Filelist.xml

individual write locks with Jet database engine

INI (Convpack.ini) files ­ See: Convpack.ini files

inline discussion items

Input Method Editors (IMEs)


editing documents in other languages



MultiLanguage Pack extra  1, 2, 3

Office 2000 Premium installation requirements

Insert Hyperlink dialog box (Office)

Install on Demand (Web features)

installation language

changing with Language Version


Office 2000


installation locations

selecting with Custom Installation Wizard

specifying in MSI files

installation points, administrative ­ See: administrative installation points

installation states, setting  1, 2

installation tools, Office 2000

Custom Installation Wizard ­ See: Custom Installation Wizard

Office Setup program ­ See: Office Setup program

Profile Wizard ­ See: Profile Wizard

Removal Wizard ­ See: Removal Wizard

installation, MultiLanguage Pack

CD-ROM features (list)

customizing  1, 2

groups of users

installation path features (list)


Office and specifying language settings

Web features for

with Office 2000 Premium

LCID folders features (list)

Office 2000

localized versions

vs. previous versions

Proof folders features (list)

Proofing Tools features (list)

Setup program features (list)

installation, Office 2000

advantages of localized versions

client computers


installing Office features ­ See: installation, Office features

Office Setup program ­ See: Office Setup program, customizing

setting Office options ­ See: Office options, setting

traveling users

installation options unavailable on Terminal Server


from custom CD-ROMs ­ See: custom CD-ROMs, installing Office 2000 from

from network servers

Outlook 2000 after

localized versions

multinational deployments ­ See: multinational deployments

new features

Custom Installation Wizard ­ See: Custom Installation Wizard

customizing installations with Windows installer transforms

customizing with Windows installer transform

deploying internationally

installing efficiently with Windows installer package

installing program files on first use

international deployment ­ See: international deployments


Profile Wizard ­ See: Profile Wizard

Setup improvements

Windows installer replaces Acme Setup

non-English versions on Terminal Server


special configurations

installing PhotoDraw ­ See: installation, PhotoDraw 2000

multinational deployments ­ See: multinational deployments


supporting traveling users ­ See: traveling users

using hard disk images

Web features for international users

installation, Office 2000 Premium

CD-ROMs, contents of

installation requirements for international components

Input Method Editors (IMEs)

Internet Explorer user interface languages

localized Excel add-ins

localized Excel object library files

Microsoft Jet 4.0 user interface language files

MultiLanguage Pack

Outlook At Work fax patch

Outlook forms


installing encryption components

installing Internet Explorer 128-bit upgrade  1, 2

installing Internet Explorer 5

elevated privileges


reboot requirements

software prerequisites

installing Office 2000

elevated privileges

installation requirements


reboot requirements

See also installation, Office 2000

software prerequisites

installing other Office applications

Microsoft Data Engine


PhotoDraw 2000

Publisher 2000

installing Outlook 2000 Domestic Security Patch  1, 2

installing related products in correct sequence

on Windows 95/98

on Windows NT 4.0 with elevated privileges

on Windows NT 4.0 without elevated privileges


installing with elevated privileges

on Windows NT 4.0

with Systems Management Server

with Windows system policies

managing successive deployments

staging deployments

changing installation states after installation

from separate administrative installation points

from single administrative installation points


what can be installed

installation, Office features

adding files to installations


administrative installation points

custom MSI files

customizing Office shortcuts

hiding features from users during Setup


running Setup with custom transforms

selecting Office features

using MST files with Office Setup program

using Setup command line

using Setup settings files

installation, Office Server Extensions (OSE)






centrally managed


secure workgroups

standard workgroups

using OSE Setup

installing OSE files


preventing installing MSDE

running in quiet mode

storing Web Discussions and Web Subscriptions

using MSDE or SQL Server

installation, Outlook 2000

after installing Office 2000

configuring Outlook profile settings


overview  1, 2

quiet installations

setting as default for mail/calendar/contacts/news

specifying configuration options

specifying feature installation states

specifying installation states for features

specifying Outlook configuration options

default settings for Terminal Server installations

Internet Explorer 5

locked down systems

installation, PhotoDraw 2000

administrative privileges required for installing/uninstalling

command-line options for Acme Setup

creating administrative installation points  1, 2


from PhotoDraw CD-ROM

latest FPX/MIX graphics filter


simultaneously with Office applications

with Acme Setup

Office 2000 Premium installation requirements

running Setup on client computers

specifying folder and server locations for files

Installed on First Use Setup option

InstallLanguage setting (Windows registry)

Instlr1.adm template  1, 2

InStrRev function (new VBA)

Intel LANDesk Management Suite

IntelliMirror support

interactive elements (FrontPage), adding to Web pages

interactive HTML format, adding controls to Office documents (list)

international capabilities

international deployments

Office 2000

plug-in language features

International encryption (table)

international fonts


with MultiLanguage Pack

with Office 2000

configuring for incoming e-mail


updating Windows fonts to big fonts

using Unicode fonts

international headquarters, deploying Office from

international languages

Asian characters, using Input Method Editor (IME)

installation language setting

MultiLanguage Pack ­ See: MultiLanguage Pack

optimizing Office 2000 features ­ See: optimizing international features

See also languages

international offices, traveling between

international organizations, upgrading to Office 2000

planning international moves


Access databases across language versions

Excel workbooks across language versions

FrontPage files across language versions

Office files across language versions

Outlook messages across language versions

PowerPoint presentations across language versions

Publisher files across language versions

Word documents across language versions

international travelers

MultiLanguage Pack

special considerations

international users

installing Web features for

key length limitation for encrypted e-mail

Office 2000 Resource Kit ­ See: Office 2000 Resource Kit

Internet and intranet technologies


Web browser support in Office 2000

limitations of Internet Explorer 3.0

limitations of Internet Explorer 4.01

limitations of Windows NT Workstation 4.0 and Windows 95


Web browser requirements

Web features available (list)

Web features requiring Windows Desktop Update shell

Web server support in Office 2000

other Microsoft Web server components (list)


Web server components in OSE

Internet Database Connectivity, unsupported by FrontPage 2000

Internet e-mail servers ­ See: e-mail servers, Office 2000 server tools and technologies

Internet Explorer

installing new versions

managing certificates with

preventing icon from appearing on desktop

support limitations in Office Web Components

typing Asian text in non-Asian versions with Global IMEs

Internet Explorer 128-bit upgrade, installing from Office 2000 Premium  1, 2

Internet Explorer 2.0 or earlier, requirements for Office 2000

Internet Explorer 3.0

contributing to discussions

limitations of Office Web features (list)

OSE Start Page support for

requirements for Office 2000


online Help

Web features

Internet Explorer 4.0

contributing to discussions

requirements for Office 2000

supporting Web features

vs. Internet Explorer 5 for upgrading to Outlook 2000

Internet Explorer 4.01, limitations of Office Web features (list)

Internet Explorer 5

installing with Outlook 2000 ­ See: installation, Outlook 2000, Internet Explorer 5

Office 2000 Premium installation requirements

optimizing international features, supporting multilingual dialog boxes

OSE offline caching

requirements for Office 2000

sharing databases using Web technologies

supporting Web features

uninstallable by advertising


after installing Office 2000 with le5Setup.exe


Internet Explorer 5 Administration Kit  1, 2

Internet Explorer user interface languages

MultiLanguage Pack CD-ROM

MultiLanguage Pack extra

MultiLanguage Pack transform

Office 2000 Premium installation requirements

Internet features, saving

Excel 2000 workbooks in Excel 5.0/95 formats (list)

PowerPoint 2000 presentations in PowerPoint 95 formats (list)

Word 2000 documents in Word 6.0/95/97-2000 formats (list)

Internet Information Server (IIS) ­ See: IIS (Internet Information Server)

Internet Mail Access Protocol (IMAP4) ­ See: IMAP4 (Internet Mail Access Protocol 4)

Internet Mail Service

Internet Only e-mail

obtaining other user's certificates

storing digital certificates

Global Address Books

LDAP directory service


WinFax Starter Edition

Internet Publishing Provider

Internet Service Manager (ISM)

administering IIS elements

configuring authentication on OSE-extended webs

Internet, locking down user options  1, 2


deploying Office Web Components

integrating Office 2000 with

adding interactive Web controls to Office documents (list)

administering Web options with system policies (list)

connecting Office documents with hyperlinks

integrating Office documents with Web browsers


keeping track of supporting HTML files

managing Office Web Components

Office document formats vs. HTML

publishing and managing Office documents

See also Office documents, intranets

See also OSE-extended webs

See also Web features

transferring files between HTML and Office document formats

using Office documents on the Web

using Office with Web servers

working with content (list)

managing communications with Outlook 2000

advanced Internet standards (list)

controlling Web pages

Internet standards (list)

organizing and sharing information


publishing Calendar information

sending and receiving vCards

sending Office documents as HTML-based e-mail messages

supporting iCalendar and vCalendar standards

managing Web sites with FrontPage

adding interactive elements

creating and managing

publishing and maintaining Web sites

tools for simplifying Web site administration

using workgroup properties

using Microsoft Site Server

using PowerPoint 2000 Presentation Broadcasting

broadcasting maintenance issues

configuring client computers to limit broadcasting

disabling broadcast features



scheduling presentations for broadcast

setting default values in Windows registry (list)

setting values for client computers (list)

using NetShow Services

invalid signatures error messages

IP addresses, using to restrict access

iron triangle, applying in FrontPage Server Extensions

ISM (Internet Service Manager) ­ See: Internet Service Manager (ISM)

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Japanese Input Method Editor

JavaScript, writing custom ASP scripts

Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider

Jet 4.0 user interface language files, Office 2000 Premium installation requirements

Jet 4.0 user interface languages

MultiLanguage Pack CD-ROM

MultiLanguage Pack extras

MultiLanguage Pack transforms

Jet database engine

accessing a variety of data formats (list)

compatibility with SQL Server data types and ODBC data sources

Conflict Resolution Wizard, resolving synchronization conflicts with replicated databases

connection control  1, 2

features requiring ADO (list)

lock promotion

new replication features

new SQL commands and syntax  1, 2


page-level locking requiring ADO

record-level locking  1, 2

supporting standardized sorting

Unicode vs. ANSI and MBCS character sets

user list  1, 2

vs. MSDE

vs. SQL Server

Join function (new VBA)

JPEG 16-bit filters option

JPEG 32-bit filters option


implementing Universal Data Access

programming Office Web Components

Web features available in Office 2000

working with Script Editor features (list)

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Key Manager, making security certificate requests

keyboards, adding multilingual support

keywords not usable as identifiers in Access 2000 (list)

Korean Input Method Editor

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Language Resources, Pure entry

language settings

Language Version utility ­ See: Language Version utility

See also localization information

specifying MultiLanguage Pack

language switching, limited abilities

Language Version utility

creating and storing language settings

custom installation of Office


language versions and editing tools

language, installation ­ See: installation language, Office 2000


customizing for user interface/online Help/editing

enabling without MultiLanguage Pack

file compatibility across versions

international ­ See: international languages

scripting ­ See: scripting languages

setting default with FrontPage Server Extensions administration tools

sharing documents across

language-specific defaults, configuring

LANs (local area networks), using hyperlink feature on

LANtastic peer-to-peer networking software supported by Office 2000 (list)

LCID (locale IDs)

customizing language features

installing MultiLanguage Pack

Office features set by

sorting mechanism in Jet database engine

LCID folders

MultiLanguage Pack features (list)

removing files

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)

Corporate/Workgroup e-mail vs. Internet Only e-mail

Exchange Server 5.5 support

Outlook 2000, supporting

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) directory service, storing digital certificates

leap years, dealing with year 2000 unusual problems

license requirements, Office Web Components  1, 2

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) ­ See: LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)

limitations of Office Web features

Internet Explorer 3.0 (list)

Internet Explorer 4.01 (list)

Windows 95 (list)

Windows NT Workstation 4.0 (list)

Link Tables command (Access)  1, 2, 3

loading executable applications

local subsidiaries, deploying Office at

locale IDs (LCID) ­ See: LCID (locale IDs)

localization information

localized Access databases

localized entries, restoring

localized Excel add-ins ­ See: Excel add-ins, localized

localized Excel object library files ­ See: Excel object library files, localized

localized Excel workbooks ­ See: Excel 2000 workbooks, localized

localized features, installing Web features for

localized FrontPage files

localized Outlook messages ­ See: Outlook 2000, localized

localized PowerPoint presentations

localized Publisher files

localized versions, deploying

localized Word documents ­ See: Word documents, localized

lock promotion with Jet database engine

locked down systems, installing Outlook 2000 on ­ See: installation, Outlook 2000, locked down systems

locking down ongoing configurations ­ See: ongoing configuration, Office 2000, locking down user options

locking record-level with Jet database engine

log files

creating with OSE Setup

specifying with Setup settings files

logging authoring activity

using FrontPage MMC snap-in administration tools

using FrontPage Server Extensions administration tools

logging durable transactions on SQL Server

Logging section, Setup.ini

logging, initializing with

/I Setup command-line option

Setup command-line options

logon authentication, using OSE

Logon dialog box (Access)

logon scripts, Windows NT

Lotus 1-2-3

accessing data with Jet database engine




sharing with other applications

upgrading from

Lotus 1-2-3 version 4.0 add-in

Lotus 1-2-3 versions 2.0-4.0

Lotus AmiPro 2.0 for Windows

Lotus AmiPro 3.x for Windows

Lotus cc:Mail

Lotus Freelance 1.0-2.1 for Windows

Lotus Freelance 4.0 for DOS

Lotus Freelance, into PowerPoint

Lotus Notes

Lotus Notes Connector

Lotus Notes Mail

Lotus Notes/Domino server, bridgehead servers with Exchange Server

Lotus123 option

Low security, setting in Office applications

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machine groups, creating with SMS 1.2

Macintosh, moving files to Windows Office

macro languages, preparing for year 2000

macro viruses


Office 2000 vs. Office 97

preventing with signed macros

Excel 2000

PowerPoint 2000

Word 2000

protecting against

managing certificates with Internet Explorer


scanning Office documents before opening

signing macros using Visual Basic Editor

using certificate timestamps

using certificates to sign macros

scanning for

setting security levels in Office applications

VeriSign introduced

virus scanning programs


Access 2000

MDE files don't control security

using from previous versions

Access 2000 VBA, protecting code in converted databases

Excel 2000


solving user problems with earlier versions

unable to run in workbooks

Excel 2000 VBA

creating new macros with VBA 6.0

running macros created in previous versions

Excel multilingual, installing object library files for

Excel VB, translating commands written in VB

Excel workbooks, running from previous localized versions

Office 2000

signing digitally

signing using Visual Basic Editor

signing with certificates

Office VBA, preserving VBA macros in Office files

PowerPoint 2000

enabling with templates

setting to run only signed

unable to run in presentations

PowerPoint 2000 VBA

recording in VBA 6.0

running macros created in previous versions and VBA 5.0

viewing PowerPoint 97 macros in PowerPoint 2000 presentations



limitations of Internet Explorer 3.0

preserving in Office files in HTML formats

Web features available in Office 2000

Visual Basic Editor

signing macros using

writing macros with

Word 2000

running macros created in previous versions

running Word 95 and Word 6.x macros

running Word 97 macros

sharing with previous versions  1, 2

unable to run in documents

Word 2000 VBA, rewriting in VBA 6.0

Word multilingual, running from previous versions

mail protocols

Internet standards (list)


Mail Recipient command (Outlook)

disabling in Office 2000 applications

Office applications (table)

sending Office 2000 files (list)

mail servers ­ See: SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) mail servers

mainframe servers, Office 2000 server tools and technologies

OLE DB provider (list)


Systems Network Architecture Server features (list)

maintaining Web sites with FrontPage

malicious scripts, preventing access from Access 2000 databases

MAPI (Messaging Application Program Interface)

Exchange Server 5.5 support

Outlook 2000

Internet standards (list)

support with other e-mail servers

workgroup servers must support

MAPI profiles, upgrading from Microsoft Mail 3.x for Windows to Outlook 2000

MaxRecords property (ADOX)

MBCS Character set vs. Unicode in Jet database engine

MCSP (Microsoft Certified Solution Providers) Web site  1, 2

MDA files, saving files that reference other databases

MDB files

saving as MDE files


data access pages

with Startup options

vs. MDE files

working with Access 2000 and SQL Server

MDE files

modifying database forms, reports, and modules

protecting codes in database forms and reports



databases as

files that reference other databases

vs. MDB files

Medium security

meeting requests, sharing between Outlook 2000 and Schedule+


group ­ See: group scheduling

scheduling with Outlook 2000

menu bars, converting previous versions to Access 2000  1, 2

menu commands, System Policy Editor


disabling custom

disabling predefined

finding control IDs

merging files on intranets

message encryption, defined

message recall (Outlook)

messaging services ­ See: e-mail servers, Office 2000 server tools and technologies

metabases and metadata, defined

metastore, defined

methods, OpenSchema (ADOX)

micro viruses, protecting against

Microsoft Access 2000 ­ See: Access 2000

Microsoft Active Desktop ­ See: Active Desktop

Microsoft Answer Wizard Builder (AWB) ­ See: Answer Wizard Builder (AWB) project files

Microsoft Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) style sheets ­ See: cascading style sheets

Microsoft Certificate Server, Web server support in Office 2000

Microsoft Certified Solution Provider (MCSP) Web site  1, 2

Microsoft Certified Technical Education Center (CTEC) Web site

Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) ­ See: MSDE (Microsoft Data Engine)

Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Web site

Microsoft DirectX version 6.0, required for PhotoDraw

Microsoft Excel 2000 ­ See: Excel 2000

Microsoft Exchange Advanced Security ­ See: Exchange Advanced Security

Microsoft Exchange Client ­ See: Exchange Client

Microsoft Exchange Connector for Lotus cc:Mail

Microsoft Exchange Servers ­ See: Exchange Servers

Microsoft Fax

upgrading to Outlook 2000

using with Outlook

Microsoft FrontPage 2000 ­ See: FrontPage 2000

Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions Resource Kit ­ See: FrontPage Server Extensions Resource Kit

Microsoft HTML Help Workshop ­ See: HTML Help Workshop

Microsoft in the Enterprise Web site

Microsoft Index Server, Web server support in Office 2000

Microsoft Internet Explorer ­ See: Internet Explorer

Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 Administration Kit ­ See: Internet Explorer 5 Administration Kit

Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) ­ See: IIS (Internet Information Server)

Microsoft Jet ­ See: Jet

Microsoft Knowledge Base articles, finding

Microsoft Knowledge Base Web site

Microsoft Mail 3.x for Windows

sharing information with Outlook 2000

features (list)

limitations in exchanging messages (list)

upgrading to Outlook 2000

avoiding duplicate messages

custom commands

custom menus

custom message types

importing Microsoft Mail files

making Outlook 2000 interface look like Microsoft Mail 3.x for Windows with Folder List command

migrating to Microsoft Exchange Server

Msmail[32].ini and Shared[32].ini parsing

new features (list)

upgrading remote users

Microsoft Mail Connector

Microsoft Mail, using with Outlook

Microsoft Management Console (MMC)

Microsoft MultiLanguage Pack ­ See: MultiLanguage Pack

Microsoft network servers and clients supported by Office 2000 (list)

Microsoft Office ­ See: Office

Microsoft Office 2000 ­ See: Office 2000

Microsoft Office 2000 MultiLanguage Pack ­ See: MultiLanguage Pack

Microsoft Office 2000 Proofing Tools ­ See: Proofing Tools

Microsoft Office 2000 Resource Kit ­ See: tools, Office 2000 Resource Kit

Microsoft Office Converter Pack ­ See: Office Converter Pack

Microsoft Office Data Source control (MSODSC)

Microsoft Office Language Settings utility

Office 2000 Resource Kit

Microsoft Office Resource Kit for Office 97/98

Microsoft Office Server Extensions (OSE) ­ See: Office Server Extensions (OSE)

Microsoft Office Update Web site

Microsoft Office Web site

Microsoft OLE DB Provider ­ See: OLE DB Provider

Microsoft Outlook 2000 ­ See: Outlook 2000

Microsoft Personal Web Server, unsupported by FrontPage 2000

Microsoft PhotoDraw ­ See: PhotoDraw 2000; installation, PhotoDraw 2000

Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 ­ See: PowerPoint 2000

Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000 Viewer nbsp;1, 2

Microsoft Press Online Web site

Microsoft Product Support Services (list)

Microsoft Project 98 and Project 95

Microsoft Proxy Server

Microsoft Script Editor ­ See: Script Editor

Microsoft Scripting Technologies Web site

Microsoft Seminar Online Web site

Microsoft Site Server

Microsoft SNA Server 4.0

Microsoft Software and Network Services Web site

Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF) Web site

Microsoft Support Online Web site  1, 2

Microsoft support staff, Answer Wizard feedback form

Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS) ­ See: SMS (Systems Management Server)

Microsoft Team Manager 97

Microsoft TechNet Web site  1, 2

Microsoft Visual Basic ­ See: VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)

Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition ­ See: VBScript (Visual Basic Scripting Edition)

Microsoft Windows 2000 ­ See: Windows 2000

Microsoft Windows NT Certificate Services  1, 2

Microsoft Windows NT Terminal Server Edition ­ See: Windows Terminal Server

Microsoft Word 2000 ­ See: Word 2000

Microsoft Works, importing data

into Excel

into Word

Microsoft Year 2000 Compliance Statement

Microsoft Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure Statement

Microsoft Year 2000 Resource Center

Microsoft Year 2000 Web site support Web site  1, 2 Web site, disabling Help links

migrating user settings

MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)

MIME settings, storage on Netscape Commerce Server

Mime.types files, updating

MMC (Microsoft Management Console)

MMF (e-mail message file), upgrading

mobile users ­ See: traveling users

modes, exclusive vs. shared

Modify Design permission (Access)

modifying Setup options

Motionless Office Assistant

MSDE (Microsoft Data Engine)

hardware requirements

Office 2000 Premium installation requirements


preventing installing with OSE Setup

replication features


OSE data

Web Discussions and Web Subscriptions


OSE Configuration Wizard

with large number of users

with SQL Server 7.0

vs. Jet database engine

working with Access 2000

MSDE (Microsoft Data Engine) databases, backing up and restoring

MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network) Web site

MSF (Microsoft Solutions Framework) Web site

MSI files


carrying out installation modifications

CD keys stored in


administrative installation points



default Setup properties defined

organization names stored in

package defined

setting options with Custom Installation Wizard

specifying installation locations

transforming standard Office installations

used by Msiexec.exe

Msi.dll, used by Msiexec.exe

Msiexec.exe, Windows Installer program

MSMail32.ini files (Outlook)


MSOAdmin folders

MSODSC (Microsoft Office Data Source control)

MSOffice virtual directory


MST files

adding registry entries to

applied by Msiexec.exe


administrative installation points with Custom Installation Wizard

containing OPS files

for custom CD-ROM installations

with Custom Installation Wizard  1, 2, 3


for non-English Terminal Server installations

for Terminal Server installations

user options by specifying settings in OPS files

with Custom Installation Wizard  1, 2


importing registry entries

including in OPS files  1, 2


Office features with custom

resources for language settings


changes in  1, 2

choices in Custom Installation Wizard

resolving conflicting Setup options


options with Custom Installation Wizard

registry entries

specifying with TRANSFORMS property

storing Setup settings  1, 2

transforming standard Office installations

using Office 2000 on Terminal Server

when to use

multidimensional data sources, Excel 2000

MultiLanguage Pack

administering international fonts

CD-ROM features (list)

changing languages for user interface and Help

creating administrative installation points

enabling languages without



distributing Excel object libraries

Excel add-ins

Excel object library files

Input Method Editors

installing Excel object libraries

Internet Explorer user interface languages

Jet 4.0 user interface languages

Outlook At Work fax patch

Outlook forms

features overview

FrontPage support

installation ­ See: installation, MultiLanguage Pack

installing localized versions of Office 2000


planning international deployments

removing files

Setup program available in English only

sharing Office files across language versions

special considerations for international travelers

support files

Unicode support in

upgrading previous localized versions of Office

MultiLanguage Pack Setup

multilingual documents

multilingual installation

multilingual macros (Excel)

multilingual text

Access 2000

Excel 2000

Office 2000

Office applications


See also Unicode

Word 6.0/95

Word 97


multinational deployments

customizing language features

configuring language-specific defaults

customizing executable mode for Access and Excel

customizing installation language

customizing languages for user interface/online Help/editing

customizing with Custom Installation Wizard and Profile Wizard

enabling languages without MultiLanguage Pack

deploying localized versions of Office 2000

deploying Office internationally

creating administrative installation points

customizing for different language-speaking areas

customizing MultiLanguage Pack installation


specifying language settings

MultiLanguage Pack extras (list)


planning international deployments

deploying at local subsidiaries

deploying Office from international headquarters

language versions and editing tools

MultiLanguage Pack Setup program available in English only


using MultiLanguage Pack

Multiplan, into Excel

multiple custom installations

multiple languages, OPS files and

multiple media publishing on intranets

multiple users, sharing computers

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions

My Network Places

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Name AutoCorrect feature (Access)

Namespace Extension

net time command (PowerPoint Presentation Broadcasting)

Netlogon folder

NetMeeting, Outlook 2000 vs. Outlook 97/Outlook 98

Netscape Commerce Server

Netscape Communicator

Netscape Messenger

Netscape Navigator

contributing to discussions

OSE Start Page support for

requirements for Office 2000

sharing databases using Web technologies

supporting Office Web features

when cannot run HTML documents

Netscape Web servers

NetShow Encoder, using with PowerPoint 2000 Presentation Broadcasting  1, 2

NetShow servers, PowerPoint 2000 Presentation Broadcasting  1, 2

NetShow Services

Outlook 2000 vs. Outlook 97/Outlook 98

PowerPoint 2000 Presentation Broadcasting


recommended hardware

setting values for client computers (list)

recording digital video or audio with codec

Windows NT 4.0 requirements

Network Installation Wizard

network logon scripts

Network Neighborhood

Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)

network platforms

features in Office 2000 under Windows 2000

copying/moving/deleting HTML files/folders

Distributed File System (DFS)

IntelliMirror support


remote operating system installation

Office 2000 network servers and clients

Banyan network servers and clients (list)

Digital network servers and clients (list)

IBM network servers and clients (list)

LANtastic peer-to-peer networking software (list)

Microsoft network servers and clients (list)

Novell network servers and clients (list)

UNIX NFS clients (list)


network servers, installing Office 2000 from

network systems management tools

networks, installing PhotoDraw on

New Database Query command (Excel)  1, 2, 3, 4

New TeamStatus Report command (Outlook)


NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol)

non-English versions, installing on Terminal Server

nonrepudiation, with Outlook 2000

Not Available Setup option

notifications, e-mail ­ See: e-mail notifications

NOUSERNAME property  1, 2

Novell network servers and clients supported by Office 2000 (list)

NoWideTextPrinting subkey

Ntconfig.pol, system policies files

NTFS access control lists  1, 2

NTFS file system

converting from FAT file system

security  1, 2

using OSE on Windows NT Server or Workstation

vs. FAT file system

Windows NT supporting advanced security for OSE



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OAB files

Object Browser command

Object Library Installer dialog box (Excel)

object model, defined


Access 2000 databases

changing permissions

modifying design of previous versions


changing ownership of

CommandBarButton, new event

CommandBarComboBox, new event

CommandBars collection, new event

Dictionary (new VBA)

Excel, working with in compound documents

FileSystemObject (new VBA)


OfficeWebFolder method



ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)

data sources compatibility

support for 1, 2

working with OLE DB

ODBC data sources

ODBC Data Sources (32bit) vs. 16-bit versions of ODBC drivers

ODBC drivers

accessing VBA code

and creating linked tables

displaying and retrieving data  1, 2

retrieving data from other database servers

viewing and from Access and Excel

ODBC messages


command-line options

Removal Wizard file


customizing  1, 2


previous versions, removing components with Removal Wizard

selecting previous versions to keep with Custom Installation Wizard

Office 2000

add-ins, customizing with

administering international fonts

confirming license

converting single files or groups of files

copying multilingual text into

Custom Installation Wizard ­ See: Custom Installation Wizard

customizing shortcuts

data access technologies working with ­ See: data access technologies

database servers ­ See: database servers

deploying internationally ­ See: international deployments

future tools for conversion process

Help ­ See: Help, Office 2000; technical support

improving performance on Terminal Server


MultiLanguage Pack ­ See: installation, MultiLanguage Pack

Office 2000 ­ See: installation, Office 2000

installation language ­ See: installation language

installation tools ­ See: installation tools, Office 2000

integrating with intranets ­ See: intranets, integrating Office 2000 with

international features

optimizing ­ See: optimizing international features


setting by installation and editing languages

Internet Explorer 5, supporting multilingual dialog boxes

locking down user options ­ See: user options, Office 2000

new architecture for add-ins

new tools for conversion process

ongoing configuration ­ See: ongoing configuration, Office 2000

preparing for traveling users

previous localized versions, migrating settings from

programming technologies ­ See: programming technologies

server tools and technologies ­ See: server tools and technologies

specifying default file formats for saving files

system policies ­ See: system policies, Office 2000

System Policy Editor ­ See: System Policy Editor

system policy templates ­ See: system policy templates, Office 2000

systems requirements

client platforms ­ See: client platforms

network platforms ­ See: network platforms

Office 2000 Developer

Office 2000 Premium

Office 2000 Professional

Office 2000 Resource Kit ­ See: Office 2000 Resource Kit

Office 2000 Small Business

Office 2000 Standard

Terminal Server ­ See: Windows Terminal Server

Unicode support in  1, 2

upgrading international organizations

migrating settings from previous localized versions

planning international moves

sharing Access databases across language versions

sharing Excel workbooks across language versions

sharing FrontPage files across language versions

sharing Office files across language versions

sharing Outlook messages across language versions

sharing PowerPoint presentations across language versions

sharing Publisher files across language versions

sharing Word documents across language versions

upgrading organizations to

before upgrading

compatible file formats

converting Macintosh fonts to Windows fonts (list)

from applications (list)

moving files between Windows and Macintosh


saving files in other file formats

sharing files with other applications

sharing with other versions of Office

unbinding binder documents

upgrading reference

Access 2000 ­ See: Access 2000, upgrading reference

Excel 2000 ­ See: Excel 2000, upgrading reference

FrontPage 2000 ­ See: FrontPage 2000, upgrading reference

Outlook 2000 ­ See: Outlook 2000, upgrading reference

PowerPoint 2000 ­ See: PowerPoint 2000, upgrading reference

Word 2000 ­ See: Word 2000, upgrading reference

upgrading, targeting client computers with SMS

using on Windows Terminal Server

using with Netscape Web servers

using with non-IIS Web servers

VBA ­ See: VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)

Web features

limitations of Internet Explorer 3.0/4.01

limitations of Windows 95 (list)

limitations of Windows NT Workstation 4.0 (list)

taking advantage of

Windows 2000 ­ See: Windows 2000

Windows 95/98, optimizing international features

year 2000 issues  1, 2

Office 2000 Developer, system requirements

Office 2000 Pre-Installation Pack for Windows NT

Office 2000 Premium

installing ­ See: installation, Office 2000 Premium

system requirements

Office 2000 Premium Setup program, Setup properties vs. running Setup interactively

Office 2000 Professional, system requirements

Office 2000 Proofing Tools ­ See: Proofing Tools

Office 2000 Resource Kit

files included with


key tools (list)

Office 2000 documentation


Web sites of interest to administrators (list)

Office 2000 Resource Kit CD-ROM  1, 2

Office 2000 Resource Kit Tools folder

Office 2000 Resource Kit Web site

Office 2000 Small Business, system requirements

Office 2000 Standard, system requirements

Office 4.x  1, 2, 3

Office 4.x (Macintosh)

Office 95  1, 2, 3

Office 97

converting single or groups of files from

copying multilingual text into Office 2000

removing components during Office Setup

specifying default file formats for saving files

upgrading from

Office 97/98 Resource Kit

Office 97-2000 converters

Office 97-2000 formats  1, 2

Office 98 (Macintosh)  1, 2, 3

Office Answer Wizard ­ See: Answer Wizard (AW)

Office applications

application-specific Web features

installing with Office 2000 Premium

changing installation states after installation

from separate administrative installation points

from single administration installation points


preserving HTML code in

setting security levels

working with FrontPage

Office Assistant

Office Chart command (FrontPage)

Office Converter Pack


converters for PowerPoint 95 users (list)

determining Setup mode with ConvPack section

distributing to users

editing Convpack.ini files

graphics filters (list)

graphics filters not in Office 2000 Setup

includes Office 97-2000 and HTML converters


add-ins/converters/filters  1, 2

filters in PowerPoint 2000 (table)

separately from other applications

making smooth transition

from Excel 97, Excel 95, and Excel 5.0

from PowerPoint 97, PowerPoint 95, and PowerPoint 4.0

from Word 97, Word 95, and Word 6.0

to Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 2000


Excel97, Excel95, and Excel5 sections (list)

Filters16 section for Word and PowerPoint (list)

Filters32 section for Word and PowerPoint (list)

PowerPoint97, PowerPoint95, and PowerPoint4 sections (list)

Word97, Word95, and Word6 sections (list)


sharing files with other applications in Word 2000

uninstalling add-in, converters, and filters

using Word 97-2000 converter to open documents

Office Custom Installation Wizard ­ See: Custom Installation Wizard

Office Developer Forum Web site

Office documents


discussion items

new workgroup property values

assigning workgroup properties

configuring for international settings

contributing to discussions


adding interactive Web controls to Office documents (list)

configuring to open in same window as hyperlinks

finding with OSE Start Pages

inserting hyperlinks

limitations of transferring between HTML and Office document formats

preserving VBA macros in Office files in HTML formats

transferring files between HTML and Office formats

using ActiveX documents to integrate with Web browsers

using XML to preserve formatting

modifying documents with discussion threads

opening and saving with FTP

Outlook 2000, sending as HTML-based e-mail messages

participating in discussions

prompting users to assign workgroup properties

publishing and managing on intranets

reconciling differences on Web servers

scanning for macro viruses

sending in MIME format

setting international TrueType fonts

vs. HTML on intranets

working with cached offline

Office Enterprise Center Web site

Office features, installation ­ See: installation, Office features

Office Help CHM files

Office on the Web

Office on the Web hyperlinks

Office options, setting

adding registry entries to MST files

customizing user options

importing registry entries into MST files


presetting user options in OPS files

setting registry entries

Office PivotTable command (FrontPage)

Office Registry API (ORAPI) ­ See: ORAPI (Office Registry API)

Office Resource Kit Tools ­ See: tools, Office 2000 Resource Kit

Office Server Extensions (OSE)

adding new Web sites on IIS

administration tools

Fpsrvadm utility ­ See: Fpsrvadm utility

Fpremadm utility ­ See: Fpremadm utility

FrontPage MMC snap-in ­ See: FrontPage MMC snap-in administration tools

FrontPage Server Extensions ­ See: FrontPage Server Extensions administration tools

HTML Administration Forms ­ See: HTML Administration Forms


advanced security

ASP pages

client components (list)

components (list)

custom Automation objects

FrontPage Server Extensions

FrontPage-extended webs

HTTP Web service

IIS administration

IIS elements (list)

IIS SMTP mail service

Internet Explorer 5 offline caching

Internet Publishing Provider

logon authentication


MSDE or SQL Server databases

MSOAdmin folders

Namespace Extension

NTFS file system

Office Server Extensions Notification Service


Personal Web Server (PWS)

root webs and subwebs

Synchronization Manager

virtual directories

Web sites

Windows NT or Workstation

configuration with OSE Configuration Wizard

converting FAT file system to NTFS file system

enabling Office Web features

installation ­ See: installation, Office Server Extensions (OSE)

managing user permissions and access to data

Office document formats vs. HTML on intranets

OSE-extended webs ­ See: OSE-extended webs


security ­ See: security, Office Server Extensions (OSE)

server component interactions

specifying SMTP mail server for Web Subscriptions

supporting FAT file system


proxy servers

Web features

available in Office 2000

limitations of Internet Explorer 3.0

limitations of Internet Explorer 4.01


Web server support in Office 2000

features (list)


Office Server Extensions Notification Service

Office Server Extensions Start Page ­ See: OSE Start Page

Office Setup components

Office Setup program

command-line options

/a command-line option  1, 2

/settings command-line option

/x Setup command-line option

for network server installations

creating administrative installation points


on network servers

Custom Installation Wizard ­ See: Custom Installation Wizard


/settings Setup command-line option

creating multiple

customizing execution

distributing MST files

distributing Setup command-line options

distributing Setup settings files

for international users

for network server installations


managing installation with Setup properties

modifying Setup options

resolving conflicting Setup options

specifying values in Setup settings file

specifying values on Setup command line

storing values in MST files

TRANSFORM= command-line option

using MST files

using Setup command-line options

using Setup settings files

editing settings  1, 2

hiding features from users during Setup


Installed on First Use option

installing graphics filters  1, 2

installing Office features with

custom MST files

MST files

Setup settings files

installing Office on client computers


options (list)


components from previous versions of Office

temporary files during Office Setup


on users' computers from administrative installation points

Profile Wizard during

setting registry entries

Windows installer replaces Acme Setup

working with Office Setup components

working with Windows Installer

Office Spreadsheet command (FrontPage)

Office Update Web site  1, 2

Office user profile (OPS) files ­ See: OPS files

Office user profiles

%USERPROFILE% variable


customizing Profile Wizard

default paths





standard during deployment

standard in staged deployments

environment variables, adding to Proflwiz.ini

multiple languages and

preserving settings

traveling users

using Profile Wizard and Custom Installation Wizard

Office Web Components

ActiveX controls that work with SQL Server (list)

deploying over intranets

installing during Office Setup

Internet Explorer 3.0 limitations

Internet Explorer support limitations

license requirements

manipulating Excel and Access data in Web browsers


product availability

sharing databases using Web technologies

system requirements



Office9.adm template

OfficeVision/VM Connector

OfficeWebFolder object


caching  1, 2

caching and replication

limitations of Internet Explorer 3.0

limitations of Internet Explorer 4.01

supported by Internet Explorer 5

working with Office Web features

Offline Address Book files

offline address books

offline folder (OST) files

offline folders (Outlook)

Offline Store files (Outlook)

OLAP (Online Analytical Processing)

OLE Automation


OLE DB data sources

OLE DB providers


for mainframe and UNIX server data

for SQL Server

support for

vendors (list)

ON Command CCM

OnAction property

ongoing configuration, Office 2000

locking down user options

disabling built-in connections to the Web

disabling command bar items

disabling dialog box items

disabling password protection

disabling shortcut keys



preventing command bar customization

with system policies

Office Registry API (ORAPI) ­ See: ORAPI (Office Registry API)


system policies ­ See: specific system policies for the application

System Policy Editor ­ See: System Policy Editor

system policy templates ­ See: system policy templates

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)

online backup, SQL Server feature

online Help  1, 2

online meetings

OPC files ­ See: Offcln9.opc


Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) ­ See: ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)

OpenSchema method (ADOX)

OPS files

%USERPROFILE% variable


MST files containing

with Profile Wizard  1, 2, 3


user options by specifying settings

with Profile Wizard

default paths


corporate during deployment

default during deployment

department-specific during deployment

standard in staged deployments

unique during deployment

including in MST files

migrating user settings

multiple languages and

packing by traveling users



user-defined settings from old computers


trusted macro sources for organizations

user options

saving Terminal Server settings in

traveling users  1, 2


Profile Wizard and Custom Installation Wizard

relative paths

with Custom Installation Wizard  1, 2

optimizing international features

fonts, administering

operating systems

adding keyboard support

displaying documents

displaying online Help, Office 2000

displaying user interface in other languages

editing documents

languages supported by Answer Wizard (list)


supporting Windows 95/98

using Input Method Editor (IME)


printing documents

Web browsers

optimizing performance


Browse Web Folders

Custom Installation Wizard ­ See: Custom Installation Wizard

Download Office Web Components

Freelance option

graphics filters ­ See: graphics filters

Harvard option

HTML option

Lotus123 option

PowerPoint 2000 Presentation Broadcasting ­ See: PowerPoint presentations, Presentation Broadcasting

PowerPoint95 option

PowerPoint97-2000 option

QuattroPro1 option

QuattroPro7 option

RegisterHTMLAddIn option

RegisterQuattroPro7AddIn option

Run from My Computer installation

Search Web Folders  1, 2

Setup ­ See also: Setup options

user options ­ See: user options, Office 2000

ORAPI (Office Registry API)

default paths


reading spreadsheets

restoring values/overriding defaults

order of precedence, user options

organization names, storing in MSI files

OSE client components (list)

OSE Configuration Wizard

adding groups to ACLs


database settings

new Web sites on IIS

creating new Web sites

editing discussion items

enforcing permissions


FrontPage Server Extensions



storing Web collaboration information

OSE databases

OSE directory browsing, security

OSE files, installing

OSE Search feature

OSE Setup

installing OSE files

log files


preventing installing MSDE

running in quiet mode

See also SQL Server, using with OSE

using MSDE or SQL Server

OSE Start Pages


AutoNavigation view


finding Office documents on intranets

requires OSE-extended webs

support for Internet Explorer 3.0 and Netscape Navigator

Web features available in Office 2000


OSE-extended webs

administration tools

Fpsrvadm utility ­ See: Fpsrvadm utility

Fpsrvrem utility ­ See: Fpsrvrem utility

FrontPage MMC snap-in ­ See: FrontPage MMC snap-in administration tools

FrontPage Server Extensions ­ See: FrontPage Server Extensions administration tools

HTML Administration Forms ­ See: HTML Administration Forms

administrative tasks (table)

assigning workgroup properties

authenticating users

categories of users (list)


database settings


Web Discussions

Web Subscriptions



access to content

creating Web Subscriptions

customizing AutoNavigation view

installing SMTP for Web Subscriptions

maintaining Office Server Extensions


Web Discussions

Web Subscriptions

participating in discussions

requiring Office Server Extensions

security ­ See: security, OSE-extended webs

subscribing to e-mail notifications

using OSE Configuration Wizard

vs. FrontPage-extended webs

web features requiring

Web server support features in Office 2000 (list)

OST (offline folder) files  1, 2

Outlbar.inf files, customizing

Outlk9.adm template  1, 2

Outlook 2000

accessing data with Jet database engine

collaborating over Internet

configuring in Terminal Server environment

default settings for Terminal Server installations

editing Asian text with Global IMEs

limitations of code pages


configuring fonts for incoming e-mail

configuring message formats

sharing across language versions

specifying character encoding

managing intranet communications

advanced Internet standards (list)

controlling Web pages

creating and sharing vCards

Internet standards (list)

organizing and sharing information


publishing Calendar information

sending Office documents as HTML-based e-mail messages

supporting iCalendar and vCalendar standards

Microsoft Script Editor vs. VBScript

moving storage files from previous versions

PowerPoint Presentation Broadcasting feature  1, 2

profile settings (Outlook)

scheduling meetings

security ­ See: security, Outlook 2000

setting as default mail/calendar/contacts/news application  1, 2

sharing information in public folders

supplemental documentation

supporting VBA

typing Asian text in non-Asian versions

Unicode support

upgrading reference

changing location of data storage files

choosing Corporate/Workgroup support or Internet Only support

choosing fax support

enabling as primary e-mail processing application

Exchange Client ­ See: Exchange Client

installing over Outlook 97/98

Internet Explorer 4.0 vs. Internet Explorer 5

Microsoft Mail 3.x for Windows ­ See: Microsoft Mail 3.x for Windows


Personal Store/Offline Store/PAB/Offline Address Book files

planning upgrade strategies

Schedule+ ­ See: Schedule+

sharing information with Microsoft Project 98/95

sharing information with Outlook 97/98

supporting Electronic Forms Designer

supporting e-mail/fax/forms

upgrading security

using e-mail options

using with Exchange Server 5.5

features (list)

support for connectivity and interoperability (list)

support for Internet messaging standards (list)

using with variety of messaging sources

Web features, limitations of Internet Explorer 3.0

Outlook 97

installing Outlook 2000 over

choosing Corporate/Workgroup or Internet Only


Personal Store/Offline Store/PAB/and Offline Address Book files

upgrading security

removing components during Office Setup

sharing information with Outlook 2000

Outlook 98

installing Outlook 2000 over

choosing Corporate/Workgroup or Internet Only


Personal Store/Offline Store/PAB/and Offline Address Book files

upgrading security

removing components during Office Setup

sharing information with Outlook 2000

Outlook 98 Stationery feature

Outlook At Work fax patch

MultiLanguage Pack extra  1, 2

Office 2000 Premium installation requirements

upgrading to Outlook 2000

Outlook Bar

Outlook 2000 Domestic Security Patch, installing with Office 2000 Premium

Outlook Domestic Security Patch, Office 2000 Premium installation requirements

Outlook driver for Schedule+

Outlook Express

Outlook Folder Home Pages

Outlook forms

MultiLanguage Pack extra  1, 2

Office 2000 Premium installation requirements

Outlook object models

Outlook Today ActiveX control

Outlook Web Access application

Outlook.prf, installing


out-of-memory errors in Access

ownership, changing of objects

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PAB (Personal Address Book)  1, 2

PAB files, moving

packages (MSI) files ­ See: MSI files

page status, tracking Web pages

parent webs, merging subwebs into

Password dialog box (Access)

password protection, disabling  1, 2

password-protected documents


administrator permissions on databases

changing or clearing

Outlook 2000, Digital ID

protecting VBA code in converted databases

setting and disabling databases

time limits

Unset Database Password command (Access)


default ­ See: default paths

relative, using on OPS files

PathTree worksheet, reading (global)

PCD 32-bit filters option

PCX 16-bit filters option

PCX 32-bit filters option

PDFs (package definition files) ­ See: SMS (Systems Management Server), package definition files

performance, enhancing  1, 2


Access 2000 databases

Administer permission

changing for objects

establishing with User-Level Security Wizard

explicit and implicit defined

Modify Design permission

Read Data permission

Read Design permission

revoking (table)

security on databases

setting user-level security  1, 2

storing workgroup information

Update Data permission

ACL settings

FrontPage 2000, setting

FrontPage MMC snap-in administration tools, setting

FrontPage Server Extensions

FAT does not support ACL-based file permissions

resetting custom after upgrading

FrontPage Server Extensions administration tools, disabling

FrontPage tools, managing

FrontPage-extended webs



OSE-extended webs

configuring  1, 2

managing  1, 2


Outlook working with Exchange Server



using to set mixed

types of (list)

Web Discussions

Web sites

categories of users (list)

enforcing with NTFS access control lists

granting to computers

managing more precisely

Permissions command (FrontPage)  1, 2

Personal Address Book (PAB)  1, 2

personal certificates ­ See: certificates

personal identifier (PID)

Personal Store files

Personal Web Server (PWS)  1, 2

PhotoDraw 2000

clip art files

included with Office 2000 Premium

Microsoft DirectX version 6.0 required

PhotoDraw Setup, running from PhotoDraw folder

PICT 16-bit filters option

PICT 32-bit filters option

PICT graphics format

PID (personal identifier)

PivotTable (Excel), features (list)

PivotTable Component (Office Web Component)  1, 2

plug-in language features

PNG 16-bit filters option

PNG 32-bit filters option

policies ­ See: specific system policies for the application

Policies subkey

policy templates ­ See: system policy templates

POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3)

Corporate/Workgroup e-mail vs. Internet Only e-mail

Exchange Server 5.5 support

Internet e-mail servers must support

Outlook 2000

e-mail options

Internet standards (list)

support with other e-mail servers


PowerPoint 2000

and formatting

application-specific Web features

converting single or groups of files to

default settings for Terminal Server installations

file formats in Office 2000

installing on Terminal Server, default settings

macros ­ See: macros

Office Converter Pack ­ See: Office Converter Pack

opening Microsoft Script Editor

Presentation Broadcasting ­ See: Presentation Broadcasting

saving presentations in PowerPoint 95 formats

basic use features (list)

graphics features (list)

Internet features (list)

new features (list)

workgroup features (list)

security ­ See: security, PowerPoint 2000

specifying defaults  1, 2

supporting VBA

system policies ­ See: system policies, PowerPoint 2000

System Policy Editor, controlling recently used file lists

upgrading reference


file formats (list)

graphics filters (list)

graphics formats (list)

installing converters for PowerPoint 95 users (list)

installing graphics filters with Office Converter Pack (table)

macros ­ See: macros, PowerPoint 2000

opening HTML files in PowerPoint 95


preserving graphics without PowerPoint converter

saving presentations for other applications

saving presentations for PowerPoint 95 users

saving presentations in PowerPoint 95 format (list)

saving presentations in PowerPoint 98/97 formats

sharing files with other applications

sharing presentations with previous versions  1, 2

sharing presentations with users who do not have PowerPoint

sharing templates with previous versions

using dual file formats

working with files and graphics formats

year 2000 issues

PowerPoint 2000 slides, sending HTML-based e-mail messages  1, 2

PowerPoint 97/2000 Viewer  1, 2

PowerPoint 97-2000 converters

PowerPoint documents

adding discussion items to

contributing to discussions

intranets, limitations on


scanning for macro viruses

setting security levels

PowerPoint presentations

broadcasting maintenance issues

disk space usage for streamed broadcasts

including audio/video in


participating in chat sessions during broadcasts

Presentation Broadcasting ­ See also: Presentation Broadcasting

preventing from saving in unapproved formats


broadcasts for later viewing

in PowerPoint 95 format (list)

in PowerPoint 98/97 formats (list)

sending e-mail messages during broadcasts

sharing with

other presentation applications

PowerPoint 95/97/98

previous versions of PowerPoint  1, 2

users who do not have PowerPoint

synchronizing clocks

unable to run macros or load add-ins

viewing PowerPoint 97 macros

PowerPoint95 option

PowerPoint97-2000 option

Ppoint9.adm template  1, 2


Predefined category  1, 2, 3

predefined menu commands, disabling

predefined toolbar buttons, disabling


Presentation Broadcast add-ins, installing

Presentation Broadcasting

broadcasting maintenance issues

configuring client computers to limit broadcasting

customizing HTML scripts

disabling broadcast features

disk space usage

Enable chat option


installing add-ins


Record the broadcast option

scheduling presentations for broadcast

See also PowerPoint presentations

Send audio option

Send video option


default values in Windows registry (list)

values for client computers (list)

Specify a NetShow server option

Specify a shared location option

synchronizing clocks with net time command

using NetShow Services

Viewers can e-mail option

presentations ­ See: PowerPoint presentations

preserving user-defined Office 2000 settings from old computers

primary domain controller


euro currency symbol

international documents

Unicode text

private certificates ­ See: certificates

private keys  1, 2

private Setup properties, defined

procedure errors in Access

product support ­ See: Help, Office 2000; technical support

Product Support Services (list)

Profile Wizard

collecting user settings

command-line options (list)

creating OPS files


editing Proflwiz.ini

for staged deployments

language features


storing and retrieving with

user options

deploying user settings at each stage

distributing profiles

corporate user profiles

department-specific user profiles

standard Office user profiles  1, 2

unique Office user profiles



Office 2000 Resource Kit

OPS files default paths


preserving settings from old computers

presetting security levels


after Office installation

during Setup

from command line

saving Terminal Server settings in OPS files


download location for Office Web Components

settings in OPS files

storing and retrieving Office 2000 customizations

supporting traveling users


default paths in Office profiles

user profiles in Custom Installation Wizard

with Custom Installation Wizard

Profiles folder, creating on servers

Proflwiz.exe (Profile Wizard)


adding environment variables

file sections (list)

programming technologies

new architecture for Office 2000 add-ins

Office 2000 and Microsoft Script Editor




Office 2000 and VBA

Automation servers and Automation clients

expanded event model

new custom object features

new programming features

new VBA functions

new VBA objects (list)


programmable applications (list)

programming individual Office applications

working with programmable services

programming tools, Web features

available in Office 2000

limitations of Internet Explorer 3.0

progress indicators (FrontPage)

Project 4.0 components

Project 95 components

Project 97 components

Project 98 components

Project Properties dialog box (Access)

Proofing Tools

features (list)

planning international deployment





AllowBypassKey (Access)

Assigned to


COMPANYNAME (Setup)  1, 2




Database Name (Access)

Description (Access)  1, 2


FieldSize (Access)


HasModule (Access)

MaxRecords (ADOX)



Recordset, Access vs. ADO

Regional Settings


Review status

RunPermissions (Access)  1, 2, 3

TopValues (Access)






Properties dialog box (FrontPage)

Properties dialog box (Outlook)

properties, workgroup ­ See: workgroup properties

proxy servers

Microsoft Proxy Server ­ See: Microsoft Proxy Server

using with OSE

PST files (Outlook)

Pub6.adm template  1, 2


public certificates ­ See: certificates

public Certification Authority

public folders

creating home pages

Outlook 2000

sharing information

vs. Exchange Client

Outlook working with Exchange Server

saving contact information

public key cryptography, defined

public keys

public Setup properties, defined

Publish Web dialog box (FrontPage)

Publisher 2.0 components

Publisher 2000

installing on Terminal Server

Office 2000 Premium installation requirements

Publisher 95 components

Publisher 97 components

Publisher 98 components

Publisher files, sharing across language versions

Publisher, supplemental documentation


multiple media on intranets

Web sites with FrontPage


Pure entry (Language Resources)

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Qualcomm Eudora Pro

Quattro Pro  1, 2

Quattro Pro 1.0-5.0 for Windows add-in

Quattro Pro 7.0-8.0 for Windows add-in

QuattroPro1 option

QuattroPro7 option


Date/Time fields, problems converting from earlier versions

faster processing with SQL Server databases

managing security

renaming with Name AutoCorrect feature

retrieving data from Access in Excel

RunPermissions property (Access)

displaying data from secured queries


restricting access

using Jet database engine

quiet installations

Outlook 2000

specifying with Setup settings files

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RaiseEvent keyword

RC4 encryption

banned in France  1, 2

Excel workbooks

vs. XOR encryption  1, 2

Word documents

Read Data permission (Access)

Read Design permission (Access)


Read-only recommended protection

Excel workbooks

Word documents

REBOOT property

reboot requirements

Input Method Editors (IMEs)

Internet Explorer 128-bit upgrade

Internet Explorer 5 installed with Office 2000 Premium

Internet Explorer user interface languages


Excel add-ins

Excel object library files

Microsoft Data Engine

Microsoft Jet 4.0 user interface language files

MultiLanguage Pack

Office 2000 installed with Office 2000 Premium

Outlook At Work fax patch

Outlook Domestic Security Patch

Outlook forms

PhotoDraw 2000

Publisher 2000

Record the broadcast option (PowerPoint Presentation Broadcasting)

record-level locking with Jet database engine

Recordset object

Recordset property, Access vs. ADO

References command (Access)  1, 2

References dialog box

REG_EXPAND_SZ data type

REG_SZ data types

Regional Settings Properties

regional sites, traveling between

RegisterHTMLAddIn option

RegisterQuattroPro7AddIn option

registries ­ See: ORAPI (Office Registry API); Windows registry

registry settings  1, 2

RegistryMain worksheet, reading


reinstalling files automatically

relative paths, using on OPS files

relative priorities, avoiding conflicts  1, 2

Remote Access Service (RAS) Connector

remote administration, with FrontPage Server Extensions administration tools  1, 2, 3

remote operating systems, installing with Windows 2000

Removal Wizard

command-line options

custom removal routines

customizing OPC files



Office 2000 Resource Kit

removing components from previous versions

removing temporary files during Office Setup

stand-alone version

three modes

REMOVE Setup property

Replace function (new VBA)

replica sets

converting to Access 2000  1, 2


replicated databases, setting user-level security


Conflict Resolution Wizard, resolving synchronization conflicts



Jet database engine features

MSDE features

SQL Server features

Office Server Extensions (OSE)

offline supported by Internet Explorer 5

working with Web Publishing feature offline

Reports view (FrontPage)

reports, renaming

Response Redirect variable

Review status property, defined

revision history, Web pages

RFT-DCA (Revisable-Form-Text Document Content Architecture)

Rich Text Format (RTF) ­ See: RTF (Rich Text Format) files

right-to-left languages


opening previous versions in

Excel 2000

PowerPoint 2000

Word 2000

sharing Outlook messages across language versions

roaming user profiles


limitations of Internet Explorer 3.0


See also OPS files

traveling between computers

roaming users ­ See: traveling users

root webs



using OSE with FrontPage Server Extensions

Round function (new VBA)

RTF (Rich Text Format) files

adding discussion items to


sharing Outlook messages across language versions

sharing Word documents across language versions

multilingual text


documents in dual file formats Word 97-2000 and 6.0/95-RTF

documents in Word 2000, Word 95, and Word 6.0

new formatting features in previous versions (list)

new table features in previous versions (list)

Rules Wizard (Outlook), enhancements

Run all from CD or Run all from Network Setup option  1, 2

Run all from My Computer Setup option

Run from CD or Run from Network Setup option  1, 2

Run from My Computer Setup option  1, 2, 3

RunCommand action vs. DoMenuItem action

RunPermissions property (Access)  1, 2, 3

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S/MIME (Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions), Outlook 2000 security




moving certificates and keys

obtaining other user's certificates

Safe mode with user discretion, Removal Wizard

Save ADE As dialog box (Access)

Save as Web Page command (Office)

Save As Web Page dialog box (PowerPoint)

Save MDE As dialog box (Access)


sharing information with Outlook 2000

delegate owners defined

delegating e-mail messages and scheduling tasks

exchanging meeting requests

Import And Export command

sharing calendar and group scheduling information

using direct booking

using Outlook driver for Schedule+

viewing free/busy details

viewing free/busy status

working with contacts

working with tasks

vs. Outlook 2000

features unavailable in Schedule+ 1.0 (list)

features unavailable in Schedule+ 95 (list)

upgrading from Schedule+ 1.0

upgrading from Schedule+ 7.x

scheduling groups ­ See: group scheduling

Script Editor

programming technologies for Office 2000

features (list)

working with VBScript/JScript

Web features

available in Office 2000

limitations of Internet Explorer 3.0

scripting languages

FrontPage MMC snap-in administration tools

FrontPage Server Extensions administration tools


displaying characters in multiple scripts

enabling to run in any folder on Web

multilingual documents

preventing access from malicious users (Access)

server-side, handling custom error messages

setting localized for e-mail

using international documents across scripts

zone security (Outlook)

Search Web Folders option  1, 2

Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) ­ See: S/MIME (Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

customizing security with


obtaining security certificates


for authoring

with FrontPage Server Extensions administration tools

secure workgroups

Security Accounts Management (SAM) database

security certificate requests with Key Manager

security certificates, specifying SSL

Security dialog box (Excel)

enabling unsigned macros

scanning for viruses

setting security levels

Security dialog box (PowerPoint)

scanning for viruses

sharing templates with previous versions

Security dialog box (Word)

can't run macros or load add-ins

scanning for viruses

sharing templates with previous versions

security file (EPF file), upgrading to Outlook 2000

security identifier (SID)

security keys  1, 2

security levels

enabling/disabling macros and loading add-ins

Excel 2000

PowerPoint 2000

Word 2000

setting in Office applications

security tokens, upgrading to Outlook 2000

security, Access 2000 databases

encrypting databases


levels of file protection (list)

protecting source code with MDE or ADE files

modifying MDE and ADE files


saving MDE files that reference other databases

using other forms of security with MDE files

protecting VBA code in converted databases

removing user-level security

restricting user access with Startup options

RunPermissions property  1, 2, 3

security issues for data access pages

controlling database access from data access pages

controlling level of access

data access page links and files


preventing access from malicious scripts

preventing unauthorized access

setting passwords to prevent opening

setting user-level security

changing ownership

creating secure workgroup information files

creating user and group accounts


revoking permissions (table)

setting for replicated databases

setting permissions

storing workgroup and permission information

storing workgroup and permission information

User-Level Security Wizard ­ See: User-Level Security Wizard (Access)

security, FrontPage Server Extensions

ACL-based security

impersonating users

managing administration

providing security on UNIX


utilities for administering security

security, FrontPage-extended webs

administering with FrontPage Extensions administration tools

applying role-based permissions

authenticating users and setting permissions

customizing security

inherited permissions


security, Office 2000

creating certificates with Selfcert.exe

digital signatures


private keys

Profile Wizard ­ See: Profile Wizard

protecting against macro viruses

managing certificates with Internet Explorer


scanning documents before opening

scanning password-protected for macro viruses

signing macros digitally

signing using Visual Basic Editor

using certificate timestamps

using certificates to sign macros

public keys

setting security levels

VeriSign introduced

virus scanning programs

security, Office Server Extensions (OSE)

configuring OSE-extended webs

converting FAT file system


IIS authentication


securing OSE-extended webs

setting permissions on Web sites

using proxy servers

using Windows NT security

security, OSE-extended webs



managing NTFS access control lists manually


user permissions


managing permissions

options with NTFS file system

securing OSE-extended webs

allowing Web Subscriptions to documents only

controlling OSE directory browsing

monitoring and deleting subscriptions


preventing users accessing Web Discussions

preventing Web Discussions on other Web sites

setting permissions on Web sites

security, Outlook 2000

enrolling with public certificate authorities


Outlook Folder Home Pages


secure e-mail messaging



security keys and certificates

security model, digital certificates

security settings

changing security settings

creating new security settings

moving certificates and keys between computers


viewing security settings

security with S/MIME (list)


workgroup security options

security, PowerPoint 2000


macro viruses

users from saving presentations in unapproved formats

setting to run only signed macros

security, Word 2000



macro viruses

users from saving documents in unapproved formats

protecting levels of security

symmetric encryption routines


ACL-based in FrontPage Server Extensions

ActiveX Data Objects (ADOX), defined

administering on remote Web server

anonymous authentication

authentication, defined

configuring on Web servers, FAQs


digital signatures ­ See: digital signatures

international travelers

Internet Explorer, managing certificates

macro viruses ­ See: macro viruses

MSODSC, configuring

password protection, locking down user options

permissions ­ See: permissions

remote administration

System Policy Editor ­ See: System Policy Editor

Temp folders, security risk

User-Level Security Wizard (Access) ­ See: User-Level Security Wizard (Access)

using proxy servers

VBA code, protecting

Windows NT security for OSE  1, 2

Windows NT Server, authenticating users

Select Certificate dialog box

Select Workgroup Information File dialog box (Access)

Selfcert.exe, creating certificates with

Send audio option (PowerPoint Presentation Broadcasting)

Send video option (PowerPoint Presentation Broadcasting)

server component interactions (diagrams)

server tools and technologies

Office 2000 and database servers

Access 2000 features that work with SQL Server

Excel 2000 features that work with SQL Server

Office Web Components that work with SQL Server


SQL Server 7.0

using Access 2000 and Excel 2000 to retrieve data from other database servers

Office 2000 and e-mail servers

Exchange Server 5.5 and Outlook 2000 features (list)

other e-mail servers


support for connectivity and interoperability (list)

support for Internet messaging standards (list)

Office 2000 and mainframe and UNIX Server data

Office 2000 and network systems management tools



creating Profiles folders

database servers ­ See: database servers

e-mail servers ­ See: e-mail servers, Office 2000 server tools and technologies

mainframe servers ­ See: mainframe servers, Office 2000 tools and technologies

requirements for traveling users

server-side scripts, handling custom error messages

Set Database Password command (Access)

Setup command line

entering property names

modifying Setup properties

resolving conflicting Setup options

specifying values  1, 2

storing in MST files

using Setup settings file instead

when to use MST files

Setup command-line options


vs. Custom Installation Wizard

Setup options

Feature installed when required


resolving conflicting Setup options

specifying Custom Installation Wizard

Setup program, Office ­ See: Office Setup program

Setup properties

resolving conflicting Setup options

See also properties

specifying values

vs. running Setup interactively

Setup settings files


entering property names

initializing logging

modifying Setup properties

resolving conflicting Setup options

sections (list)


specifying values

storing in MST files

when to use

MST files

Setup command-line options


Setup.exe bootstrap program, defined

Setup.ini, Setup settings file

creating multiple


editing for

custom CD-ROM installations

network server installations

specifying values

storing in MST files

when to use



Share Workbook command (Excel)

shared modes, saving design changes

Shared32.ini files supported in Outlook 2000

share-level security (Access), defined


Access databases

design change notification (list)

saving design and development strategies

saving design changes in exclusive or shared modes

sharing across language versions

with multiple versions of databases

computers among multiple users

data access technologies ­ See: data access technologies

databases using Web technologies

documents across languages

Excel workbooks

Excel 2000/Excel 97/Excel 95/Excel 5.0

scanning for macro viruses

sharing across language versions

text files

with Excel 95 and Excel 5.0 users

with Excel 98 and Excel 97 users

with other spreadsheet applications

with previous versions of Excel


using Outlook with Exchange Server

with other applications

with other versions of Office

FrontPage files, sharing across language versions


collaboration (list)

Excel workbooks

multilingual documents

Office Converter Pack ­ See: Office Converter Pack

Office document formats vs. HTML on intranets

Office files, sharing across language versions

Outlook 2000

creating and sharing vCards

publishing in public folders

sharing across language versions

sharing information with Exchange Client ­ See: Exchange Client

sharing information with Microsoft Mail 3.x for Windows ­ See: Microsoft Mail 3.x for Windows

sharing information with Outlook 97 and Outlook 98

sharing information with Schedule+ ­ See: Schedule+

supporting iCalendar and vCalendar standards

PowerPoint 2000 Presentation Broadcasting, Specify a shared location option

PowerPoint presentations

sharing across language versions

with other applications

with previous versions of PowerPoint  1, 2

with users who do not have PowerPoint

Publisher files, sharing across language versions

using Automation with Office 2000 and VBA

Word 2000

disabling features unsupported by Word 97

opening document features in Word 98 or Word 97 (table)

sharing across language versions

sharing documents with users who do not have Word

sharing documents with Word 95 and Word 6.0 users

sharing documents with Word 98 and Word 97 users

sharing files with other applications

sharing macros and templates with previous versions

sharing templates with previous versions  1, 2

shortcut keys

disabling  1, 2

System Policy Editor, disabling

using virtual key codes


adding or removing Office

adding to Web folders

customizing with Custom Installation Wizard



SID (security identifier)


custom preserved in Outlook 2000

digital ­ See: digital signatures


error messages


preserving Outlook 98 in Outlook 2000

signed macros

digital signatures ­ See: digital signatures

setting to run only in PowerPoint

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) ­ See: SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) mail servers ­ See: SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) mail servers

Site Connector (Outlook)

site-management capabilities (FrontPage)

SMS (Systems Management Server)

creating administrative installation points

installing Office 2000 Premium

lowering management costs

package definition files

included in Office 2000 Resource Kit (list)



System Management Server Package Definition Files

updating Office 2000 on client computers

SMS deployment, Office 2000

distributing SMS packages

targeting client computers for upgrade

SMS packages


SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

Corporate/Workgroup e-mail vs. Internet Only e-mail

Exchange Server 5.5 support

installing for Web Subscriptions on OSE-extended webs

Internet e-mail servers must support

Office Server Extensions Notification Service

Outlook 2000

e-mail options

Internet standards (list)

support with other e-mail servers


SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) mail servers, specifying

for Web Subscriptions

on Configure Web Subscription Settings page

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) mail service

for Web Subscriptions

installing on OSE-extended webs

SNA Distribution Services (SNADS) Connector

SNA Server 4.0

software prerequisites

Input Method Editors (IMEs)

Internet Explorer 128-bit upgrade

Internet Explorer 5 installed with Office 2000 Premium

Internet Explorer user interface languages


Excel add-ins

Excel object library files

Microsoft Data Engine

Microsoft Jet 4.0 user interface language files

MultiLanguage Pack

Office 2000 installed with Office 2000 Premium

Outlook At Work fax patch

Outlook Domestic Security Patch

Outlook forms

PhotoDraw 2000

Publisher 2000

software requirements ­ See: system requirements

sort orders

General sort orders

using localized on Windows 95/98

using original language

in localized Access databases

removing conflicting data to solve indexing problems

standardized sorting with Jet database engine

supporting default sort order with Windows NT 4.0

source code control

levels required for Web sites

sharing Access database design and development strategies

source code protection  1, 2

special configurations of Office 2000 ­ See: installation, Office 2000, special configurations

Specify a NetShow server option (PowerPoint Presentation Broadcasting)

Specify a shared location option (PowerPoint Presentation Broadcasting)

Split function (new VBA)

Spreadsheet Component (Office Web Components)


See also Excel 2000 workbooks

sharing Excel with other spreadsheet applications

SQL commands, enhanced

SQL Server

advanced features (list)

advanced hardware support

using with OSE

advantages (list)

creating Web collaboration database

OSE Configuration Wizard

storing Web Discussions and Web Subscriptions

vs. Jet database engine

SQL Server 6.5

Office Web Components that work with SQL Server

working with Access 2000

SQL Server 7.0

Conflict Resolution Wizard

integrating with Office 2000

Access 2000 features that work with SQL Server

Excel 2000 features that work with SQL Server

Office Web Components that work with SQL Server


replication features

using with MSDE

SQL Server data types, compatibility with Jet database engine

SQL Server databases

accessing data

storing OSE data

SQL Server OLAP Services, Excel 2000 support

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) ­ See: Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

staged deployments

standard workgroups ­ See: workgroups

Startup options, restricting user access

Stationery feature (Outlook)

status, tracking

Web pages

with FrontPage


streaming PowerPoint presentations ­ See: PowerPoint presentations, Presentation Broadcasting

style sheets, cascading ­ See: cascading style sheets


Default Save (Excel)


Pure (Language Resources)

storing with system policies and Windows registry

subscriptions ­ See: Web Subscriptions



FrontPage MMC snap-in administration tools

converting folders to

converting to folders



modifying content

FrontPage Server Extensions administration tools



merging into parent webs


using OSE with

OSE-extended webs permissions

permission settings

using to set mixed permissions

supplemental documentation ­ See: documentation, supplemental

support ­ See: Help, Office 2000; technical support

support costs, reducing with

custom error messages

default Office settings

Office 2000 Resource Kit

supporting files folders, keeping track on intranets

supporting files for embedded tags

SwitchForms utility (Outlook)

symmetric encryption routines

Excel workbooks

Word documents

Synchronization Manager (OSE)

synchronization, defined

system databases (Access) defined

system locale

setting for code pages

specifying language settings

System Management Server Package Definition Files

system policies subkeys, overriding ORAPI defaults

system policies, Access 2000

administering Web options on intranets

setting and disabling passwords

system policies, Excel 2000

administering Web options on intranets

preventing macro viruses

saving workbooks

in Excel 5.0/95 format

in Excel 98 and Excel 97

sharing workbooks with Excel 98 and Excel 97 users

using templates created in previous versions of Excel

system policies, Office 2000

administering Web options on intranets

client computer requirements

disabling Help on the Web

Download Office Web Components policy

enhanced Excel and Word


down user options

subkey in Windows registry

managing user options

applying to selected users or groups

avoiding conflicts between group policies

disabling interface items


limiting Guest account


setting options (list)

setting specific policies

setting standards

using environment variables

using Windows registry

working with templates (list)

modifying user option settings

overriding ORAPI defaults

preventing from adjusting language defaults

registering Answer Wizard after deploying Office

setting default file formats for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint

specifying default language settings

storing supporting HTML files on intranets

supporting traveling users

vs. Windows policies

system policies, Outlook 2000


commands on Web toolbars for intranets

Folder Home Pages

option to send Office files as HTML-based e-mail messages

Outlook Bar shortcuts

sending meeting requests using iCalendar standard


character encoding

format of localized messages

free/busy options for iCalendar

security levels

specifying and disabling folder home pages

system policies, PowerPoint 2000

administering Web options on intranets

preventing users from saving presentations in unapproved formats

resizing graphics to display properly in Web browsers

saving presentations

for PowerPoint 95 users

in PowerPoint 98 or PowerPoint 97 formats


default values for Presentation Broadcasting options

to run only signed macros


files with other applications

presentations with PowerPoint 97 and PowerPoint 98 users

templates with previous versions

system policies, Word 2000

administering Web options on intranets

alerting users about previously installed templates and add-ins

disabling features unsupported by Word 97


macro viruses with signed macros

users from saving documents in unapproved formats

saving documents in Word 6.0/95 formats

sharing documents with Word 95 and Word 6.0 users

System Policy Editor

activating custom error messages

controlling user settings across networks

adding users, groups, or computers

Allow background saves policy in Word

controlling recently used file list in PowerPoint

creating new policy files

disabling predefined menu commands and toolbar buttons

disabling shortcut keys

finding control IDs for menu commands and toolbar buttons


saving and distributing policy files

setting system policies

using virtual key codes for shortcut keys

creating system policy files


environment variables

intuitive settings



Office 2000 policies vs. Windows policies

Office 2000 Resource Kit

presetting security levels

relative priorities for group policies


default file formats for organization


simple policy

system policy files, Office 2000

adding users, groups, or computers


controlling user settings across a network


new with templates

with System Policy Editor

Default Computer icon

Default User icon

managing user options


saving and distributing with System Policy Editor

system policy template files, Office 2000 (list)

system policy templates

included in Office 2000 Resource Kit (list)


Office 2000 Resource Kit

system policy templates, Office 2000

Access9.adm, options

ClipGal5.adm  1, 2

controlling user settings across a network

creating new policy files

disabling predefined menu commands and toolbar buttons

Excel9.adm  1, 2

Instlr1.adm  1, 2

locating registry entries

Office9.adm, options

Outlk9.adm  1, 2


Ppoint9.adm  1, 2

Pub6.adm  1, 2

Word9.adm  1, 2

system requirements

NetShow Encoder

recommended hardware

recommended software

NetShow Services, recommended hardware

Office 2000

client platforms ­ See: client platforms

network platforms ­ See: network platforms

Office 2000 Resource Kit ­ See: Office 2000 Resource Kit

Office 2000 Developer

Office 2000 Premium

Office 2000 Professional

Office 2000 Small Business

Office 2000 Standard

traveling users

Windows Terminal Server

System.mdw files, converting

Systems Management Server (SMS) ­ See: SMS (Systems Management Server)

Systems Network Architecture (SNA) Distribution Services (SNADS)

Systems Network Architecture Server

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table locks with Jet database engine


accessing HTML data with Jet database engine

creating linked tables from ODBC data sources  1, 2

exceeds 32 indexes limit

linking or importing in previous-version Access databases

managing security

protecting in linked databases

renaming with Name AutoCorrect feature

RunPermissions property (Access)

saving new Word 2000 features in Word 6.0/95 and Word 97-2000 formats (list)

tabular text files, accessing data

tags, embedded for HTML pages

TeamStatus reports (Outlook)

technical support

business support services

e-mail services

FastTips fax-back services

Microsoft support staff with Answer Wizard feedback form

multivendor product services

Office 2000 Resource Kit ­ See: Office 2000 Resource Kit

on-site product services


proprietary product services

services for the deaf and hard-of-hearing

services outside United States and Canada

telephone services

Web services

Authorized Support Centers (ASCs) Web site

Enterprise Information Center Web site

Microsoft Certified Solution Providers (MCSP) Web site  1, 2

Microsoft Certified Technical Education Center (CTEC) Web site

Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Web site

Microsoft in the Enterprise Web site

Microsoft Knowledge Base Web site

Microsoft Office Web site

Microsoft Press Online Web site

Microsoft Scripting Technologies Web site

Microsoft Seminar Online Web site

Microsoft Software and Network Services Web site

Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF) Web site

Microsoft Support Online Web site  1, 2

Microsoft TechNet Web site  1, 2

Microsoft Year 2000 Resource Center Web site

Microsoft Year 2000 Web site support Web site

Office 2000 Resource Kit Web site

Office Developer Forum Web site

Office Enterprise Center Web site

Office Resource Kit for Office 97/98 Web site

Office Update Web site  1, 2

year 2000 issues

Temp folders, security risk

template files, PhotoDraw


Excel 2000, supporting templates created in other versions

FrontPage, collaborating with other Web authors

Office 2000 system policy ­ See: system policy templates, Office 2000

PowerPoint 2000, sharing with previous versions

system policy ­ See: system policy templates

Word 2000

alerting users about previously installed templates

sharing with previous versions  1, 2, 3

specifying file location settings

temporary files, removing during Office Setup

Terminal Server Tools ­ See: Windows Terminal Server Tools

Terminal Server ­ See: Windows Terminal Server

TermSrvr.mst file

test computers, configuring Office hard disk image installations

testing custom removal routines

text converters, Word 2000 ­ See: Word 2000 text converters

Text Import Wizard (Excel)

text with layout, importing into Word

text, multilingual ­ See: multilingual text

TGA 16-bit filters option

TGA 32-bit filters option

themes, collaborating with other Web authors

three-tier data access

TIFF 16-bit filters option

TIFF 32-bit filters option

TimeStampRetryCount registry subkey

TimeStampRetryDelay registry subkey

timestamps certificates

TimeStampURL registry subkey

Tivoli Enterprise and Tivoli IT Director

toolbar buttons, System Policy Editor

disabling  1, 2

finding control IDs


controlling Web pages on intranets


previous versions to Access 2000

to Access 2000

tools and technologies

data access technologies ­ See: data access technologies

Internet and intranet technologies ­ See: Internet and intranet technologies

programming technologies ­ See: programming technologies

server tools and technologies ­ See: server tools and technologies

tools, Office 2000 Resource Kit

other tools and information

Answer Wizard Builder

FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions Resource Kit

HTML Help Workshop

MultiLanguage Pack support files

Office Converter Pack

Office Resource Kit for Office 97/98


PowerPoint 97/2000 Viewer



supplemental documentation ­ See: documentation, supplemental

tools information

Custom Installation Wizard

Excel file recovery and date tools

installation tools (list)

Internet Explorer 5 Administration Kit

Language Version

Profile Wizard

Removal Wizard

System Policy Editor and templates

Systems Management Server package definition files

Terminal Server Tools

Unbind Binders Utility

TopValues property (Access)


publishing process status with FrontPage

Web page status and assigned authors

transactions, durable

transform (MST) files ­ See: MST files

TRANSFORM= command-line option

TRANSFORM= Setup option


transforming standard Office installations

transforms (MST files) ­ See: MST files


translating commands

Word multilingual macros

written in VB for Excel worksheets

traveling users

international, special considerations

removing MultiLanguage Pack files

roaming user profiles


Active Desktop

client requirements

code pages

configuring Windows 95 clients

configuring Windows 98 clients

configuring Windows clients

configuring Windows NT servers

configuring Windows NT Workstation clients

creating Profiles folder on servers

customizing installations

environment guidelines

flexible application shortcuts

Office user profiles


packing user profiles

preparing Office

Profile Wizard

reconciling OPS files

running applications from local hard disk

running applications from network

running from network


server requirements

setting system policies

sharing computers among multiple users

special considerations for international travelers

system requirements for

taking your Office with you

traveling between international offices

traveling within regional sites

using Windows installer

Web features available in Office 2000

troubleshooting ­ See: Help, Office 2000; technical support

TrueType fonts

big fonts ­ See: big font files

setting international to print

trust-based certificates, editing

trusted sources

presetting for organizations

preventing macro viruses with digital signatures

Excel 2000

PowerPoint 2000

Word 2000

specifying for Office application macros

TTY/TDD (teletypewriter/telecommunications device for the deaf) support

two-tier data access






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Unbind Binders Utility  1, 2, 3

Unhide command (Excel)


compressing files containing


code pages to

sort order

workbooks from Excel 2000, Excel 97, Excel 95, and Excel 5.0

creating multilingual Web pages

encoding UTF-8 in URLs

FrontPage 2000 vs. FrontPage 97 or FrontPage 98


Jet database engine

enhanced SQL commands and syntax

record-level locking

supporting standardized sorting

vs. ANSI and MBCS character sets

registry settings

sharing Word documents across language versions


Access 2000 vs. Access 97


Microsoft products

Office 2000

Outlook 2000

video display driver

Visual Basic

Windows 2000

Windows NT 4.0

using ChrW() function in VBA


vs. code pages  1, 2

Unicode characters not supported in Windows 95 shared file names

Unicode fonts

administering with MultiLanguage Pack


Unicode text


from previous PowerPoint versions to PowerPoint 2000

Publisher 97 to Publisher 2000



supporting multilingual

Unicode Web pages

Universal Data Access

UNIX NFS clients supported by Office 2000 (list)

UNIX operating system, providing security with FrontPage Server Extensions

UNIX servers, Office 2000 server tools and technologies

OLE DB provider (list)


Systems Network Architecture Server features (list)

Unset Database Password command (Access)

Update Data permission (Access)


extensions with FrontPage Server Extensions administration tools

Internet Explorer

root webs with FrontPage MMC snap-in administration tools

to Access 2000 ­ See: Access 2000, upgrading reference

to Excel 2000 ­ See: Excel 2000, upgrading reference

to FrontPage 2000 ­ See: FrontPage 2000, upgrading reference

to Office 2000 ­ See: Office 2000, upgrading

to Outlook 2000 ­ See: Outlook 2000, upgrading reference

to PowerPoint 2000 ­ See: PowerPoint 2000, upgrading reference

to Word 2000 ­ See: Word 2000, upgrading reference


base example for enabling custom error messages


changing in Help on the Web

setting Feedback URL policy

destination, redirecting Help on the Web link

encoding UTF-8 with FrontPage

multilingual, using UTF-8 encoding

registry subkey, modifying for custom error messages

storing on Outlook Bar

user access restrictions


with Startup options

user accounts, creating in Access 2000

User and Group Accounts dialog box (Access)

creating new user and group accounts

managing users, passwords, and groups

User and Group Permissions command (Access)

User and Group Permissions dialog box (Access)  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

user assistance ­ See: Help, Office 2000; technical support

user data management, IntelliMirror support

user interface

customizing languages

localized version limited language switching

user interface items, disabling

user interface languages

code pages


setting system locale

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Microsoft Jet 4.0

operating systems

user locale  1, 2

user options, Office 2000

customizing with Profile Wizard

limiting options for Guest accounts

locking down ongoing configurations

disabling built-in connections to the Web

disabling command bar items

disabling dialog box items

disabling password protection

disabling shortcut keys



preventing command bar customization

with system policies

managing with system policies

applying to selected users or groups

avoiding conflicts between group policies

disabling interface items



setting for groups

setting options (list)

setting specific policies

setting standards

using environment variables

using Windows registry

working with templates (list)

order of precedence

presetting in OPS files

using System Policy Editor

adding users, groups, or computers

Allow background saves policy in Word

controlling recently used file list in PowerPoint

creating new policy files

disabling predefined menu commands and toolbar buttons

disabling shortcut keys

finding control IDs for menu commands and toolbar buttons


saving and distributing policy files

setting system policies

using virtual key codes for shortcut keys

user profiles

Office ­ See: Office user profiles

traveling users

user settings

collecting with Profile Wizard

creating standard

managing with IntelliMirror (Windows 2000)


running Office applications on Windows Terminal Server

storing and retrieving

user subscriptions ­ See: Web Subscriptions

user-defined Office settings

user-level security

Access 2000 databases

Admin user accounts

Admins group account

defined  1, 2


setting for replicated databases

setting permissions

Users group account

using in databases

RunPermissions property (Access)  1, 2, 3

User-Level Security Wizard (Access)

assigning users to group accounts

changing object ownership


backup for current databases

new user accounts

new workgroup information files

predefined group accounts

secure workgroup information files

encrypting databases

functionality (list)

removing and granting permissions on all objects


all selected database objects

databases without log ons


front-end/back-end applications



on FrontPage-extended webs

with Windows NT Server

categories for setting permissions

hiding Web files from


international ­ See: international organizations; MultiLanguage Pack

multiple, sharing computers among

prompting to assign workgroup properties to Word documents

traveling ­ See: traveling users

year 2000, educating and training for

Users group account, user-level security

UTF-8 (Universal Character Set Transformation Format 8-bit)

multilingual URLs

multilingual Web pages

UTF-8 encoding  1, 2


Convert Database (Access)  1, 2, 3


Fpremadm ­ See: Fpremadm utilities

Fpsrvadm ­ See: Fpsrvadm utility

Fpsrvwin utility vs. FrontPage MMC snap-in

Language Version

Microsoft Office Language Settings

Office Resource Kit ­ See: tools, Office 2000 Resource Kit

SwitchForms (Outlook)

Unbind Binders  1, 2, 3

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environment ­ See: environment variables

Response Redirect

VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)

Access 2000, protecting code in converted databases

accessing disabled interface items


Access 2000, converting secured

accessing data using OLE DB data providers

accessing server data with ODBC drivers and OLE DB data providers  1, 2

Office 2000 support

Word 2000, automatically converting WordBasic code

control IDs for menu commands and toolbar buttons

converting from WordBasic for localized versions of Word

FrontPage 2000


securing with User-Level Security Wizard

implementing Universal Data Access

macros ­ See: macros

new COM add-ins

programming Office Web Components

programming technologies for Office 2000

Automation servers and Automation clients

expanded event model

Microsoft Script Editor

new custom object features

new programming features

new VBA functions

new VBA objects (list)


programmable applications (list)

programming individual Office applications

working with programmable services

using DAO to work with new Access databases

working with Jet database engine  1, 2

year 2000, preparing for

VBScript (Visual Basic Scripting Edition)

accessing data

creating server-side scripts

implementing Universal Data Access

modifying AutoNavigation object

Office 2000 support

Outlook 2000, customizing

programming Office Web Components

Web features available in Office 2000

working with Jet database engine

working with Script Editor, features (list)



creating and sharing with Outlook 2000

Outlook 2000 vs.

Exchange Client

Microsoft Mail 3.x for Windows

VeriSign  1, 2


encoding live or stored into ASF streams and files

producing streaming content using Windows Media Player

recording digital with codec

Send video option (PowerPoint Presentation Broadcasting)

video display drivers, Unicode support

Viewers can e-mail option (PowerPoint Presentation Broadcasting)

views, Exchange Client ­ See: Exchange Client

virtual business cards ­ See: vCards

virtual calendars ­ See: iCalendars, Outlook; vCalendars

virtual directories

removing anonymous access from MSOffice

using OSE on Windows NT Server or Workstation

virtual key codes

disabling custom shortcut key

using for shortcut keys

Virtual Sequential Access Method (VSAM)

virus protection, macros ­ See: macro viruses

virus scanning programs

viruses, macro ­ See: macro viruses

Visual Basic Editor, macros ­ See: macros, Visual Basic Editor

Visual Basic ­ See: VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)

Visual Basic keywords, not usable as identifiers in Access 2000 (list)

Visual C++, implementing Universal Data Access

Visual J++, implementing Universal Data Access

Visual Source Safe Code

voting (Outlook)  1, 2

VSAM (Virtual Sequential Access Method)

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WANs (wide area networks)

Web authoring, disabling and enabling

Web browsers

contributing to Office document discussions

manipulating Excel and Access data

optimizing international features

resizing graphics

support for Web features

support in Office 2000

limitations of Internet Explorer 3.0

limitations of Internet Explorer 4.01


Web browser requirements

Web features available (list)

Web features requiring Windows Desktop Update shell

Web collaboration databases

Web connections, disabling

Web Discussions

configuring database settings

configuring on OSE-extended webs

installing on client computers

international users

limitations of Internet Explorer 3.0

maintaining Office Server Extensions

managing on OSE-extended webs

on documents stored on remote non-IIS Web servers

OSE-extended webs permissions

preventing on other Web sites

requires OSE-extended webs

See also discussions

storing with MSDE or SQL Server

Web features available in Office 2000

Web features

adding shortcuts to Web folders


creating Web Subscriptions

enabled on DAV servers

enabling with Office Server Extensions

files, Web features available on servers supporting


for international users

on client computers

Office Server Extensions Start Page


Office Server Extensions

OSE-extended webs

supported by various browsers

taking advantage of Office

Web folders, managing files

Web servers, managing files

working offline

Web files, hiding from users

Web Find Fast feature

Web folders

adding shortcuts to


limitations of Windows NT Workstation 4.0 and Windows 95

managing files on Web servers

using localized versions

Web Folders object  1, 2, 3

Web Installer, confirming Office 2000 licenses

Web Layout command (Office)

Web Options dialog box

Web options, administering for intranets (list)

Web Page formats, Word 2000  1, 2

Web Page Preview command (Office)

Web pages

cascading style sheets

creating content for intranet (list)


adding interactive elements

collaboration features (list)

inserting animations/forms/hover buttons

tracking status and assigned authors

using categories to link new

Outlook 2000

controlling on intranets

organizing in public folders

publishing Calendar information in HTML

saving addresses in Contacts folders

saving files as

using multilingual features

zone security

Web Publishing feature

installing on client computers

on documents stored on remote non-IIS Web servers

OSE client components (list)

using replication mechanism offline

Web Publishing Wizard (Office)

Web servers

adjusting Web sites with FrontPage


remotely with FrontPage Server Extensions administration tools

security remotely

authenticating users on OSE-extended webs

collaborating on documents stored on

controlling access to content

DAV, Web features available on servers supporting

maintaining for HTML Help files

managing files through Web folders

Office document formats vs. HTML on intranets

reconciling document differences

support in Office 2000

supporting FrontPage Server Extensions (table)

using Office with

Web sites

adding FrontPage Server Extensions

adjusting for Web servers with FrontPage

collaborating with other Web authors

configuring new on IIS

controlling OSE directory browsing


and managing with FrontPage

Default Web Site

new with OSE Configuration Wizard


defined  1, 2


managing content and structure

managing with Reports view

publishing and maintaining

updating hyperlinks automatically

using to manage

working with other Office applications

FrontPage MMC snap-in administration tools

FrontPage Server Extensions, enhancing performance with

FrontPage tools, simplifying administration

managing with workgroup properties


unauthorized modification

Web Discussions on

required levels of source control

See also FrontPage-extended webs

setting permissions

categories of users (list)

enforcing with NTFS access control lists

granting to computers

managing more precisely

storing URLs on Outlook Bar

supporting sophisticated functionality

Web Subscriptions

configuring database settings

configuring on OSE-extended webs



installing SMTP on OSE-extended webs

limitations of Internet Explorer 3.0

managing on OSE-extended webs

monitoring and deleting

on documents stored on remote non-IIS Web servers

requires OSE-extended webs


to documents only

update frequency

specifying SMTP mail servers

storing with MSDE or SQL Server

subscribing to e-mail notifications

Web features available in Office 2000

Web technologies, sharing databases

Web toolbars

Outlook 2000, controlling Web pages on intranets

using hyperlinks to navigate between Office documents

Web, Help on




custom Help on the Web ­ See: Help on the Web, customizing


built-in user connections

Help links

firewall protection

FrontPage 2000, working with previous versions

FrontPage MMC snap-in administration tools, modifying content

FrontPage-extended ­ See: FrontPage-extended webs

Help on the Web ­ See: Help on the Web

Help sites (list)

locking down user options

OSE-extended ­ See: OSE-extended webs

WID (workgroup identifier)  1, 2


moving files from Macintosh

upgrading for Web browser support

Windows 2000

Distributed File System (DFS)

HTML files and folders, copying/moving/deleting

IntelliMirror support in Office 2000


My Network Places object

remote operating system installation

Unicode support

Windows 95

installing Office 2000 Premium related products

limitations of Office Web features (list)

Unicode characters in shared file names

Windows 95 clients, configuring for traveling users

Windows 95/98

%USERPROFILE% variable

optimizing international features

using localized General sort order

Windows 98

installing Office 2000 Premium related products

Unicode characters in shared file names

year 2000, changing default

Windows 98 clients, configuring for traveling users

Windows Desktop Update shell, limitations

Windows installer

flexible application shortcuts

IntelliMirror support

packages (MSI files) ­ See: MSI files

replaces Acme Setup

transforms (MST files) ­ See: MST files

using with traveling users

Windows Installer advertisement, limitations

Windows Installer packages, advertising

Windows Installer program (Msiexec.exe) ­ See: Msiexec.exe, Windows Installer program

Windows Media Player

Windows NT

%USERPROFILE% variable

group permissions (list)

Office 2000 Pre-Installation Pack for Windows NT

security for OSE

access control lists

advanced security with NTFS file system

Convert.exe converting FAT file system to NTFS file system


supporting NTFS file system

Windows NT 4.0

changing system locale

installing Office 2000 Premium on

installing Office 2000 Premium related products

supporting default sort order of localized databases

Unicode support

using NetShow Services for Presentation Broadcasting

Windows NT Certificate Services  1, 2

Windows NT Challenge/Response authentication  1, 2

Windows NT logon scripts, creating environment variables

Windows NT Server NetShow Services

Windows NT Servers

authenticating users with

OSE architecture

supporting traveling users

Windows NT Terminal Server Edition ­ See: Windows Terminal Server

Windows NT Workstation 4.0, limitations (list)

Windows NT Workstation clients, configuring for traveling users

Windows policies vs. Office policies

Windows registry

activating custom error messages

disabling Help on the Web

entries that accept environment variables (tables)

InstallLanguage setting

locking policies subkey

managing user options on different operating systems

Outlook entries to control security

registering custom Help files

restoring values with ORAPI

setting default values for PowerPoint 2000 Presentation Broadcasting options (list)

settings for extended characters

storing digital certificates

using system policies

Windows system policies, installing Office 2000 Premium

Windows taskbar, limitations

Windows Terminal Server

benefits of

improving Office 2000 performance on

installing Office 2000 on

Access 2000 default settings

configuring Outlook 2000

customizing MST files


Excel 2000 default settings

FrontPage 2000 default settings

installation options unavailable

installing non-English versions

installing Office Disc 1

installing Office Disc 2

installing Publisher 2000

MST files

Outlook 2000 default settings


PowerPoint 2000 default settings

saving OPS files

setting default Office application settings

using Office 2000

Word 2000 default settings

platform requirements

running Office 2000 requirements

system requirements

Windows Terminal Server Tools


Office 2000 Resource Kit

Windows Web Browsing Components

Windows Write 3.x

WinFax Starter Edition, Corporate/Workgroup vs. Internet Only

WinHelp files, creating custom Help topics

WithEvents keyword, not usable as identifier in Access 2000


Add a Web Folder

Answer (AW) ­ See: Answer Wizard (AW)

Conflict Resolution

Custom Installation ­ See: Custom Installation Wizard

Database Splitter (Access)

Date Fix (Excel)  1, 2, 3

Date Migration (Excel)  1, 2, 3

Network Installation

OSE Configuration ­ See: OSE Configuration Wizard

Profile ­ See: Profile Wizard

Removal ­ See: Removal Wizard

Rules (Outlook)

Text Import (Excel)

User-Level Security (Access) ­ See: User-Level Security Wizard (Access)

Web Publishing

WMF 16-bit filters option

WMF 32-bit filters option

WMF graphics format, moving files between Windows and Macintosh

Word 2000

and formatting

application-specific Web features

Asian text, using Global IMEs  1, 2

converting single or groups of files to

default settings for Terminal Server installations

enhanced system policies

file formats in Office 2000

installing on Terminal Server, default settings


content review

tracking changes

macros ­ See: macros

Office Converter Pack ­ See: Office Converter Pack

opening Microsoft Script Editor

saving in Word 6.0/95/97-2000 formats

formatting features (list)

Internet features (list)

new features (list)

table features (list)

workgroup features (list)

security ­ See: security, Word 2000


default file formats for saving files

HTML as default on intranets

supporting VBA

system policies ­ See: system policies, Word 2000

System Policy Editor, Allow background saves policy

upgrading reference

alerting users about previously installed templates and add-ins

automatically converting WordBasic code to equivalent VBA code

customizing the way documents are displayed from previous versions

disabling features unsupported by Word 97

macros ­ See: macros, Word 2000

native graphics formats (list)

native text converters (list)

opening and saving files with graphics filters  1, 2

opening documents in Word 97-2000 format

preventing users from saving documents in unapproved formats

saving documents in dual file formats Word 97-2000/6.0/95-RTF

saving documents in formats other applications can open

saving documents in previous versions  1, 2

See also templates, Word 2000

sharing documents with previous versions  1, 2

sharing documents with users who do not have Word

sharing files with other applications

sharing templates with previous versions  1, 2

why users can't load add-ins

Word 95 users opening documents saved in HTML and Word 2000 formats

year 2000 issues

Word 2000 graphics filters

native formats (list)

opening and saving images

Word 2000 text converters

included with Word 2000 Setup (list)

native text formats (list)

Word 3.x-6.0

Word 5.x and 4.0 for Macintosh

Word 6.0, multilingual text

Word 6.0/95

Word 95, copying multilingual text

Word 97, copying multilingual text

Word 97-2000

Word 97-2000 converters

opening documents in Word 97-2000/95/6.0

saving documents in dual file formats Word 97-2000 and 6.0/95-RTF

Word documents


inline discussion items

new workgroup property values

assigning workgroup properties

collaborating on those stored on Web servers

contributing to discussions

customizing way displayed from previous versions

disabling features unsupported by Word 97

graphics disappearing in converted documents

levels of protection

limitations of transferring between HTML and Office document formats on intranets


opening documents from previous versions in Word 2000

running macros from previous versions

sharing across language versions


documents in Word 97-2000 format

documents saved in other file formats

files with text converters and graphics filters

Word 2000 features in Word 95 or Word 6.0 (table)

Word 2000 features in Word 98 or Word 97 (table)

preventing users from saving documents in unapproved formats

protectable elements (list)



documents in formats other applications can open

in dual file formats Word 97-2000 and 6.0/95-RTF

in dual formats

in earlier formats

in RTF in Word 95/6.0

in Web Page format with Word 95

in Word 6.0/95 formats

new formatting features in Word 6.0/95/97-2000 formats (list)

new table features in Word 6.0/95/97-2000 formats (list)

new workgroup and Internet features in Word 6.0/95/97-2000 formats (list)

scanning for macro viruses

sending HTML-based e-mail messages  1, 2

setting security levels

sharing with

users who do not have Word

Word 95/6.0 users

Word 98/97 users

symmetric encryption routines

upgrading reference FAQs

Word multilingual macros, translating commands from previous versions

Word9.adm template  1, 2

WordBasic code, converting to Word 2000

WordBasic, converting to VBA


WordPerfect  1, 2

WordPerfect 4.0 for MS-DOS

WordPerfect 5.x for MS-DOS and Windows

WordPerfect 6.x for MS-DOS and Windows

WordStar 1.0-2.0 for Windows

WordStar 3.3-7.0 for MS-DOS

workbooks, Excel ­ See: Excel 2000 workbooks

Workgroup Administrator dialog box (Access)

workgroup administrator's group account, Admins group account

workgroup features

of Microsoft Project with Outlook 2000

saving Excel 2000 workbooks in Excel 5.0/95 formats (list)

saving PowerPoint 2000 presentations in PowerPoint 95 formats (list)

saving Word 2000 documents in Word 6.0/95/97-2000 formats (list)

workgroup identifier (WID)  1, 2

workgroup information files (Access)


and adding new user accounts

new secure  1, 2



workgroup properties

adding new values

assigning to Office documents

managing Web files

prompting users to assign to Word documents

Workgroup Properties dialog box (FrontPage)

Workgroup Properties dialog box (Word)

workgroup servers, e-mail servers ­ See: e-mail servers, Office 2000 server tools and technologies


Access 2000 databases

collaborating and sharing data on intranets

Corporate/Workgroup e-mail

At Work Fax feature

sharing information with Schedule+ and Outlook 2000




Outlook working with Exchange Server, features (list)

scheduling meetings (Outlook)

security options

setting default file formats with system policies

Shared32.ini files supported in Outlook 2000

using Internet messaging (list)

Works 3.0 for Windows

Works 4.x for Windows

worksheets, ORAPI (Office Registry API)

reading ORAPI spreadsheets

reading PathTree worksheets

reading RegistryMain worksheets

WPG 16-bit filters option

WPG 32-bit filters option

write locks, individual



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X.400 Connector (Outlook)

XLM (Excel macro language)

XML (Extensible Markup Language)

XOR encryption vs. RC4 encryption

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year 2000

Excel 2000

addressing in

functions accepting dates as arguments (list)

specifying new date formats

Excel workbooks, using Excel Date Fix Wizard and Excel Date Migration Wizard

Microsoft Year 2000 Compliance Statement

Microsoft Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure Statement

Microsoft Year 2000 Web site  1, 2

Office 2000

changing default from between 1930 and 2029

containing more than dates

date fields containing only date functionality

dealing with problems of unusual leap year

establishing guidelines for date formats


preparing for

setting four-digit short date formats

understanding issues

updating existing files

Regional Settings Properties

customizing for year 2000

setting four-digit short date formats

technical support channels

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zone security (Outlook)


  Friday, March 5, 1999
© 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of use.
